Gleb Glinka launched his career as an American attorney by working first for the Vermont Secretary of State (who then became Vermont Governor), and then for a federal bankruptcy judge in Vermont.
After that, Gleb Glinka appeared in 5,318 federal bankruptcy cases in the U.S. - an obvious product of his law clerkship with a bankruptcy judge of that same court,
participated in multiple US AID projects in military zones from Kosovo to Georgia (not a U.S. state) to the Urkaine.
During his fervent activity as the director of the ABA ROLI initiative, Glinka arranged for a meeting of the then-president of the American Bar Association Steve Zack with the Russia Chief Judge Vyacheslav Lebedev (according to some documents in open access on the Internet).
While working on Gleb Glinka's contacts, I ran Vyasheslav Lebedev's name on the Russian Internet. And obtained very interesting information. While in 2008 there was some law passed in Russia that prohibited Russian judges to travel abroad on foreign dime, in September of 2013, Judge Lebedev paid an interesting visit to Ghana (an African country).
The world has learnt that Judge Lebedev was in Ghana because The France Presse, and then Russian media sources, picked up and spread the story that Judge Lebedev allegedly became a victim of a car accident in Ghana - when a truck allegedly ran into a car where Judge Lebedev was traveling, and Judge Lebedev sustained grievous injuries.
Journalists instantly became alert that:
- there was no announcement about the allegedly official visit of Judge Lebedev to Ghana;
- the "official" announcement was made only after the French press ran its article about the truck-to-judge accident;
- after the "accident", no reports were made that any truck driver was held responsible for the judge's injuries and no name of the alleged truck driver was ever mentioned anywhere;
- Judge Lebedev's injuries were consistent with "an attack of a large animal"; and
- media sources started to speculate whether Judge Lebedev, along with an interpreter and two other judges - the Chief Judge of the Moscow Regional Court and of the Saratov Regional Court - were in Ghana not for any kind of "conference" to "exchange opinions" and judicial wisdom and expertise, but went there for a safari - to hunt elephants.
I will publish just some of them - with an explanation. Gleb Glinka's ABA Rule of Law Initiative in Moscow - at least, that is what the reports of that venerable project say - had a partner, a non-profit where the only partner listed was a judge from Vermont, John Dooley.
Non-profits in the U.S. are heavily regulated.
I looked up that non-profit that listed $1 (one U.S. dollar) in assets and another $1 in liabilities.
That "partner" of the ABA ROLI was registered at
190 Fern Court
Colchester, VT
which is a residential address:
The Vermont Karelia Rule of Law non-profit, a non-profit set with Gleb Glinka's friend Judge Dooley as President, started its activities in Russia in 1991 - when Dr. Lisa's second son was born.
That non-profit still has over $287,000 in assets, and its last reporting year, 2014, showed the initial balance of over $4,000,000 - somebody was funneling (oh, sorry - donating) money through this organization.
But, the Vermont Karelia Rule of Law non-profit was not the main one in the ABA Rule of Law project in Moscow. The other one was.
The one where several very busy judges, at the time when court budgets are extremely tight, caseloads are extremely high and crushing (that's what American judges say when they want a salary raise), nevertheless found their valuable time to not only gather to work and "serve" on the board of Gleb Glinka's "partner" to the ABA ROLI project - but even to travel to Russia, mostly to tourist destinations, having "training" and "seminars" and "meetings" and what not in:
- St. Petersburg and surroundings area;
- Novgorod;
- Pskov;
- Rostov; and, of course
- Karelia - all tourist destinations.
latest reported assets of $1, reported income of $1 (for 2013), and an empty website.
The corporation hired an accountant to file the 2013 tax return in 2014, signed by a secret officer of the corporation. The accountant was shared with the "Karelia" non-profit "located" in the same residential address, so that non-profit, likely, paid for that accountant, because this non-profit is an empty shell and cannot pay even one hour of a minimum-wage worker.
The Russian American Rule of Law Consortium Inc has a long list of "Honorables" as officers of the non-profit corporation:
- Hon. John A. Dooley, President, Vermont;
- Hon. Paul Chernoff, Vice-President, Massachusetts;
- Hon. Jonathan Silbert, Treasurer, Connecticut;
- Pamela Q. Harris, Secretary;
- Hon. Caroline Grassman, Director;
- Hon. Jacalyn A Colburn, Director, New Hamshire;
- Mary Beth Feindt, Director, New York;
- Hon. Alexander O. Bryner, Director, Alaska, retired from the bench in 2007;
- Hon. Martha Walters, Director, Oregon;
- Hon. John C. Coughenour, Director, Washington (federal court);
- Hon. Stephen P. Friot, Director, a federal court in Oklahoma.
- Alaska;
- Connecticut;
- Massachusetts;
- New Hampshire;
- Oklahoma;
- Oregon;
- Vermont;
- Washington
According to my information, Judge Dooley participated in trips of Russian judges to the U.S. since the early 2000s.
Judge Dooley even taught "moot court" (playacting an American jury trial) at the Petrozavodsk University Legal Department sometime in 2003 or so.
Yet, Judge Dooley is also "famous" for how exactly he applied the rule of law to himself.
a Massachussets Superior Court judge of 28 years, now retired and practicing law at Broody Hardoon Perkins & Kesten, LLP, a Boston law firm.
It is characteristic of this "honorable" judge that, while accepting a position in a law firm, he only pledged "not to do any court work", not to personally appear in front of judges of his court, but did not recognize that by joining the law firm that does litigation in "his court", a disqualification or at the very least an appearance of impropriety and an unfair advantage is created for the firm employing the judge.
This judge, according to his biography advertised on the website of his law firm (he is now retired), has his Bachelor's degree (a "minor") in "Russian civilization" and some vast experience touring and lecturing in Russia - as well as in other countries. It is astounding how much time a busy judge working on public dime with a crushing caseload can squeeze for a free international all-paid ride:
Note that while lauding himself for being so diligent in being educated about the "Russian Civilization", and lecturing in Russia "on mediation", and even being a part of "Connecticut-Pskov Rule of Law Partnership", Judge Silbert did not drop one word that he is actually the Treasurer of The Russian-American Rule of Law Consortium, partner of Gleb Glinka's ABA ROLI project and the bearer of Gleb Glinka's many secrets about money streams that supported his project, and what made that project work.
Judge Coughenour is known for his impassioned stand against "special rules" to try people charged with crimes of terrorism, insisting that if the law enforcement and prosecution could not collect the evidence properly and present the case properly, and there is no conviction because of it - so be it, that's the price that society has to pay for being a "leader on human rights and our commitment to our Constitution" - a decent thing to say for a judge while the majority of state and federal judiciary comes from former prosecutors and has a decidedly prosecutorial slant.
Yet, this stand on the "rule of law" and equality under the law for all accused of crimes without regard of what the crime is (criminal defendants are all covered by presumption of innocence - a lost cause for many jurors, as well as prosecutors and judges) disappears when Judge Coughenour, same as other federal judges, dismisses civil rights lawsuits on contrived judicially created theories of "abstentions", "deferences", "comities", Rooker-Feldman, Younger doctrines - artificial restrictions to jurisdiction of federal courts and de facto amendments to the Civil Rights Act that federal judges in the U.S. are not allowed, by Articles I and III of the U.S. Constitution, to make.
By the way, Judge Coughenour has been a Chair of the first "task force" of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit for gender bias.
It is interesting to have in one group of "directors" for a Russian American Rule of Law Consortium, a partner of an American Bar Association Rule of Law initiative in Russia,
- a female Judge Martha Walters, who happily allows four men, her colleagues on the court, to behave in an uncivilized manner, sitting comfortably while making the only two women judges on the court stand,
- and a judge who chaired a task force of a large jurisdiction on gender bias, 28 years ago...
Judge Friot, whom Gleb Glinka used as an expert in "comparative constitutional studies":
became in-famous for allowing the State of Oklahoma to kill its condemned prisoners with drugs that have previously led to botched and tortured executions, to be used again.
At this time I will simply say that these people were teaching Russian attorneys and judges about how to regulate the legal profession, and how to adhere to the rule of law:
- while many of them had ethical problems themselves as to how they discharged their own duties;
- while it was hugely unethical to violate the Russian 2008 law prohibiting judges to travel on foreign dime and to still invite Russian judges to the U.S. on trips financed by the ABA, US AID and "Open World" - and at the same time teach judges and attorneys, Russian and American, about ethics and rule of law;
- while it was hugely unethical for them to travel on the dime of the American Bar Association, whose members appeared in their courts.
Whenever anybody, with a kind face, like this,
tries to teach you how to do things better in your own back yard (country), while having a complete mess in his own - you know something stinks.
And especially when the teaching about ethics and the rule of law comes from an organization that distances itself from attorneys, both within the U.S. and from foreign countries, who were persecuted by their governments for fighting against human rights violations - in order not to loose business benefits with such oppressors of human rights.
When the ABA sold out Chinese attorney Dr. Teng Biao to remain in good graces of the Chinese government in order for clients of ABA's members to continue to do profitable business in China, the ABA, of course, was only "trying to do the right thing".
According to a human rights expert, director of Amnesty International,
The ABA, and Glinka, do not care whether there is the rule of law in Russia or not.
They care whether they can do their own personal business, and enrich themselves, and for that, they will mute criticism and arrange for elephant hunts or whatever other kinds of entertainment - as long as they can get Russian officials in the judicial and attorney establishment to "do business" with them.
I will continue with publications on ABA's Rule of Law projects in Russia - and in other countries.
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