"If the judges interpret the laws themselves, and suffer none else to interpret, they may easily make, of the laws, [a shredded] shipman's hose!" - King James I of England, around 1616.

“No class of the community ought to be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. They have the best opportunities of observing and forming a correct judgment. They are in constant attendance on the courts. Hundreds of those who are called on to vote never enter a court-house, or if they do, it is only at intervals as jurors, witnesses or parties. To say that an attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present system,” Justice Sharwood in Ex Parte Steinman and Hensel, 95 Pa 220, 238-39 (1880).

“This case illustrates to me the serious consequences to the Bar itself of not affording the full protections of the First Amendment to its applicants for admission. For this record shows that [the rejected attorney candidate] has many of the qualities that are needed in the American Bar. It shows not only that [the rejected attorney candidate] has followed a high moral, ethical and patriotic course in all of the activities of his life, but also that he combines these more common virtues with the uncommon virtue of courage to stand by his principles at any cost.

It is such men as these who have most greatly honored the profession of the law. The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these. To force the Bar to become a group of thoroughly orthodox, time-serving, government-fearing individuals is to humiliate and degrade it.” In Re Anastaplo, 18 Ill. 2d 182, 163 N.E.2d 429 (1959), cert. granted, 362 U.S. 968 (1960), affirmed over strong dissent, 366 U.S. 82 (1961), Justice Black, Chief Justice Douglas and Justice Brennan, dissenting.

" I do not believe that the practice of law is a "privilege" which empowers Government to deny lawyers their constitutional rights. The mere fact that a lawyer has important responsibilities in society does not require or even permit the State to deprive him of those protections of freedom set out in the Bill of Rights for the precise purpose of insuring the independence of the individual against the Government and those acting for the Government”. Lathrop v Donohue, 367 US 820 (1961), Justice Black, dissenting.

"The legal profession must take great care not to emulate the many occupational groups that have managed to convert licensure from a sharp weapon of public defense into blunt instrument of self-enrichment". Walter Gellhorn, "The Abuse of Occupational Licensing", University of Chicago Law Review, Volume 44 Issue 1, September of 1976.

“Because the law requires that judges no matter how corrupt, who do not act in the clear absence of jurisdiction while performing a judicial act, are immune from suit, former Judge Ciavarella will escape liability for the vast majority of his conduct in this action. This is, to be sure, against the popular will, but it is the very oath which he is alleged to have so indecently, cavalierly, baselessly and willfully violated for personal gain that requires this Court to find him immune from suit”, District Judge A. Richard Caputo in H.T., et al, v. Ciavarella, Jr, et al, Case No. 3:09-cv-00286-ARC in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Document 336, page 18, November 20, 2009. This is about judges who were sentencing kids to juvenile detention for kickbacks.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The true reason for my suspension, without notice, hearing or service of the order of suspension, from the bar of the U.S. District Court of the State of New York

On November 16, 2015 I filed a motion to vacate, recuse and disqualify with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York.

That was a related case with the case where my husband and I filed a criminal complaint in the fall of 2014, more than a year ago, with the U.S. Attorney General Preet Bharara to investigate and prosecute New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo and the now-New York State Court of Appeals Judge Leslie Stein.

Judge Stein who made a decision in favor of Cuomo's subordinate in a case of extreme importance for New York State landowners (and in terms of New York State liability to landowners for wrongful civil penalties, fines, costly remediations and criminal convictions that would have to be vacated en mass if the case was to be properly decided), within 6 days of being nominated to the seat of New York State Court of Appeals, with a corresponding pay raise, remains undisciplined and unprosecuted, as well as Cuomo.

The criminal complaints against Judge Leslie Stein and against New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo are here, mine and my husband's.

The motion explaining to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York that it may not continue presiding over an action into which it injected itself as a party against my husband over my head as my husband's counsel in an ongoing pending case through a parallel ex parte proceeding and prejudged it is here:

1) Affirmation of Frederick Neroni with exhibits:

2) My affirmation with exhibits:

3) Memorandum of Law in support of motion to recuse, disqualify and vacate

Within 2 days I was suspended from by the disqualified court who lacked authority to do anything against me due to the nature of the motion to recuse, disqualify and vacate, and, most certainly, in retaliation for the motion.

Without a notice.
Without a hearing.
Without even the courtesy of serving upon me the order of suspension.

How predictable - for a tyranny, not for a democracy.

My written statement in opposition of judicial pay raises in New York before the New York Commission for Judicial, Legislative and Executive Compensation

Today is the deadline for e-mailed written submissions to the New York State Commission for Judicial, Executive and Legislative Compensation.

They say they will post all submissions.

I highly doubt they will post mine.

So, I posted it on Facebook here and I am posting it in this blog, here.

I did not personally appear before the Commission, my testimony was submitted in writing only, as the Commission allowed.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Chief Administrative Judge Marks: New York is an expensive state to live in, and NY state economy is strong, so give New York judges 35 million dollars to bring their $174,000 salaries to the $203,000 level

New York State Commission for Legislative, Executive and Judicial Compensation has posted the transcript and the video of the yesterday's public hearing dedicated ONLY to judicial compensation.  

The Commission did not indicate when - if at all - public hearings will be held on legislative, administrative or legislative compensation.

The first witness was the Chief Administrative Judge of the State of New York Lawrence Marks.

From Judge Marks I learnt interesting things.

For example, Judge Marks claimed that New York state economy is going strong, and there is no reason for New York taxpayers not to be able to afford a $35,000 increase (and that is only the declared increase, Judge Marks did not indicate how he arrived at such a number, the number is likely to be much higher, considering additionally increased benefits).

Judge Marks seems to wear blinders.

Judge Marks seems not to know (or care) that New York is the leader among the states from which residents are fleeing, due to high corruption, poor economic and job prospects and super-high taxes.

Judge Marks seems not to know (or care) that a recent settlement to have poor criminal defendants be represented by counsel at arraignments (which is not happening now, in violation of people's constitutional right to counsel at important stages of criminal litigation) had to be phased in and considered only a handful of counties - because of budgetary concerns.

Judge Marks seems not to know (or care) about the real state of economy, as presented by the report I blogged about yesterday which puts New York State economy at the 46th place among 51 states.

As to the fact that New York is an "expensive state to live" - I wholeheartedly agree.

Yet, that does not mean that the current judicial salary of $174,000 is inadequate.

After all, the federal poverty level set for all states across the country is $11,700 for a family of one.

Judges currently get $174,000 - that is over 10 times of poverty level.

Those are the same judges who throw in jail parents who are unable to pay child support because they are unemployed, cannot find a job or cannot find a paying job.

These are the same judges who deem that a person can survive on a salary at or lower than poverty guidelines - and pay child support on top of that, or go to jail.

Apparently, there are two poverty levels established, as of yesterday, in the State of New York:

1) the federal poverty level of $11,700 + 135% = $15,795 per year per person (below this level of actual /not imputed/ income New York State child support statute does not allow judges to charge more than $25 a month in child support, which judges regularly and wholeheartedly ignore); and

2) the judicial poverty level of $174,000 per year.

And that is when the average income of a New Yorker - an average between all billionaires and all people who are simply scraping by - is around $52,000 per person per year.

Yet, New York judges consider it fair and morally appropriate to ask for a pay raise when the state economy is going to h*ll, fast.

So, there are no surprises at the level of integrity of New York judiciary.

Oh - and Lawrence Marks is the boss of Judge Coccoma who just hired an attorney who was booted from the 3rd Department for unethical conduct and who, through fraud upon voters, got elected to also be a judge - that is Christina Ryba.

I bet that Christina Ryba's "compensation" is set well over $100,000, over twice the income of an average New Yorker.

It is apparent that hiring Christina Ryba was necessary only as a consolation job (and the letter offer actually said that nearly verbatim), yet was at the expense of taxpayers.

The fraudster Christina Ryba is the future beneficiary of the judicial pay raise, because she is not an exception, rather she exemplifies the caliber of people who occupy benches in New York courts.

Unless you have an ability to brazenly commit fraud and no less brazenly profit by it - like Christina Ryba - you will not be able to get to the bench in New York or survive there.

And these fraudsters, who get to the bench to draw an enormous and already inflated salaries and to cover themselves with self-gifted immunity for CORRUPT acts, for acts in violation of their constitutional oath of office, are adamantly claiming, through Judge Marks as their mouthpiece, that they do not get enough and that they "deserve" more from the already squeezed-to-death New Yorkers.

I will continue reporting on the speeches at the November 30, 2015 hearing before the New York State Commission for Judicial Compensation, with scans - today for some reason my blogger platform did not accept pictures.

Stay tuned.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Mama, I want a puppy for Christmas - but, Johnny, Daddy did not earn that much this year...

I have watched today the live-streamed public hearing in front of the NYS Commission for Legislative, Executive and Judiciary pay.

The hearing took several hours, it is a lot of testimony to digest.  I have a copy of the video testimony.  I will digest the testimony and written submissions and will post a series of blogs reporting on the hearing.

I was taking notes during the hearing, I will make my own transcription of the testimony and will share portions of those transcriptions with my readers.

One thing I did not hear today from any of the numerous advocates for the judicial pay raise is an economical analysis of budgetary situation in New York and a substantiation whether New Yorkers can afford the pay raises that judges claimed they are entitled to.

Yet, a report about economic ranking of the State of New York as opposed to other states of the United States exists, and here it is.

Based on that report, New York ranks 46th out of 51 state in budgetary health/solvency, which matches with the 47th place in the level of judicial pay (according to the today's testimony of the chief counsel for Estee Lauder at the NYS Commission for Judicial, Executive and Legislative pay raise).  

Yet, judges ask for "parity" (in pay only) with states that are ranking much higher than New York in budgetary issues.

That means that while judges ask for parity with other states in pay only, there exists no economic parity with other states because other states are managed better and, for that reason alone, can pay their public officials, including judges, more.

No advocates for judicial pay raises who testified today in favor of judicial pay raises (including, astonishingly, one of the members of presiding panel, retired judge Lack) mentioned that.

Here are some snapshots from a recent report on budgetary ranking across U.S. states.

New York has a debt of $17 dollars per EVERY resident - including babies, nursing home residents, prisoners and people who earn well below poverty levels.

At the very same time, judges claim "personal hardship" - when their current salaries are 3 times (!) higher than the average salary of New York taxpayers who fund them.

The long-term liability per EVERY New Yorker, once again, including, babies, retirees, prisoners and people earning under the poverty level, is a staggering $4,616.

So, a family of 4 people (two parents and two young children) are already saddled, on top of property taxes and annual income taxes, with $18,464 in DEFICIT generated by the government.

The key phrase here is that "New York relied heavily on neonate sources to cover spending".  The non-tax sources is debt.  Debt New Yorkers are going to be saddled with well into the future.

Under these conditions, businesses usually FREEZE or CUT wages of their workers, in order to survive.

Not so with New York court judges.

Under the conditions were economy is crumbling, they want an INCREASE of their already inflated salary which is already more than 3 times higher than an average salary of struggling New York taxpayers. 

Key words here is that 5.4% of "state personal income" and $2,946 per capita is "total bonded indebtedness" in New York State.

The key words here that New York has UNFUNDED PENSION LIABILITY of $251 BILLION, 8.4 TIMES more than the reported unfunded $30 billion.

Any judicial pay raises will only add to that already staggering unfunded mandate.

The mysterious OPEB is "other post-employment benefits" means "post-employment benefits that an employee will begin to receive at the start of retirement. This does not include pension benefits paid to the retired employee. Other post-employment benefits that a retiree can be compensated for are life insurance premiums, healthcare premiums and deferred-compensation arrangements", as reported by  Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Definition | Investopedia.

Preliminary conclusions - there were no surprises.

There was a lot of brown-nosing by attorneys and bar associations 
who described "personal hardships" of poor dear (very dear)
judges who "only" draw a paycheck of $174,000 a year, which is 
3.5 times more than the income of an average New York taxpayer 
who foots their salary and benefits, and their ability to do nothing
with the help of their similarly overpaid law clerks, to be
rude, aggressive and play Gods in the courtroom.

I will probably have to dedicate a separate post per each 
brown-nosing speaker to show the depth of moral degradation that
the New York legal establishment has sunk into.

There was a lot of self-glorifying flowery statements by judges and 
judicial associations, no surprises there.  They want more money,
they want it now, and they claim - about themselves - 
that they are the best, the brightest and the most impartial.

I told you earlier today it was going to be a stand-up comedy - and 
it was.

There was a lot of mentioning of the Constitution 
by the judges and the brown-nosing attorneys (which judges 
exclusively use in connection with pay raises, but give themselves 
a gift of absolute immunity to violate otherwise).

It is obviously safe to mention the Constitution in the setting
asking for judicial pay raises.  

When you mention the Constitution in a motion to recuse
or in a civil rights case - you and your client get monetary 
sanctions and you lose your law license,
so the use of the word "constitution" and "constitutional" today
by attorneys advocating judicial pay raises was sort of an
elaborate hedging technique, a survival-of-the-fittest (brown-nosers)

After all, I already stated earlier in this blog that the most 

There were several witnesses today who testified about 
judicial corruption and about the necessity to tie judicial pay 
to integrity, competence, fulfillment of constitutional duties, 
generally, to performance.

There was a witness who publicly announced that the federal
government is stepping in and planning to remove several
1st Department judges in 2016 and file indictments against them,
and the only reason why criminal charges will be confined
to 1st Department judges only is that the organization that
spearheaded investigation and surveillance of judges 
is located in the 1st Department and lacks fund for other

I already asked Preet Bharara to address corruption in the
3rd Department and I am going to ask the same Preet Bharara
to address corruption in the 4th Department.

There was a judge from the 2nd Department lamenting the 
loss of talent, where judges were leaving judicial positions for 
a better pay in the private sector.

One of such "lost talents"  is 2nd Department recently retired
judge Peter Skelos, brother of NYS Senate Majority leader 
Dean Skelos (recently resigned) who is currently tried by 
the feds for corruption.  

You can read my blogs about that particular legal "talent", 
Peter Skelos, by running his name in the "search" window 
on this blog and here.

What is also very interesting is that, even though the Commission 
was to deal with pay raises in all three branches of New York State
Government, witnesses testified only about one branch -

There are also some curious points at the hearing.

The only time when the microphone during live-streaming failed
was during the testimony of the first opponent of judicial pay
raises.  Consequently, listeners of the "live-streamed" video 
could not hear a chunk of an opponent's testimony.

Microphones worked fine for the testimony of supporters
of judicial pay raises before and after lunch.

The only witnesses at whom two members of the Commission
openly yelled at were two opponents of judicial pay raises.

Both yelled-at opponents were females.

Both yelled-at opponents said the taboo words "judicial corruption".

Both yelled-at opponents wanted more time to provide details 
to the Commission and were denied despite the fact that the 
public present at the hearing asked to give them more time.

One of the yelled-at opponents donated 2 minutes of her time 
to another, and was yelled-at by two panelists afterwards 
during her own testimony.

A panelist yelled at the public for advocating too loudly 
in favor of giving more time to the second yelled-at female
opponent of judicial pay (the last witness).

There were only three witnesses testifying after lunch, 
the hearing was concluded before 3 pm and there was no reason
why more time was not given to witnesses to allow them to
fully relay details of what they wanted to say to the Commission
and to the public.

All of what I described was documented.  I will post 
the clips with comments.

Stay tuned.

And yet another stand-up comedy - John Muehl is appointed as a "special investigator" and prosecutor for investigation into burglary in our house

At 9:13 pm on Sunday, yesterday, November 29, 2015, I posted a blog criticizing the Delaware County District Attorney and now Delaware County judge-elect Richard Northrup of stalling and undermining a burglary investigation and prosecution into our home that occurred in September of 2013.

I wrote in that blog that DA Northrup did nothing regarding that case in two years, and when I requested evidence back from that "non-investigation", DA Northrup 

  • put himself between myself and where the evidence was, 
  • claimed that NOW the investigation is "ongoing" (while it was not ongoing for 2 prior years) and that now I am not allowed to see the incident reports or evidence that likely was lost, spoiled or hidden by now, 
  • that now the Delhi Village police does not have a confession that the police officers voluntarily told us some time ago they had, and
  • that they do not have our statements that they collected from us in September of 2013, and we need to "re-submit" our statements to Northrup as an investigator.

Here is the yesterday's blog.

6 hours and 10 minutes of Sunday-to-Monday night time later, at 5:23 am (!) today, DA Northrup sent me to my former law office email account an e-mail advising me that a special investigator and prosecutor has been appointed for the burglary investigation.

Of course, Northrup sent that e-mail to my former law office's account, knowing that my law license was suspended as of November 13, 2015 and that he should find other means of communication with me and especially with the second victim, my husband, than through my former law office.

Of course, I reasonably consider such conduct of judge-elect Richard Northrup as an attempt to entrap me into the criminal charge of unauthorized practice of law if I would answer him from that e-mail account.  

But, the content of that e-mail is really precious.  Here it is.

The special person who was appointed as the impartial special investigator and prosecutor, our champion to protect us, the victims of a burglary into our house is - ta-da! - the Otsego County District Attorney John Muehl, the star of my blogs about:

  • corruption of judge John Lambert and prosecutor John Muehl in the recently reversed case People v Michaels, 
  • corruption of John Muehl and judge Brian Burns (that story is not yet fully reported) in the case of teenager Anthony Pacherille; both as to the teenager defendant and his father and uncle - you can see all my blogs about Muehl by putting "John Muehl" into the search window on the right);
  • the prosecutor who has an obvious drinking problem, see my blog here;
  • the prosecutor who is systematically involved in ex parte communications with judges, and I am a witness to the fact that Muehl remains in the conference room with judges when defense attorneys leave that room and remains there until the next defense attorney comes in, and that John Muehl is in that room with the judge, police and probation officers, for some time before the defense attorneys enter;
  • the prosecutor who was sued for misconduct and escaped liability only because of "absolute judicial immunity";
  • the prosecutor who attempted to intimidate my own client to accept a plea bargain in a fabricated B-felony drug-related criminal case while not providing the key piece of evidence to me and my client (supporting affidavit for the search warrant) and while knowing that he did not have the main witness - Muehl tried to intimidate my client into accepting that plea by saying that if he doesn't, Muehl will re-indict my client with more and higher charges.  When my courageous client did not cave in and demanded to go to trial, Muehl folded and confessed he did not have his witness.  He did not reindict my client, as he threatened, and the case (a B felony!) was dismissed "on consent" because Muehl's witness - allegedly - disappeared.  Since we were never given a copy of that witness' supporting affidavit for a search warrant, we to this day do not know identity of the witness, content of the search warrant, or if that witness actually existed.

THAT is the prosecutor who was, of all people, appointed to investigate the burglary, attempted arson and intimidation committed at our home in Delhi, NY that was not investigated for 2 years, because our lives, as lives of critics of governmental misconduct in New York, are simply expendable.

THAT is the person whom we are supposed to trust to NOW give him our statements that he will compare with the incident reports created somewhere by the corrupt police Delhi Village Police Department who violated all possible procedures in investigation that they could violate, and who will have the pleasure to charging US instead for making some sort of false report.

He will have the whole-hearted support of the all judges who "serve" in our area who were ever criticized by my husband and myself through lawsuits, motions to recuse, complaints to the New York Glorified Shredder Commission (oops - that is, Judicial Conduct Commission) to do that.

And THAT is the "special", "honest", "impartial" man, the antihero of another blog - by Anthony Pacherille the father, the antihero of youtube videos by Anthony Pacherille and another videoblogger from Otsego County who exposed John Muehl's misconduct.  Just go to YouTube and type DA John Muehl in.

That is John Muehl who reportedly bullied a grand jury to indict a mentally ill teenager on a racist hate crime, bullied him into submitting to a plea "deal" and had him sentenced for 11 years in prison instead of being given a youthful offender status.

The teenager's father claims on his blog that he was contacted by a grand juror in his son's case who told him that he abstained from voting on the indictment because of how John Muehl was trying to coerce the grand jury to have a teenager indicted on a race-motivated hate crime.  

Anthony Pacherille's father claims on his blog, and it is reasonable for him under the circumstances to claim that, that Muehl was trying to advance his career on the back of his son by pretending to be a champion for minorities, while I can say that in my opinion, observing the racial composition of criminal defendants arraigned in Otsego County City Court and County Court, that John Muehl's exercise of "prosecutorial discretion" in disproportionately targeting minorities through criminal prosecutions, expose him as a racist.

To see how well backed up my opinion is, just visit Otsego City Court or to the Otsego County court to watch the "racial composition" of people who are being arraigned.

And remember, I am a minority myself, I am an immigrant and a Russian American, and I speak with an accent.  

That is the same John Muehl who tried to frame my then-client who had NO criminal record with a drug-related B felony while concealing (together with his buddy Judge John Lambert) the supporting affidavit for search warrant that likely does not exist along with the witness, and who tried to bluff my client into accepting a felony conviction and going to prison on a framed charge.

Guess what - my client in that now dismissed B-felony action was African American, an immigrant and spoke with an accent, and he was being ousted out of the area by the now-deceased (through a suicide) Oneonta mayor Richard Miller who was actively helped by the local police - and, necessarily, by John Muehl - to trump up fabricated charges and get the "likes of" my client out of the area where he was doing an impermissible offense - entertained minorities with music that they liked.

And guess what - John Muehl is likely the one, along with Judge Brian Burns, behind the raid of the Cooperstown police on the home of Anthony Pacherille's father to seize computers upon which the blog "Cooperstown Hall of Shame" criticizing Burns' and Muehl's corruption, was created.

Computers for my blog are a little far away for seizure by New York officials, who, like Richard Northrup, read my blog in the wee hours of the morning.

I am sure there was nobody more sober, more competent, more honest and more impartial to be appointed instead of the corrupt Delaware County District attorney Richard Northrup who reads my blog in the wee hours of the morning.

And - if John Muehl's disqualifications are not enough, here is the snapshot of the Otsego County DA's website featuring yet another "hero" from Muehl's DA's Office - his Chief Assistant District Attorney Michael Getman.

That is THE Michael Getman who represented my husband's co-defendant Connie Mokay in the so-called "Mokay saga" that led to my husband's disbarment through fraud of Richard Harlem - and Michael Getman - of which my husband received sworn proof that indicates that attorneys Richard Harlem, Eric Jervis and James Hartmann definitely and Michael Getman likely should be investigated and prosecuted, charged with fraud upon the court and, if convicted, then disbarred.

We are actually considering, given the circumstances, who would be the impartial public official to even handle such a criminal case against 

  • son of a judge Richard Harlem, 
  • James Hartmann, husband of Delaware County Family Court judge-elect Gary Rosa's law clerk Nancy Deming, and 
  • son of a judge and Chief Assistant Otsego County DA Michael Getman.  

That is THE Michael Getman who is a likely witness to fraud of son-of-a-judge Richard Harlem in that "Mokay saga", at least draft affidavits of his client Connie Mokay against my husband were never provided to me in discovery as Richard Harlem's "work product" (Richard Harlem is suing Connie Mokay), so Richard Harlem, I guess, co-represents defendant Connie Mokay with Michael Getman in the Mokay action, with all judges happily accepting anything, any abominable, unlawful and stupid crap, as long as that crap comes from sons of judges.

That is the Michael Getman who appeared on April 7, 2015 at the ex parte Mokay trial and told Judge Kevin Dowd ON RECORD (I have the transcript) that his client, a co-defendant in the action, is "more aligned" with opponents of my husband.

With the above statement, Michael Getman earned from Dowd permission to leave the trial on damages (while his client was a co-defendant) in order to go do something else, more important to Getman than properly representing his client Connie Mokay.

In fact, by coming to the ex parte Mokay trial on April 7, 2015, Michael Getman, a full-time employee of Otsego County, with a reported annual salary of $52,159, as per

already violated his duty to Otsego County taxpayers, since he appeared in a private case during time for which he was paid as a criminal prosecutor by Otsego County taxpayers, and in a case where he represented a person who admitted under oath to committing fraud - a private job that was starkly contrary to his duties as an investigator and prosecutor of crimes in Otsego County.  

But, since Otsego County Attorney Ellen Coccoma, the wife of Chief Administrative Judge for upstate New York Michael Coccoma who regularly employs pretty-face disgraced female attorneys as very "special" counsel (see also a report here indicating that the pretty-face fraudster and judge-elect Christina Ryba accepted the job offer), does the very same, represents private clients on county time and on taxpayers' dime - I guess, son of a judge Michael Getman can certainly do the same with impunity.

By the way, Otsego County Attorney Ellen Coccoma is a very "special" counsel for a Binghamton law firm Hinman, Howard & Kattell, advisor of state and federal judges, while she occupies the full-time position of Otsego County Attorney (the picture is old, by the way, Ellen Coccoma does not look in reality as young as the pretty-face "special counsel" of her husband, the moralist and churchgoer and "elder leader" Michael Coccoma):

At the same time, Ellen Coccoma is a full-time Otsego County Employee, and her salary, as reported by, is $75,349 per year, making any of Ellen Coccoma's work for HHK's private clients and presence at court proceedings during day time for her private climate a theft of public money.

Ellen Coccoma, as the County Attorney, is also responsible to provide legal review of FOIL request.  Yet, legal review is not a legitimate reason to delay release of public records.

At this very time, Ellen Coccoma is stalling my FOIL request to provide copies of HER OWN time sheets for the times she was involved during County time paid by taxpayers - in private cases paid for by Hinman, Howard and Kattel private clients.

And, she is stalling my FOIL request into emails of Otsego County employees, which are also public records.

The declared reason for stalling is the "legal review" which cannot be used as a legal reason (no pun intended) for such stalling.

I guess, if I ask for timesheet of Michael Getman for April 7, 2015, I will be similarly stalled by Ellen Coccoma, after all, the two of them are siblings-in-crime.

But back to Getman and his involvement, through a private client, in a case against my husband.

Since Michael Getman, the Chief Otsego County Assistant District Attorney, according to his own words stated on record in court as recently as on April 7, 2015, 

  • is "aligned", along with his client, against my husband, and is a witness, along with his client, against my husband, and has been for the last 7 years 
  • since Getman's client provided an affidavit against my husband in the Mokay case, 
  • since the appeal from the Mokay action is still pending, with Getman's private client who is "aligned" against my husband as a party to that appeal, 

the office where Getman is a Chief Assistant DA cannot in anybody's bad dream be assigned as a "special investigator" into a case where I and my husband are
victims of a violent crime, a burglary, possibly an attempted arson and likely an intimidation of witnesses of official misconduct.

I wonder who signed that order of appointment.

I wonder whether materials from the investigation into burglary in my own house that I was not allowed to see by Richard Northrup are now in the hands of John Muehl and his office, with Michael Getman having access and thus irreversibly tainting a criminal felony investigation.

I would be delighted to have been that proverbial fly on the wall to hear the accompanying conversations before that order was signed.

Alas, I did not have the pleasure to have been that fly on the wall.

Of course, I will not provide any information to the disqualified DA Muehl or his office.

Of course, this "appointement" will not stop me from continuing to expose John Muehl's misconduct.

And, of course, this "appointment" will not prevent me from continuing to report on the Anthony Pacherille story - as I promised, and, as part of it, on the lawsuit of Anthony Pacherille - father against John Muehl for misconduct and grave constitutional violations.

And you know what, my dear County Court judge who signed that interesting order of appointment of yet another corrupt local investigator and prosecutor to investigate and prosecute what is left of the burglary case into my home - if you cannot offer anybody better than Muehl and his disqualified office for a "special investigator", just hand me over the evidence collected at my house.  

I will hire a private investigator of my choice to do the job.

An honest one.

It is stand-up comedy - and it is free (to read)

I am following the "service" of the New York Commission for Legislative, Executive and Judicial pay raises.

I already wrote about disqualifications of the majority of the members of that Commission who staunchly refuse to disqualify themselves despite their obvious financial interests in the outcomes of their own decisions.

The Commission is going to live-stream a public hearing today at 11:00 am and posted a link that anybody can (allegedly) follow to watch the hearing online.

Here is the information and the link:

The sequence of invited witnesses suggests the following:

1) First, members of the Commission will hear praises to New York Judiciary from those who financially benefit from expressing such praises - attorneys and judges (see my post today about the main rule of the legal profession - "thou shalt brown-nose your judge").

2)  Then, members of the Commission will have lunch.

3) Then, members of the Commission will hear opponents of judicial pay raise, those pesky people who, year after year, raise the issue that the judiciary first needs to clean itself of the rampant corruption and only then it will be entitled to any pay raises - maybe.

We will see how Commissioner's digestive process works after lunch, whether all their blood will drain to their stomachs.

After all, all the most important issues they want to hear - the self-praising and the brown-nosing part - they will hear before lunch.

Yet, at least as a formality, an option to make written submissions is available.  So far the written submissions listed on the Commission's website as of today are not many.  

I am not persuaded that there were only three or four critical submissions against judicial pay raise in the whole New York, with a huge population of close to 20 million people by 2014 statistics.  Looks like the Commission may be hiding something - like NYS OCA is hiding affidavits submitted to the NYS Commission for Attorney Discipline that I asked for in a FOIL request.

After all, why would anybody be exposed to such uncivilized things as criticism of judicial corruption?

It is much more pleasant to hear one set of people interested in boons from another set of people to sing praises about one another - in order to justify putting their collective hands into your pockets, taxpayers of the State of New York.

And here is the announcement about written submissions that can be done to the Commission by e-mail before December 2, 2015.  

Don't miss the opportunity to address the pay raise of judges who - at least in New York - are not bound by the rule of law, but readily recall that they are "constitutional officers" when asking for a pay raise of their already inflated salaries.

And here is the kicker.

Judges submitted a report through the New York State Office of Court Administration, available on the Commission's website.

And in that report judges claim that the following principles must be applicable to the issue of pay raises for them:


I strongly recommend adding a "viewer discretion advised" to such pieces.

An unprepared person may suffer grave health consequences, after all.

Those same people who lack any of the four principles of 

  • fairness
  • objectivity
  • regularity, or 
  • institutional integrity
in their work and who recall that the word "Constitution" only when they claim they are "constitutional officers" entitled to a pay raise, and who at all other times claim that constitutional = frivolous and sanctionable, those same people ask to apply 

  • fairness,
  • objectivity,
  • regularity and
  • institutional integrity 
to their pay raise issue.

Well, if you, my dear dishonorables, undermined institutional integrity of New York government beyond the breaking point, how can you expect the corpse to walk for you and only for you?

I especially love that judges raised the issue of "regularity", that the way law applies should be predictable.

I am all for it.

But then - why are attorneys all over the country flocking to paid CLE seminars to learn "pet peeves" of judges?

Is it because of the "regularity", "objectivity and transparency", "fairness" and "institutional integrity", or maybe it is because, unless you know how to please a particular judge, you won't get anywhere in pursuance of your rights?