"If the judges interpret the laws themselves, and suffer none else to interpret, they may easily make, of the laws, [a shredded] shipman's hose!" - King James I of England, around 1616.

“No class of the community ought to be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. They have the best opportunities of observing and forming a correct judgment. They are in constant attendance on the courts. Hundreds of those who are called on to vote never enter a court-house, or if they do, it is only at intervals as jurors, witnesses or parties. To say that an attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present system,” Justice Sharwood in Ex Parte Steinman and Hensel, 95 Pa 220, 238-39 (1880).

“This case illustrates to me the serious consequences to the Bar itself of not affording the full protections of the First Amendment to its applicants for admission. For this record shows that [the rejected attorney candidate] has many of the qualities that are needed in the American Bar. It shows not only that [the rejected attorney candidate] has followed a high moral, ethical and patriotic course in all of the activities of his life, but also that he combines these more common virtues with the uncommon virtue of courage to stand by his principles at any cost.

It is such men as these who have most greatly honored the profession of the law. The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these. To force the Bar to become a group of thoroughly orthodox, time-serving, government-fearing individuals is to humiliate and degrade it.” In Re Anastaplo, 18 Ill. 2d 182, 163 N.E.2d 429 (1959), cert. granted, 362 U.S. 968 (1960), affirmed over strong dissent, 366 U.S. 82 (1961), Justice Black, Chief Justice Douglas and Justice Brennan, dissenting.

" I do not believe that the practice of law is a "privilege" which empowers Government to deny lawyers their constitutional rights. The mere fact that a lawyer has important responsibilities in society does not require or even permit the State to deprive him of those protections of freedom set out in the Bill of Rights for the precise purpose of insuring the independence of the individual against the Government and those acting for the Government”. Lathrop v Donohue, 367 US 820 (1961), Justice Black, dissenting.

"The legal profession must take great care not to emulate the many occupational groups that have managed to convert licensure from a sharp weapon of public defense into blunt instrument of self-enrichment". Walter Gellhorn, "The Abuse of Occupational Licensing", University of Chicago Law Review, Volume 44 Issue 1, September of 1976.

“Because the law requires that judges no matter how corrupt, who do not act in the clear absence of jurisdiction while performing a judicial act, are immune from suit, former Judge Ciavarella will escape liability for the vast majority of his conduct in this action. This is, to be sure, against the popular will, but it is the very oath which he is alleged to have so indecently, cavalierly, baselessly and willfully violated for personal gain that requires this Court to find him immune from suit”, District Judge A. Richard Caputo in H.T., et al, v. Ciavarella, Jr, et al, Case No. 3:09-cv-00286-ARC in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Document 336, page 18, November 20, 2009. This is about judges who were sentencing kids to juvenile detention for kickbacks.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Terrence Truitt is being released from custody. After he was portrayed as presumed-guilty by the police, and after the public lynch-mobbed him in social media. All those "70 leads"

I wrote on this blog about the fire in Oneonta, NY at the end of December, 2018 where a former firefighter died.

See my 4 articles about the case:

Part I here - called "Racial profiling and framing people of color by the all-white police force and the all-white prosecution in Otsego County continues? People v Terrence Truitt, Otsego County";
Part II here - called "The quality of the jury pool and lynch-mobbing a presumed-innocent person of color as a legitimate way to grieve in Oneonta, New York"

Part III here - called "On the value of reputation", and

Part IV here - called "People v Terrence Truitt: an interesting timeline of deaths/murders and fires in the area, as well as visits of high officials. Is Terrence Truitt a fall guy for the cover up of some local official's involvement in a global child pornography ring? "

I wrote in these articles about a black guy, Terrence Truitt, who was charged, in a predominantly white town notorious for discrimination against immigrants and minorities, for the supposed arson and death - exactly at the time of the funeral of the firefighter where the local law enforcement came in droves.

I wrote about the improper publicity by the police and the local prosecutors where the police press-conference, indicating "70 leads" supposedly leading to Truitt, and allowed without sanctions by the judge, determined, out of court, that it was an arson and that Truitt was supposedly responsible, igniting the public.

I wrote how these "70 leads" riled up the local public who, as a matter of mourning, presumed guilt of Terrence Truitt and, when I pointed out just that he is presumed innocent - bashed me with vile personal attacks, pointing out that, with 70 leads that the police was talking about, there is no chance that Truitt is not guilty.

And, remember, Truitt's assigned counsel who allowed him to be held for the action of the grand jury on hearsay statements of the prosecution's witness, conveniently allowing the judge to illegally adjourn the felony hearing when the prosecution's witness could not produce competent evidence at the felony hearing.

And, remember that Truitt's brother was trying to get crowdfunding for a private criminal defense attorney, but the fundraising campaign was shot by complaining local residents demanding that Truitt, as already presumed guilty, should not be able to have an opportunity to have better legal defense than that assigned to him by the biased court.


Now the DA who have been an active participant in this whole orchestration, announced that, in view of "new evidence", he will ask the court to release Truitt from jail because he is now not a suspect in the fire during which the firefighter died.

DA Muehl also stated that there is evidence indicating that Truitt was not responsible for the fire - but Muehl modestly omits that the release of Truitt means that no criminal charges are pending against him any more, because Muehl is not going to turn his charges into the grand jury.

In other words, DA Muehl has evidence based on which, he knows, the grand jury that is totally under his control as a "legal adviser" and that can "indict a ham sandwich" (according to the former Chief Judge of the State of New York Sol Wachtler) - cannot indict Terrence Truitt, that bad.

And, DA Muehl now says that he is "ETHICALLY REQUIRED" to ask for release of Terrence Truitt.

Muehl and ethics.  Right.

Ethics did not prompt Muehl to direct the police to use the word ALLEGED and PRESUMED INNOCENT in their press-release.

Or, come to the Facebook page where the public was crucifying Truitt in comments and bashing me for mentioning his presumption of innocence and say - yes, people, he is, indeed, presumed innocent, our charge is only an allegation, slow down with your presumption of guilt.

He did not do that.

Even though THAT he was ethically required to do - not to engage and not to allow his witnesses, the police, to engage in pretrial publicity that may undermine the integrity of the case.

So, the police look like idiots.

The fire "experts" look like idiots.

The DA Muehl looks like an idiot.

The Chief Assistant DA Michael Getman who held Truitt in jail and prosecuted him at the felony hearing (held on the same day as the ormer firefighter's funeral) looks like an idiot.

Judge Lucy Dernier looks like an idiot.

The assigned defense attorney James Hartmann who sold his client out looks like an idiot.

And, certainly, members of the public who were demanding torturous death of Terrence Truitt, claiming that he is presumed guilty because of the 70 leads, and bashing anybody who would invoke his presumption of innocence, including 4-letter-language and vile personal attacks - also look like idiots.

Maybe, that will be a lesson to the public not to believe press-conferences of the local police?


Not to presume guilt?

Respect presumption of innocence of all accused?

And not interfere with fundraising for legal defense of indigent criminal defendants?

I wish Terrence Truitt luck.

I wish him to get as far away as possible from Oneonta NY, since they will pin something on him if he doesn't leave the area.

And, I wish Terrence Truitt to sue the hell out of the City of Oneonta, its glorious police, the Sheriff's Department, James Hartmann for malpractice and the DA for false imprisonment and defamation and violation of civil rights.

As well as commentators who presumed his guilt in comments - for defamation, too.

He can get rich, after all, without any fundraisers.

Simply because of people's stupidity.

Maybe, if people pay a couple hundred thousand dollars in a judgment for defamation, they will then learn what presumption of innocence is?

And, by the way, it remains to be investigated (which I doubt that that will be diligently done) whether we have a Hero's Death here

or whether John D. Heller was murdered, knocked out unconscious while he already saved everybody from the fire, and then left to die of smoke inhalation.

Could John D. Heller be a witness in the child porn ring investigation ongoing in the area by the FBI?

So, next time, ladies and gentlemen of Otsego County, NY, when the local police tells you about "70 leads" and their supposed "quick and efficient" work, think "Terrence Truitt".

Sunday, February 10, 2019

On the constitutionality of regulation of the "practice of law" in the United States

A lot of things depend in the United States on the legitimacy of regulation of the "practice of law".

1. only licensed attorneys are allowed to give legal advice, represent people in court, draw up title documents and contracts, and thus through regulation of the practice of law, people's access to court is controlled: you do not have money for an attorney, and you cannot skillfully represent yourself in court - your rights are lost forever;

2. only licensed attorneys are allowed to be prosecutors, interact with grand juries, and to be judges and finally resolve people's disputes, including life and death, the death penalties case.

As an expert in both criminal and constitutional law, I looked at the regulation of the practice of law by applying the current laws, and constitutional precedents of the U.S. Supreme Court on the issue of clarity of the law - in general, and in criminal cases, since regulation of the "practice of law" is regulated through criminal prosecutions of "unauthorized practice of law" (UPL), where the "practice of law" is the main element.

I posted my very short article on the subject, 3.5 pages, as an independent researcher, into - and as a result, I was propelled to the top 5% of researchers, out of millions of researchers there, and this particular article - into top 4%, by the traffic to that article, traffic by law students and law professors from around the world.

I have had law professors from

  • Vietnam,
  • Tanzania
  • The Phillippines
  • Papua and New Guinea
  • the U.K.
  • France,
  • Azerbaijan
  • Russia
  • the United States - many
  • India
  • Bangladesh
  • Ireland
etc. visit the page and read or download the article.

Here it is.

As you see, the reasoning is based exclusively on mandatory and binding decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court.

So, why are we still regulating the practice of law if such regulation, according to our own laws, is screamingly unconstitutional?

The Otsego County (NY) Judge John F. Lambert of his early judgeship years was a breath of fresh air - what has changed and why judges should not serve in the area where they live, and not serve for long anyway

My previous three articles were dedicated to the case of The City of Oneonta v Pervu, litigated in the Otsego County Supreme Court, New York, now before Judge John F. Lambert, and about misconduct of various actors, including the judge himself and his law clerk Mark Oursler who teachers the City of Oneonta how to seek punishment against immigrant respondents, with specific details what to file, when to file and what to attach to the filings.

I must say though that Judge Lambert was not like that when he was just elected - at least, not apparently so.

Judge Lambert was first elected as a County/Family/Surrogate's court judge 10 years ago, in 2009, when I was already practicing as an attorney.  

He was perceived by many, when he was elected, as a breath of fresh air in the local judiciary.

Young, lean, physically agile (he ran up the stairs of the courthouse instead of puffing up), and mentally alert and with a mind open to fairness and novel ideas.

When New York State first passed legislation allowing same sex marriage - long time before the U.S. Supreme Court legitimizing it in 2015, many local judges were in opposition to that law.

Judge Lambert, as far as I remember, volunteered, on the first weekend when the law went into effect, to officiate the first same sex marriages in the State of New York.

Without the fear of being frowned upon by his "older brothers" in black robes.

In his early judgeship years, Judge Lambert allowed, in bench trials, young attorneys to win against large, powerful and connected law firms.

In his early judgeship years, I remember an episode when Judge Lambert, after overruling 15 or more objections to hearsay in a trial in Family Court in child neglect proceedings, Judge Lambert lost his temper, put the attorney (it was me) up and chastised me for not knowing supposedly that hearsay is admissible in Family Court child neglect proceedings.

I calmly answered the judge that yes, it is admissible - but not in trials.

Judge Lambert told me, in front of all attorneys and clients and court personnel present, that I was wrong.

The trial continued the next day.

The very first thing that Judge Lambert did at the beginning of that next day was making a statement, in front of the same people, publicly, that he has reviewed the law regarding admissibility of hearsay at trials, and that I was right and that he was wrong - and that he is sustaining all my objections to hearsay and excluding all hearsay statements from the record.

We, attorneys, talked about it in the hallway during the break.  Not only my respect to Judge Lambert, but of all other attorneys present in the courtroom went up considerably.

It is human to make mistakes, and judges do that, too.

But, it shows a great character and promise when a judge diligently checks if he was right when an argument that he was not right was raised in court - instead of punishing the critic, as other judges routinely do.  And that is especially true when the judge corrects his mistake without forcing people to go through spending huge amounts of money, not to mention time, effort and mental anguish of the families, on the predominantly futile attempts to reverse his decision on appeals.

Then Judge Lambert rubbed elbows with his older brothers on the bench and started to show the same arrogance as others.

He started to routinely hold ex parte meetings in chambers during sessions of the County Court in criminal cases, where the police, probation and prosecution were invited to permanently sit with the judge in his chambers, while criminal defense attorneys were admitted there only when called by the judge, with breaks between admissions of attorneys that would allow vast ex parte communications between the judge and the prosecutors, police and probation.

Very important issues were discussed in those conferences, and, by constitutional law, clients should have been invited, too, but they were barred from being present in those conferences, as, I am sure, they are now.  Moreover, Judge Lambert has started to blast attorneys in open court (not me, but I know attorneys who suffered this way) for disclosing the essence of communications with the judge in those conferences - even though the clients were not invited.

Additionally, Judge Lambert started to copy the tricks of all local judges in staging endless mandatory "conferences", not asked by the parties, and especially in cases where private attorneys were hired by criminal defendants.

That way, the judge would make defendants pay for each trip of their attorney, including travel and waiting time, and private attorney who Judge Lambert disliked would have to sit in court for hours waiting to be allowed into the chambers (where prosecution, probation and police sat permanently) - and thus, the hourly bill to the client will be higher, and the client would run a chance to be drained of funds before the date of the trial comes.

Judge Lambert transferred this technique to Family Court cases (including child abuse and neglect) and to civil cases, too - having his law clerk Mark Oursler take time of attorneys (paid by clients) telling them, for hours, about Mark Oursler's interest in history, while attorneys would not dare to tell Oursler to shut up and attend to business, or to tell the judge that they do not need the conference scheduled - for fear of hurting their clients.

Lambert started to show favor and disfavor in assignments of cases to attorneys, assigning only people he likes and who would not do discovery, motions and go to trials on behalf of indigent clients.

Lambert started to rule in obviously unlawful manner in favor of powerful and connected attorneys, telling the stunned opponents that they can just as well "move up or move on", translation - appeal or suck it up and shut up.

And, Lambert started to get promotions from the administrative court system, obviously given for this change in character.

He is now the Supervising DWI judge and the Supervising "problem solving courts" judge in the 6th Judicial District.

Given Lambert's still-young age for a judge, only 20 years of the practice of law, and the considerably high administrative positions he is given now, he is being chosen for future promotion in administrative, and, possibly, appellate position - and he will continue to act the way he is acting, unlawful though it may be, to keep that career trend going.

The case of Melania and Nicolae Pervu is a yet another illustration of this character transformation of Judge Lambert - as was the case of O'Sullivan v Bowie I was writing about in my previous blog.

In the Pervu case, Lambert was assigned to the case in August-September of 2018, at the height of his re-election campaign for another 10 years.  

He stood a chance, given his role in O'Sullivan v Bowie's case in 2015 and the publicity of that case, to lose his judgeship on re-election.

And, he needed support from the system.

The system, obviously, required much in return.

Judge Coccoma, the initially presiding judge, a judge with a disqualifying conflict of interest - since his own wife's agency and, possibly, his wife, had to testify in the trial, being one of the agencies responsible for rent subsidies to tenants of the Pervus, and thus, responsible to check out BEFORE they sign contracts for rent subsidies whether the place where they are putting indigent residents at taxpayer expense are up to code - assigned Lambert to the case, a judge who stood to lose his judgeship in less than 2 months or to gain another 10 years of power.

The way Lambert ruled in the Pervu case, protecting Coccoma's wife and City of Oneonta Attorney's wife (the Chairwoman of the Board of Public Service whose order to vacate the building her husband David Merzig was enforcing in court) from the necessity of testifying and proving their case, under cross-examination, in open court - showed that he knew which side his bread was buttered and who butters it.

In October that year, after the initial rulings by Lambert in the Pervu case, Lambert, without any qualms, accepted an "award" from the hands of a member of the powerful and rich local Clark family, while a member of that same family is on the Otsego County Board

and while County cases are litigated in front of Judge Lambert - where the County is either a party or a witness, as it happens in the Pervu case, or both.

"Coincidentally", Judge Lambert's son and his former law partner Michael E. Trosset's daughter are "chosen" by the school as athletic winners.

I truly hope that these young people were, indeed, winners, and are not corrupted from their earliest days in life by having their "wins" determined by their pedigrees, parentage and the school's need to win cases in Judge Lambert's court in child neglect and abuse and in PINs (persons in need of supervision) proceedings, as well in possible cases brought against the school and its teachers, civil and criminal.

Because, as is shown by the example of other local sons-of-judges, 

  • Michael Getman who buys off everybody in town through his late father's (a local judge) Dewar's Foundation giving large yearly donations to businesses and charities, including those that have stakes in court proceedings where Michael Getman appears as an attorney and as an Otsego County prosecutor, and to those where local judges and other local county officials sit on boards, and
  • Richard Harlem, the son of a late Supreme Court justice and the Chief Administrative Judge for the 6th Judicial District Robert Harlem, who is renting, for decades, an office to New York State Senator Seward, and for that gets favors from local judges who Seward favors, including assignment of judges and decisions on appeals from Sen. Seward's former legislative counsel, recently the Chief Administrative Judge for the 6th District, and presently the judge of the Appellate Division 3rd Judicial Department, handling appeals and attorney licenses, Robert C. Mulvey - 
these two sons of judges can win hands down, no matter what they do, what misconduct and crimes they are involved in, and whether facts or law are on their side or not.

Richard Harlem openly stated, for years, that, as a son of a judge, he has to have a larger share of the local market, so, catering for a judge's child is a given in the local neck of woods.

And, both couples of sons-of-judges and their fathers were caught in stealing big time, one (the Getmans) from a charity and another (the Harlems) from an estate (see the Blanding saga on this blog).

But, because of their fathers' influence, both couples remained unscathed, not charged with crimes, not disbarred and imprisoned, still practicing law, Getman is still handling and distributing millions of dollars from the same charity they were caught with his father stealing from, and is even prosecuting crimes in his area as a Chief Assistant District Attorney in Otsego County.

That's why I do not treat as a coincidence, and I do treat as suspect, the supposed athletic awards to the son of a judge, the daughter of a judge's close friend and former partner and to the judge himself - and to the award to the judge given by a powerful and rich local family that is omnipresent in all local governments, including the County that is a material witness in important litigation pending in front of judge right before the judge's elections for yet another 10-year term - which Lambert won.

Well, in a county where a sheriff can defend his police officer son for 2 years from a criminal investigation after that same son openly threatened to shoot up 2 elementary schools, at an age where any other person would have been charged with felonies, indicted, prosecuted and put in prison, and that sheriff is re-elected for another term past November - re-election of Judge Lambert after his disgraceful behavior in O'Sullivan v Bowie does not really surprise me.

The Sheriff's son, after his father's re-election, only "resigned" from the County police force, but was not charged with a crime.

What should be done to prevent the character transformation like we see in Judge Lambert's case.

1.  Judges should absolutely not serve consecutive terms.  One term only.  That will allow them not to build alliances and serve their own interests and teams rather than the law.

2.  Judges' terms should be very short, preferably a year max.  For the same reasons.

3.  Judges should be rotated out to serve not where they live, so that they do not rule in favor of their kids' school or their friends' business, or the local government giving them various awards.

4.  Judges should be prohibited to sit on boards of charities, which creates a conflict of interest where the judge is interested to get donations for its charity and rules in cases in the way providing business for his charities (Getman, for example, gives every year several thousand dollars to John Lambert alma mater, the Hartwick College).

5.  The judge's salaries must be provided by statute only, and no add-ons allowed from the court administration executives.  This would eliminate the appearance the judges like Lambert are ruling in cases in order to obtain and/or retain their add-ons like positions of Acting Supreme Court justices obtained only through approval of the court administration (Coccoma) and resulting in advancement of career and addition to salary.

6. Trial court judges and supervising positions in administration of courts should never coincide, preventing judges from losing their independence in cases in order to get approval and promotion from the court administration to administrative supervising positions.


7.  Judges should not be attorneys - if they are elected by the people, they should be answerable only to the people, not to the shadowy attorney licensing committees potentially depriving judges of independence for political considerations.

And, this would have prevented Judge Lambert from running unopposed in this election - if ANY local resident, not necessarily an attorney, would be able to run against him.

If non-attorneys are allowed to be judges in town and village justice courts, why not at the County and Supreme Court level?  As Judge Lambert's rulings in O'Sullivan v Bowie's case and in the City of Oneonta v Pervu's case, his rulings do not have anything to do with the law anyway, and everything to do with the local politics.

He was assigned to the Pervus case right before his elections, by the judge who was the husband of a potential witness in that case - with an implied warning "to perform" and "to behave", or else - and didn't Lambert behave? 

He did - and got support in elections, and got re-elected for another 10 years, now until 2028, and kept his promotions as the Acting Supreme Court Justice, and the supervising DWI judge in the judicial district, and the "problem solving court" judge in the district.

So, he will continue to do what he is doing, screwing the Pervu's case - otherwise we know what happens in New York if judges start to act up and defy the judge who assigned them to the case, and follow some pesky rule of law, it already happened in New York to a judge who was quickly brought to heel by the Chief Administrative Judge Robert Mulvey, and since then Robert Mulvey was promoted and is now in charge of reversals of Judge Lambert's decisions, another incentive for Judge Lambert "to behave", "perform" and "deliver" - the needed "solutions" in the "difficult cases" for the local government.

Until that happens - enjoy the corrupt rulings of Judge John F. Lambert.

And remember - you have brought it upon yourself by failure to research candidates and vote against him these past elections.

But We the People should remember - nobody's independence of judgment is achieved by giving that person immunity for corruption.

And, nobody should be given power to give such immunity for corruption - and for punishing his own critics - to himself, as it is happening in New York and American courts, see Stump v Sparkman, a 1975 U.S. Supreme Court case.

Independence of the judiciary IS, indeed, a great gift.

But, between 
  • condoning the judiciary's self-given gift of immunity for misconduct and corruption, and 
  • condoning the judiciary's death grip upon the control of public access to court through control of the legal profession, and
  • condoning that judges demand that only "attorneys in good standing" for at least 5, and for some positions, for 10 years (meaning in plain English, attorneys who never criticized a judge for 5-10 years) can become judges; and
  • condoning that people controlled by judges, "officers of the court", now constitute 100% of the judicial branch and the supermajorities of the other two branches, on the state and federal levels, changing the constitutional structure of the government in the United States; and
  • condoning that judges may accept financial donations from businesses, litigants and attorneys for judicial elections - as Judge Lambert did for his re-election campaign in 2008, in 2018 he did not even file financial disclosures - he ran unopposed, meaning, his own one vote would have been enough to "win" re-elections for him, a real victory, and
  • condoning that judges sit on boards of charities and give or receive money from other charities, where parties in litigation and their attorneys sit on boards, and
  • condoning that judges are allowed to participate in various events and societies, with secret membership, where they meet with attorneys behind closed doors and are wined and dined and paid for their vacations, and participate in ex parte communications under the guise of "promoting civility"P;

that independence of the judiciary has been long lost.

The American judiciary - and Judge Lambert is no exception - is independent only from the law and from having conscience.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

When will we learn?

Saturday, February 9, 2019

#TheCrimeOfBeingNamedMelania. How to steal a lucrative business from an immigrant with the help of a New York court. A tutorial. Part III. The burden of proof is on the Respondents - when a judge's and a city attorney's wives are involved in the mess. But, of course!

I have started publishing a series of articles regarding the mess that is happening at this time in the glorious New York Supreme Court, Otsego County, in the case The City of Oneonta v Pervu,

This is Part III.

You can read about the presiding Judge Lambert's law clerks' advocacy on behalf of the City of Oneonta in Part I, 

and about Judge Lambert's and Melania and Nicolae Pervu's own (now former) attorneys misconduct - in Part II.

In Part II I pointed out that the "ex parte" (and sealed by Lambert) application by Melania and Nicolae Pervu's attorneys to withdraw from the case, improperly granted by Lambert without providing the Pervus instead with an assigned counsel in the upcoming contempt proceedings instigated by Judge Lambert's law clerk Mark Oursler contains a wealth of extremely interesting information.

Here is the analysis of some of it.

So, the whole 9 yards was because of an "order to vacate issued by the City of Oneonta Board of Public Service for the premises located at 195 Main Street in the City of Oneonta" owned by the Pervus.

When you go to the website of the City of Oneonta Board of Public Service, you are in for an interesting revelation.

I am telling you, EVERYTHING about this case is very, very, very interesting.

So, there you go.

You go there and you see - who is the director of that public entity?

It is a Margery Merzig.

It is actually THE Margery Merzig, the woman-trailblaizer

a fighter for Human rights - and, by a mere coincidence, the wife of the Oneonta City Attorney David Merzig - who brought the enforcement litigation, to enforce his wife's order to vacate against the Pervus.

That is quite a witness for attorney David Merzig - and one of the reasons why he does not want any kind of evidentiary hearings or trials - he would have to depose, under oath, his own wife, and have he being subject to cross-examination on the order subject to enforcement.

One heck of a job, isn't it?

Note that Margery Merzig owns a business consulting firm:

The firm, or its associates or partners, or clients, might pop up some place in this case in the future, so beware.  This is the usual way things happen in this area - where I lived and worked for 16 years.

Now, a wife-owner of a business consulting firm, in her capacity as a chairman of the city's "Board of Public Service", issues an order ordering a business owned by two immigrants to vacate a lucrative piece of real estate, a downtown hotel.

And, her husband, by mere coincidence, the attorney for the City of Oneonta - including its glorious Board of Public Service - brings the wife's order to court to have it enforced.

Here he is, the polished and magnanimous-looking David Merzig.

Well, the missus said it - the mister must do it, right?

And here is Judge John F. Lambert, the currently presiding judge, by coincidence, a former prosecutor in the same area who had to have known David Merzig personally for a very long time, as an attorney for the Oneonta City Police with whom Lambert, as a prosecutor, had to have "interacted" very closely.

But, Lambert is not the first judge presiding over this case.

The first judge was a different one.  

Note what attorney Ryan Manley said in his affirmation for the application to withdraw on an Order to Show Cause:


What is Judge Michael V. Coccoma doing in this case?

While Judge Coccoma is, indeed, a Supreme Court judge in Otsego County,

as well as the Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for upstate New York (that is, he assigns judges to all cases in all courts outside of New York City):

The problem with him presiding over the City of Oneonta v Pervu case, though, is that many tenants in the Pervu's "Oneonta Hotel" were put there on a contract with the Otsego County Department of Social Services, providing rent subsidies to some tenants.

And, on June 21, 2018, at the time the lawsuit was filed, the City of Oneonta actually publicized that it notified agencies providing rent subsidies, about supposed problems with the building long before it filed the lawsuit against the Pervus:

And, the city of Oneonta, speaking through its attorney David Merzig, has said in that same publication, on behalf of Merzig's wife (sorry, chairman of the Board of Public Service Margery Merzig), that

And who is the Supreme Court Justice in Otsego County?

The Honorable Michael V. Coccoma.

And who is the attorney for the Otsego County Department of Social Services, one of the main witnesses in the case, with an interest to protect themselves from liability of being accused that they have put people into the supposedly unsafe housing, using taxpayer money?

But, of course, it is Judge Michael V. Coccoma's own wife Ellen Coccoma.

So, what, again did Judge Coccoma do once he got into the case where his wife's liability is at stake?

This is what he did:

Figure - the City of Oneonta (Attorney David Merzig's wife) is the petitioner/plaintiff in the case, but the judge, coincidentally, the husband for another witness in the case, DSS attorney Ellen Coccoma, orders that the burden of proof is not on the plaintiff, but on the defendants in the case.


Do you think Judge Coccoma momentarily suffered an episode of dementia?

Forgot who carries the burden of proof in civil litigation?

Which is certainly not the defendant.

Of course, not.

The old corrupt fox is just trying to get his not-so-bright wife out of the mess - as he did many, many times before. 

So, he demands that the burden of proof is now on defendants, leaves the case and assigns to it the County Judge John F. Lambert 

whose position as 

  • an Acting Supreme Court Justice (appointed for one year only, subject to re-appointment by Coccoma), and with it, the salary and status increase, as well as being
  • "supervising judge, DWI parts, 6th Judicial District", also subject to cancellation by Coccoma, and as
  • "supervising judge, problem solving courts, 6th Judicial District", position also subject to revocation by Judge Michael V. Coccoma,

rests entirely in the hands of the husband of one of the witnesses in litigation (Ellen Coccoma), Judge Michael V. Coccoma.

So, what does Judge Lambert do after his benefactor sicced him (oh, no, assigned him) to the case of City of Oneonta v Pervu?

Of course, Judge Lambert is starting to do everything in his power to preserve his salary and status, the law be damned.

Same as he did in Delaware County.

There, Lambert has first found that Barbara O'Sullivan, in Delaware County Court, was unlawfully charged with a felony based on forged arrest warrant, and after pointing out that the town justice who supposedly issued that warrant lied in his own testimony under oath (and the charges were fabricated because a police officer illegally employed by the Delaware County Sheriff's Department, because his uncle worked in the District Attorney's office, was the perpetrator of a crime of vehicular assault against Barbara O'Sullivan - who also assaulted another woman who looked like  Barbara, in Broome County, and the lawsuit of that woman in federal court was settled right on the eve of a jury trial).

Derek Bowie, the police officer in question, was after that booted by the Delaware County Sheriff's Department - but was eagerly picked up by the Deposit Town Police and is still "serving" us, unfortunate buggers.

Look at Derek Bowie's glorious career - as demonstrated by his salary dynamics, shown at - the career saved by Judge Lambert, by dismissing, on frivolous grounds, the case Barbara O'Sullivan already won, by default, from money damages, being booted from the police force, for good, charged for vehicular assault for attempted murder of Barbara O'Sullivan, Alecia Bracci and the unborn baby, as well as for the assault and attempted murder of Kylie Smith, not to mention forging arrest warrants, trespasses, tasering the family dog, unlawful incarceration of Barbara O'Sullivan and Alecia Bracci, perjured testimony, forged application for workers comp etc. etc. etc.

And now, in a chart form:

See Bowie booted from Delaware County Sheriff's Department in 2016 - and the Village of Deposit instantly picking him up, but only for half his previous salary?

See the dynamics of police officer Derek Bowie's salary from 2009 to 2018?

Came from Deposit, returned to Deposit - but not to prison, thanks to Judge John F. Lambert's misconduct.


Because, when Barbara O'Sullivan sued the nephew of the Delaware County DA's longtime investigator Jeff Bowie, Derek Bowie, for vehicular assault and he defaulted - and the County (whose Sheriff has PERSONALLY SERVED his own employee Derek Bowie with the lawsuit papers) then used taxpayer money to try to reopen the default, frivolously claiming that it was "not put on notice" of the litigation - Lambert dismissed her lawsuit.


Because she did not comply with discovery asked by Derek Bowie.

Why didn't she?

Because her house was burnt down, likely, by that same Derek Bowie, to the ground, and she, her daughter and her then-unborn grandchild narrowly escaped, but one of their three dogs didn't make it.  And nobody investigated.  Because who would investigate - uncle Jeff Bowie will investigate nephew Derek Bowie.  Uncle Jeff Bowie would rather try to put the victims of nephew Derek Bowie in prison - as he tried, but failed, with both Barbara O'Sullivan and her daughter Alecia Bracci.  And, when he failed, the house where the documents were kept was conveniently burnt down, and firefighters who came to look how it is burning had no water, and nobody investigated anything.

And Judge Lambert dismissed Barbara's lawsuit because the defendant Derek Bowie, nephew of DA investigator Jeff Bowie, hs likely burnt down her house, together with the documents that he sought in discovery.

Easy, right?

But, Lambert kept himself in good graces of the local "law enforcement community" and continued in his position as a supervising judge in DWI and "problem solving" courts.

As is what he is doing now - trying to keep himself up in Judge Coccoma's graces.

Because Judge Lambert may also be a witness or target of an FBI investigation now, I wrote about it earlier - and, to keep his freedom, his law license and his judgeship, needs to do anything anybody is telling him to do.

Now, let's look at Judge Lambert's own salary dynamics.

A steady growth since 2012

See that his salary is directly tied to his position as an "Acting Supreme Justice"?

Meaning, if he is booted from that position to a "mere" County/multi-bench judge, he will be hit in the pocketbook?

And the person who can hit him is the Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Michael V. Coccoma, who

  • presided over the City of Oneonta v Pervu case initially;
  • ordered a reverse order of the burden of proof in the case, on the Pervus, not on the City of Oneonta - to protect his own wife and the wife of David Merzig, the Chairperson of the Board of Public Service, and who
  • after recusal, still assigned a judge to the case - and will keep assigning judges until he gets the judge who will do what Coccoma wants, or else.
Of course, Lambert's own financial well-being and ability to put his three children - one in middle school, two in high school

 - through college, living in style and with UNLIMITED power of people's families, properties and right to earn a living takes precedence over some pesky rights, as a matter of law, of some immigrants like Melania and Nicolae Pervu, in this case.

And this is the state of protection of public safety and of the "rule of law" in Otsego County, and in the glorious State of New York, ladies and gentlemen.

Protection from liability of 2 wives of local public officials and judges' pocketbooks supported or not supported by the local rich individuals (including attorneys) during elections is what governs the "rule of law".

Only greed and power.

Only career considerations.

Not your rights.

Remember that.