"If the judges interpret the laws themselves, and suffer none else to interpret, they may easily make, of the laws, [a shredded] shipman's hose!" - King James I of England, around 1616.

“No class of the community ought to be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. They have the best opportunities of observing and forming a correct judgment. They are in constant attendance on the courts. Hundreds of those who are called on to vote never enter a court-house, or if they do, it is only at intervals as jurors, witnesses or parties. To say that an attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present system,” Justice Sharwood in Ex Parte Steinman and Hensel, 95 Pa 220, 238-39 (1880).

“This case illustrates to me the serious consequences to the Bar itself of not affording the full protections of the First Amendment to its applicants for admission. For this record shows that [the rejected attorney candidate] has many of the qualities that are needed in the American Bar. It shows not only that [the rejected attorney candidate] has followed a high moral, ethical and patriotic course in all of the activities of his life, but also that he combines these more common virtues with the uncommon virtue of courage to stand by his principles at any cost.

It is such men as these who have most greatly honored the profession of the law. The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these. To force the Bar to become a group of thoroughly orthodox, time-serving, government-fearing individuals is to humiliate and degrade it.” In Re Anastaplo, 18 Ill. 2d 182, 163 N.E.2d 429 (1959), cert. granted, 362 U.S. 968 (1960), affirmed over strong dissent, 366 U.S. 82 (1961), Justice Black, Chief Justice Douglas and Justice Brennan, dissenting.

" I do not believe that the practice of law is a "privilege" which empowers Government to deny lawyers their constitutional rights. The mere fact that a lawyer has important responsibilities in society does not require or even permit the State to deprive him of those protections of freedom set out in the Bill of Rights for the precise purpose of insuring the independence of the individual against the Government and those acting for the Government”. Lathrop v Donohue, 367 US 820 (1961), Justice Black, dissenting.

"The legal profession must take great care not to emulate the many occupational groups that have managed to convert licensure from a sharp weapon of public defense into blunt instrument of self-enrichment". Walter Gellhorn, "The Abuse of Occupational Licensing", University of Chicago Law Review, Volume 44 Issue 1, September of 1976.

“Because the law requires that judges no matter how corrupt, who do not act in the clear absence of jurisdiction while performing a judicial act, are immune from suit, former Judge Ciavarella will escape liability for the vast majority of his conduct in this action. This is, to be sure, against the popular will, but it is the very oath which he is alleged to have so indecently, cavalierly, baselessly and willfully violated for personal gain that requires this Court to find him immune from suit”, District Judge A. Richard Caputo in H.T., et al, v. Ciavarella, Jr, et al, Case No. 3:09-cv-00286-ARC in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Document 336, page 18, November 20, 2009. This is about judges who were sentencing kids to juvenile detention for kickbacks.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A follow-up on the People v Norman J. Michaels reversal: Judge Lambert had a chance of not allowing the case to go to trial, but instead chose to badger a veteran defense counsel to favor his former boss, the Otsego County DA

This is a follow-up blog about the reversal in People v. Norman Michaels in the Otsego County Supreme Court - after I initially reported about this case here.

I received some documents from the case, and am starting to publish them here, with comments.  They do warrant public attention.

Today I am publishing portions from the pretrial oral conference, with motions by defendant's counsel Terence Kindlon of Albany, New York.

Terence Kindlon has been practicing since 1974, for 30 years by the time of the trial:

He was already targeted by the Appellate Division 3rd Department's disciplinary system for doing his job as a criminal defense attorney.

In 2012 Mr. Kindlon was sanctioned by the licensing court for reviewing and photographing "without prosecution's permission" documents on prosecutor's table during a recess in a criminal trial.

Of course, nobody wanted to mention in that censure decision that the prosecution cannot have anything on its table by the time of the trial that was not given to the defense, and Mr. Kindlon's actions were not only legitimate, but desirable.

The 3rd Department, nevertheless, sanctioned Mr. Kindlon, following its policy targeting civil rights and criminal defense attorneys and endorsing any misconduct a governmental attorney may engage in.  

Of course, Kindlon publicly accepted the unfair discipline - possibly, likely to prevent further harassment from the disciplinary authorities.

Here is Kindlon's picture, posted in the article about his discipline -and about his successful defense in a murder trial.  The picture clearly shows that Kindlon is not, let's say, a spring chicken.  He is an elderly individual, and I know that he is also an Army veteran.

That will be important for this blog.

Here is what happened before the trial in People v Norman J. Michaels.

Mr. Kindlon made a pre-trial (omnibus) motion.  

Judge John Lambert granted review of grand jury minutes, granted review (by himself, in secrecy, without showing the defense attorney), and said that everything in the Grand Jury minutes is appropriate.

Yet, based on an additional motion from Mr. Kindlon, Lambert later on dismissed count 4 of the indictment, insurance fraud, because at the time of the alleged act there was no such criminal statute.

Obviously, Lambert knew about it when he was reviewing grand jury minutes.

Obviously, Lambert knew that if there was no such crime at the time of the alleged conduct, while endorsing it as legally sufficient to go to trial - and, remember, the reversal was on the law, not on the facts of the case, meaning that Lambert screwed up since the very beginning of the case, he should have dismissed it from the very beginning.

Moreover, the remaining charges were for grand larceny.  Mr. Michaels was an insurance agent who received a commission for obtaining insurance policies.  According to Mr. Michaels, the insurance company did not void the insurance contracts with policyholders and kept the money.  According to Mr. Michaels, no demands were made for him to return the commission.

Under these circumstances, no larceny or grand larceny could be charged.

The prosecutor knew it.  The judge knew it.  The prosecutor John Muehl was the former boss of the judge who was Chief Assistant District Attorney under John Muehl until his election in 2008.

So, the judge decided to play dumb and to play his usual game - "move up or move on".

Here is how he did it.

This is the conference before trial.

Otsego County already expended money to bring in a jury pool, paid per diems to potential jurors, potential jurors already lost their business opportunities, hours of pay in employment, had to arrange for daycare for their kids etc. - went through a lot of expense and inconvenience to be there in court.  Unnecessarily.

Yet, the court still had a chance to save face and dismiss the indictment right there.

No, Judge Lambert decided to play dumb and play into the hands of his former boss John Muehl, who also played dumb and pretended that he was acting in good faith and not, as he was, catering for a corporation that apparently had, for some reason, a grudge against Mr. Michaels.

If the insurance company had a grudge, it could have sued Mr. Michaels.  That did not happen.  Instead, the insurance company decided to save expense of litigation and to shift it upon the Otsego County taxpayers, who are already hurting to the point that their governmental services are cut because of budgetary constraints.  

The judge knew it.

The prosecutor knew it.

Neither cared.

So, here is the pretrial conference.

Mr. Kindlon, quite logically, states that if there cannot be a crime of insurance fraud, there cannot be a crime of a scheme to defraud based on insurance fraud.

Lambert agrees with his former boss who tries to save his case, and repeats like a parrot that it is a "separate crime".   Yet, since the "separate crime" is based on facts that do not constitute a crime, it must be dismissed the same way as the count 4 was.  

But ok, Lambert denied that oral motion.

See what happens next.

Mr. Kindlon then uses Judge Lambert denial and asks for a limiting instruction to the prosecution.  If that is a separate crime, please, do not use terminology from the dismissed crime in any way, describing the remaining "separate" criminal charges.

Mr. Kindlon's position and request is clear as day.

See what happens when Mr. Kindlon makes that request.

The prosecutor acknowledges that, if he is not allowed to play with words and present the already dismissed count of the indictment in a paraphrased form, he will be unable to prove other charges, and the indictment will have to be dismissed.

And that is where Lambert should have put his foot down - and dismiss the indictment right there and then.  After all, that is what the Appellate Court did in the future, on the law, but only after Mr. Michaels who is also not a spring chicken, had to undergo the stress, indignity and expense of the criminal jury trial with wild publicity, undergo loss of his insurance licenses in many states as a result of the conviction that did not have to happen, and more publicity.  Mr. Michaels, as I understand, was sent by Lambert to jail after the verdict, was denied by Lambert bail pending appeal, so Mr. Michaels had to, once again, undergo unnecessary stress, effort and expense to apply to the appellate court for bail...  Only to arrive to the same result as Lambert had to do, as his duty of County Judge dictated, and dismiss the indictment at the time of arraignment, at the time of first and second pretrial motion and at the time of the pretrial conference and the "moment of truth" when John Muehl said that "to say that [Muehl] cannot refer to this as being a fraudulent act in connection with insurance, then you might as well dismiss the indictment now because [Muehl couldn't] prove any of [his] charges".

Mr. Kindlon modestly said that he agreed to the dismissal at that time :).

Yet, Muehl carried on and stated that to dismiss an indictment to him is "an absurd request" and that "he does not see any basis for it whatsoever", even after the basis was squarely laid down by Mr. Kindlon.

And Lambert immediately sides with Muehl.

Kindlon diplomatically says that he does not understand the judge's ruling.  Of course, he does, he sees that the judge is biased, but he simply tries to get the judge to explain himself.

I would have made a motion to recuse at this point.  Many attorneys are afraid to make such motions.  Kindlon was just sanctioned at that time, and could be afraid to make motions that could land him back in the disciplinary court, and there are precedents when attorneys were disciplined as if for misconduct, for doing their duty for their clients and making motions to recuse biased judges.

Lambert states what he allegedly thinks Kindlon's request was - incorrectly.

Kindlon corrects Lambert.

Lambert claimed he understood correctly because he "wrote it down".

Lambert goes further and states that John Muehl has remaining two counts of "larcenies".  In fact, they were grand larcenies.  

And says that "they can certainly go through with that" - even while Lambert knows that a larceny is unsustainable against an insurance agent where the insurance company did not rescind the insurance contract under which the insurance agent drew his commission, did not return to policyholders their money and did not ask for Mr. Michaels' commission back.

So, there was no basis to charge Mr. Michaels for larceny or grand larceny.

Yet, Lambert denies Kindlon's request to preclude mentioning of insurance fraud (already dismissed) in connection with the larceny counts (unsustainable from any point of view), in order to allow his former boss John Muehl to have a chance to win those unsustainable charges and obtain a wrongful conviction against Mr. Michaels.

Kindly still does not give up and continues to fight for his client.

Kindly now starts to call a spade a spade and tells Lambert that Lambert is misinterpreting Kindlon's requests.

Lambert, who is nearly twice younger than Kindlon and certainly not as experienced in criminal trials as Kindlon is, treats Kindlon as an errant schoolboy.

Now, this exchange shows how important it would have been to have a videotape of the trial and all conferences in Lambert's chambers.

Kindlon has to verbalize Lambert's intonation and, likely, body language to  protect his client's interests.  He says that Lambert gave him "a sarcastic look".   Appellate court, that has, by its jurisdictional statute, authority to review all facts in the court below anew (de novo), usually "defers" (rubber-stamps) factual determinations of the lower courts because the lower courts has the opportunity to see the body language of witnesses.

The same refers to the body language of the judges.  

It would have been a lot easier to show bias if a video coverage was available.

The "deference" was, probably, a reasonable idea when video coverage was not as cheap and easily available as it is now.  Now, anybody with a smartphone can record the whole trial without a problem, to preserve evidence for appellate review, and to continue to prohibit the video coverage, and at the same time defer to "trial court factual determinations" BECAUSE video coverage is prohibited is an outrageous violation of litigants', especially criminal litigants', constitutional rights.

Attorneys are usually afraid of discipline and do not verbalize judicial body language for the record, as Mr. Kindlon said, commenting on Lambert giving him "a sarcastic look".

Lambert obviously knew about Kindlon's sanction and likely did not expect such a bravery.  Yet, bravery happened.

And Lambert lashes back at a nearly-70 year old veteran trial lawyer whose only "fault" was that he was diligently doing his job:

  • he wrongfully accuses Kindlon of saying an "untruth" to the court, setting him up for a new disciplinary violation;
  • he wrongfully accuses Kindlon of "badgering the court", setting him for yet another new disciplinary violation;
  • he wrongfully accuses Kindlon of incompetence, not making it clear what he wants in his motions - repeatedly.
All of that is necessarily happening in the presence of Mr. Kindlon's client who is present at all pretrial conferences immediately preceding the felony trial, so the judge is actually badgering Mr. Kindlon, humiliating him in front of his client before trial and is trying to show to Mr. Michaels that his attorneys is not worth going to trial with.

All of that Lambert is doing knowingly, playing into his former boss's hands, on absolutely worthless charges.

The purpose is very clear - to intimidate Mr. Michaels and coerce him into a plea bargain, with a waiver of his right to appeal of the legal insufficiency of charges.  It worked with so many other scared criminal defendants.  

Luckily for Mr. Michaels, he had the courage to proceed to trial, and his attorney Mr. Kindlon had the skills to handle the case in such a way that he made a record upon which a reversal became possible.

Kindlon keeps acting professionally and simply states that he never meant to offend Lambert.

And against all odds, against the unfair resistance of the judge, against sarcasm, harassment, humiliation and badgering by Lambert in front of Kindlon's client, Kindlon continues to do his job and repeats that, as difficult as such a decision may appear to the court, the prosecutor should be precluded from using terminology from the dismissed count in proving the remaining counts.

And diplomatically states that he hopes NOW it is clear - even though what Kindlon was asking for was exceedingly clear from the very beginning.

Lambert arrogantly and patronizingly tells Kindlon that Lambert has actually been "very patient" with Kindlon.

Then, Lambert denies Kindlon's request and orders the worthless case to proceed to trial.

What happened next is the trial, the conviction, the sentencing, sending Mr. Michaels to jail, denial of bail, obtaining bail pending appeal from the appellate court - and reversal on the law, with dismissal of the indictment.

In a case where criminal charges 

(1) should never have been brought by John Muehl;
(2) should have been tossed by Lambert before trial.

This case is a case study in prosecutorial and judicial misconduct and "how to obtain a wrongful conviction" - as well as "how to intimidate and humiliate a criminal defense attorney", or, as judges, police and prosecutors call criminal defense counsel - "those big-mouth attorneys".

Yet, Kindlon fought for his client against all odds - and in the long run he was right, and he won.

Mr. Michaels was lucky to have Kindlon.

Mr. Michaels was lucky that the Appellate Division was not asleep at the wheel this time, as it usually does, and that the Appellate Division reversed the conviction and dismissed the indictment, even though not exactly on the same (and on the most easy) grounds upon which it could have been dismissed."

The problem remains that - Mr. Michaels cannot return time, effort, health, reputation, money lost in defense against these worthless claims.

The jurors cannot return time spent during that trial and inconvenience and expense it cost them.

The county and its taxpayers cannot redeem money unnecessarily wasted upon this trial and on the work of the appellate court - wasted from the point of view that those proceedings did not have to become needed, and to utilize human and other resources of two courts, had Lambert done his job and tossed the case from the very beginning.

And the main problem remains that both Lambert and Muehl still retain their position and will likely continue on their merry way, engaging in the same misconduct in other cases.

After all, not all people have the money for a private attorney of the caliber of Mr. Kindlon to fight for them like Mr. Kindlon did for Norman Michaels.

And not all convicted criminal defendants have good attorneys on appeal.

And even with good attorneys on both levels, the appellate court does not always do its job and listens, because over 95% of criminal convictions are affirmed on appeal - as a matter of an unwritten policy.

And Lambert and Muehl are shamelessly using people's lack of resources to drum up wrongful convictions.

As Lambert and his court attorney Mark Oursler tell people complaining of Lambert's errors:

Move up (appeal) or move on (suck it up).

No, Judge Lambert. 

You were elected to actually do your job, not shift it to the appellate court in the hope that they will be asleep at the wheel and rubber-stamp your decisions.

You were actually elected to faithfully enforce the law.

And if you do not want to do it, maybe, it is not the right job for you?

Election results for judicial candidate Christine Ryba should be voided because of false advertisement in her election campaign and fraud upon voters

Recently, the NYS Statewide Commission for Attorney Discipline where the judicial nominee Christine Ryba is a member, issued a Final Report where there was no trace of the problem of selective enforcement (or, rather, non-enforcement) of attorney discipline against politically connected attorneys, and no trace of concern about corruption within the court system.

I already wrote about the reasons for such stark omissions - despite public testimony in the three "public" hearings about such corruption and selective non enforcement.

The reason is simple - because members of the Commission were those who actually participate in such corruption and selective non-enforcement.

Christine Ryba is a good example of unethical behavior that is occurring under the very nose of the Chief Judge of Appellate Division 3rd Department which disciplines, to the point of disbarment, civil rights attorneys, but allowed Christine Ryba to use court computers to pressure court employees to make contributions to her campaign.

I am not familiar with names of court clerks across the State of New York, so I will have to take some time and use this tip, comparing the names on Christine Ryba's financial filings with the New York State Board of Elections with available databases of court employees to see the matches.

I will report as to the matches on this blog.

Chrstine Ryba was also reported to have misrepresented her status in her election campaign - initially, before she was caught - as being already "of New York Supreme Court", instead of being a mere nominee for New York State Supreme Court.

Here are the "before" and "after" screenshots off of Christine Ryba's Facebook campaign page.

The 1,795 "likes" on the screen above are at least 1,795 defrauded potential voters - and this fraud is irreversible.

Christine Ryba also reported in her 30-second video clip that she "recommends and drafts" judicial decisions for the 3rd Department court.

Watch how confidently Ryba tells her voters that she, in fact, does what she has no authority to do ("recommend" decisions), that she, in fact, influences decisions of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division 3rd Judicial Department, a court which for most litigants is the first and last appellate destination, because the NYS Court of Appeals is a court of extremely limited jurisdiction, and there is no right of appellate review "as of right" in the U.S. Supreme Court, not to mention that every new appellate step, on top of its uncertainty, is prohibitively expensive.

If she could exert improper influence upon judges of the Appellate Division before her ascension to the bench, she will retain those connections after she takes the bench, and if she could not be deterred by attorney ethics from influencing judges before she came to the bench, for the sake of her career advancement, think what she can do to prevent reversal of her decisions when she comes to the bench.

In her video clip, in addition to boasting that she "recommends and drafts" decisions of Appellate Division 3rd Department, she claims superior trial experience.

Here is an anonymous comment from the blog featuring her unethical conduct in her election campaign, and they are anonymous for fear of retribution and for real fear of losing law licenses - and from the office that is the legal representative of the 3rd Department AND Cristine Ryba, the New York State Attorney General's office:

So, a colleague of hers who is fearing for his or her livelihood to show his or her name, does not have such a superior opinion of her alleged trial experience, and Ryba did not present a list of cases in her campaign where she would be the 1st chair, so the comment may very well be true.   

Here is another comment, from the same blog:

I think so, too.  If Ryba is behaving this way in her election campaign, just think what she will do on the bench.

And the naive me, an appellate attorney in that court, was hoping, same as my clients do, that it is the judges elected to the Supreme Court and then appointed by the New York State Governor to the Appellate Division that make the decision.

Now I will have to make motions to vacate all decisions made by that court as having been influenced by a non-judge - according to Christine Ryba's video confession to the voters.

Christine Ryba was also quite recently criticized in the press for violating rules of ethics for judicial candidates by not-so-subtly stating in her campaign that a judge of town court handling traffic tickets (which is not the only thing that a town justice do, where a town justice also handles felony arraignments, felony hearings and a full scope of misdemeanor procedure, from arraignment to jury trials - as well as a variety of civil cases) is not sufficiently qualified for the high position of a Supreme Court justice.

People wrote unnamed letters about Christine Ryba's solicitation of funds for her campaign from court employees through the use of court e-mails for fear of retribution from the "ethical" Ryba and her "benefactor" judge Karen Peters.

Here is the letter that was initially reported on this blog - also by an anonymous blogger.

Here is a screenshot from Ryba's Facebook campaign page I took today where Ryba is boasting of endorsements from two bar associations:  

  • Albany County - where the 3rd Department court is sitting and where Ryba is on the executive committee (thus disqualifying attorneys from that committee from appearing in the court through possibilities of ex parte communications); and
  • Ulster County - where Judge Peters' chambers are located (Kingston, NY, Ulster County).  Last year I wrote a blog about an incident that occurred in Ulster County Supreme Court where Supreme Court Judge Cahill's chambers were located on the same floor with Karen Peters' chambers, and I personally sat in the waiting room shared by the two judges in Kingston, NY, Ulster County.

Yet, Ryba lies on her Facebook page above that the endorsement from Ulster County Bar Association is "valuable" for her because there is allegedly no connection between the Ulster County Bar Association and Ryba - who is necessarily working for the judge she serves in that same Ulster County, where her judge's chambers are located.

And she lied not once, but twice, with an hour's interval, deliberately.

So, she is caught in one misrepresentation - and changes her post on Facebook, and immediately puts in another misrepresentation.

What kind of judge she is going to be if for her, the main thing is not to be caught?

And, her reprehensible (although, very likely, true) claim that she had the power to influence the appellate court by "recommending" and "drafting" the court's decisions means that it is Ryba who recommended suspension and disbarment of other attorneys for allegedly unethical behavior!  While considering herself untouchable because of her proximity to and influence upon the Chief Judge.

Reba already posted her "acceptance speech" thanking everybody who she defrauded into voting for her:

Now that she successfully defrauded voters, I suggest that petitions should be filed with the NYS Board of Elections and with the State Supreme Court in the district where Ryba is elected to void her elections based on fraud.  

I also suggest that New York State Attorney General should take his head out of the sand and finally stand up for the People of the State of New York who elected him to protect them from fraud, even and especially when it comes from public officials - and to oust Ryba if she is elected (and she is leading in the race right now, according to reports) based on a write of quo warranto, as a usurper-through-fraud of a high public office of a Supreme Court judge.

I suggest that NYS AG looks in the direction of the trial now occurring against Sheldon Silver and that will soon occur against Dean Skelos.

It was NYS Attorney General's job to protect the public from fraud in the government.

He did not do his job and allowed fraud to thrive for years and decades, hurting people and costing them millions of dollars in public funds.

It is time to start doing his job.

I believe, Ryba's behavior in her election campaign warrants ousting her from the bench she grabbed through fraud, and it also warrants her disbarment.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

If access to legal remedies is thwarted, there should be no surprises that alternative valves to find those LEGAL remedies are sought

Over the course of my law practice as a criminal defense, Family Court, Supreme Court and civil rights attorney, over my history as a blogger, I have been talking to many people, clients, friends, neighbors, readers of my blog, about the essential goals and purposes of the court system - and whether those purposes and goals are fulfilled in the United States.

The goal of any court system is to set conflict resolution in a society in an orderly fashion, thus preventing social chaos, unrest and private vendettas.

When the court system does not fulfil those functions and, in and of itself, starts to spread injustice and personal vendettas of the administrators and insiders of the system against non-insiders, the natural thing occurs, the natural thing being appearance of alternative ways for people to seek legal remedies.

That is done by speaking out in public forums - with the hope that the public becomes aware of the issues, that exposure of perpetrators of abuse of public office will be brought to justice or at least shamed into changing their ways.

Yet, I will remind my readers that in the United States and in every state of the United States the sovereign is We the People, by the state and federal Constitution and by our Declaration of Independence, and this collective sovereign may rule either through its representatives (the government) or directly

By the way, we have a U.S. Supreme Court case stating that directly in no uncertain words, putting the direct exercise of sovereign power actually ahead of exercising it through a government representative.

I took this quote, actually, from the filing of a common law grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York.  They did pretty legal good research of the subject matter.

Yet, when people who become desperate to fight the impenetrable wall of injustice created by the "justice" system, start participating in such alternative-court programs, exercising their rights to directly govern as a popular sovereign, they are:

1) targeted as "domestic terrorists" - see my blog about it here and here;

2) criminally charged, convicted and sentenced for fraud and "simulating legal process" as it just happened in Texas;

3) mocked as "nuts",  and their pleadings as "comic" - see even such a respectable legal blog as Jonathan Turley's blog to sink as low as calling the actions of the Texas woman "comic" pleadings; and

4) blocked from access to court, as the candidate to become new Chief Judge of the State of New  York Gail Prudenti did - without any authority - in blocking court filings of a movement called "the common law grand juries", and blocking access to court only aggravates the problem, not resolves it.

Prudent claimed that "there is no authority for a grand jury to be formed outside of the auspices of the court".

Yet, the law clearly says otherwise.  Here is an excerpt from a federal filing by the same entity.

See also the decision of the Greene County Supreme Court on the issue of New York Common Law grand jury (from a federal filing).

In the above decision the court:

1) mocked the common law grand jury's filings by calling it an application in quotes;
2) claimed that the application could not be entertained for the only reason that:
     a) it did not comply with CPLR 3013 and CPLR 3014; and
     b) did not state a "cognizable cause of action".

Yet, the filing was not for a civil lawsuit, but was a summons to a criminal grand jury, so no "cause of action" needed to be stated there.

Now, despite the accusations that these organizations are terrorists, criminals and nuts, all they are doing is asserting their rights found in the laws of this country.

Thus, the honest way of dealing with them is to oppose their arguments not with blunt force of the government, 

  • not by putting them on the "domestic terrorist" watch list - as the FBI did with the "common law sovereign movement";
  • not by blocking their access to court as our candidate for the Chief Judge A.Gail Prudenti did, without authority, in New York, after reportedly calling a SWAT team to protect court officials from simply filing papers in court calling them to appear in front of "common law grand juries", and
  • certainly not by convicting them criminally for "simulating legal process". 
Because what these people are doing, is protected by laws of this country, including the 1st Amendment - freedom of speech and access to court - and by the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Not only ideas should be fought with ideas, not blunt oppressive force by the government - that is what the 1st Amendment is about, at its core, but the government demonstrates the weakness of its position and the possibility that these alternative court movements are right in their ideas and arguments.

When you punch your opponent instead of putting an argument in opposition of his argument, that means, you do not have good arguments.

People who think differently, drive social innovation.

Usually, innovation is first met with mockery, if not outright hostility.

The usual initial reaction of society to innovation is hostility and rejection.

Think about replacement of horses with automobiles or, God forbid, planes.

Automobile inventors were initially mocked and disbelieved.

The legend of the Icarus shows what people thought of such innovators - they were impractical dreamers at best, dangerous nuts at worst.

The same applies to social innovation.

What was a dangerous idea (like allowing women to vote, or to have control over their own property or destiny, to choose their husbands freely - or not to choose them at all) now is completely mainstream.

What was a crime of homosexual sex just 15 years ago, think about it, 15 years ago, is now not only legitimate, but a same sex marriage has been proclaimed a constitutional right.

Social progress will not be possible without some initial trailblaizer expressing an idea that initially appears as "comic" or "nutty" or "dangerous", or even terrorist to the mainstream government.

Yet, the 1st Amendment was introduced and exists BECAUSE of the prior similar abuses by the sovereign that had an absolute power - the King.

The 1st Amendment prohibits ANY infringement by the government on freedom of political expression.

Let's remember that - if our judges wouldn't.

What the "alternative court" movements are doing is, very simply, political activity aimed at drawing public attention at imperfections (that is an understatement of the century) of the American court system that turned into a place that strips people of their right to legal remedies instead of giving those remedies to the people, as was the initial goal.

Courts, judges, lawmakers and law enforcers, should really open their minds and just LISTEN to what people in the "sovereign" or "common law jury" movement have to say.

If they do, very possibly, a constructive solution will be found.

Public servant should talk to the members of the popular sovereign.

It is a very simple idea.

Truth can be found in a discussion and in exchange of ideas, not in throwing punches.

If our court systems prefer to throw punches to giving people an opportunity to be heard, and if insiders of the court system position themselves about the law (as they do through the court-created concept of absolute judicial immunity for malicious and corrupt acts on the bench) and operate to engage in every trick in the book, no matter how illegal, to abuse their power and to deny people legal remedies, there should be no surprises that the steam of dissatisfaction will seek alternative relief valves.

I do hope that the sentence for the woman in Texas is overturned on 1st Amendment grounds.  It should be.

And I do hope that federal courts will finally review, on the merits, the ideas expressed by those movements, I do hope that the courts stop hiding behind their vast oppressive machine and just honestly do their jobs for the people, providing to them legal remedies they are entitled to.

We do not need anything more than that from our court system.

But we are right to be upset  and to seek legal alternatives, through constitutionally protected activities, when the court system, or any other branch of the government, fails to fulfil their designated goal.

The dishonorable Carl Becker is still listed as a judge on the Delaware County Family, Surrogate and Drug Treatment Courts' websites

I checked out the website of the Delaware County Family, Surrogate's and Drug Treatment Court today.

Interestingly enough, the dis-honorable Carl Becker who ran from the bench on July 31, 2015 is listed as judge of:

  1. Delaware County Family Court;
  2. Delaware County Surrogate's Court;
  3. Delaware County "Adult and Family Drug Treatment Court"
Here are the scans I took today:

I find this as misinformation of voters by the court system, giving more credibility to support by Carl Becker of judicial candidate Porter Kirkwood, and as a type of voter fraud.

Watch Porter Kirkwood confronted by Gary Rosa for his lies of "taking the high road" in his election campaign

During his meeting with voters in October of 2015, the slimey (oops, smiley) Porter Kirkwood claimed that no, never, under no circumstances would he advise his supporters to engage in "negative attacks" during his election campaign.

Watch what Gary Rosa has to say to this.