"If the judges interpret the laws themselves, and suffer none else to interpret, they may easily make, of the laws, [a shredded] shipman's hose!" - King James I of England, around 1616.

“No class of the community ought to be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. They have the best opportunities of observing and forming a correct judgment. They are in constant attendance on the courts. Hundreds of those who are called on to vote never enter a court-house, or if they do, it is only at intervals as jurors, witnesses or parties. To say that an attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present system,” Justice Sharwood in Ex Parte Steinman and Hensel, 95 Pa 220, 238-39 (1880).

“This case illustrates to me the serious consequences to the Bar itself of not affording the full protections of the First Amendment to its applicants for admission. For this record shows that [the rejected attorney candidate] has many of the qualities that are needed in the American Bar. It shows not only that [the rejected attorney candidate] has followed a high moral, ethical and patriotic course in all of the activities of his life, but also that he combines these more common virtues with the uncommon virtue of courage to stand by his principles at any cost.

It is such men as these who have most greatly honored the profession of the law. The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these. To force the Bar to become a group of thoroughly orthodox, time-serving, government-fearing individuals is to humiliate and degrade it.” In Re Anastaplo, 18 Ill. 2d 182, 163 N.E.2d 429 (1959), cert. granted, 362 U.S. 968 (1960), affirmed over strong dissent, 366 U.S. 82 (1961), Justice Black, Chief Justice Douglas and Justice Brennan, dissenting.

" I do not believe that the practice of law is a "privilege" which empowers Government to deny lawyers their constitutional rights. The mere fact that a lawyer has important responsibilities in society does not require or even permit the State to deprive him of those protections of freedom set out in the Bill of Rights for the precise purpose of insuring the independence of the individual against the Government and those acting for the Government”. Lathrop v Donohue, 367 US 820 (1961), Justice Black, dissenting.

"The legal profession must take great care not to emulate the many occupational groups that have managed to convert licensure from a sharp weapon of public defense into blunt instrument of self-enrichment". Walter Gellhorn, "The Abuse of Occupational Licensing", University of Chicago Law Review, Volume 44 Issue 1, September of 1976.

“Because the law requires that judges no matter how corrupt, who do not act in the clear absence of jurisdiction while performing a judicial act, are immune from suit, former Judge Ciavarella will escape liability for the vast majority of his conduct in this action. This is, to be sure, against the popular will, but it is the very oath which he is alleged to have so indecently, cavalierly, baselessly and willfully violated for personal gain that requires this Court to find him immune from suit”, District Judge A. Richard Caputo in H.T., et al, v. Ciavarella, Jr, et al, Case No. 3:09-cv-00286-ARC in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Document 336, page 18, November 20, 2009. This is about judges who were sentencing kids to juvenile detention for kickbacks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Coyotes Wait with Archers in the bushes

Periodically, I get comments on my blog.

Very rarely (happened only twice over 2+ years of existence of this blog) I get negative comments.

Both sets of negative comments were given by anonymous commentators - which says a lot about veracity of those commentators.

Both anonymous commentators made negative comments from Google+ accounts that were especially created to make the comment - because they had no profile views at the time comments were made.

Both anonymous commentators chose threatening nicknames.

The first named himself "Coyote Waits", the second - an "Archer".

My policy is not to delete negative comments, but to comment on them and to blog about them, see my blogs about "Coyote Waits"' comments here and here.

Which is what I do with the "Archer"'s comments.

Here is Archer's comments made today on this blog:

With my replies:

Here is Archer's profile views as of today - the 1 view registered is mine. 

 It is good - and interesting - that somebody from Delhi FD even engaging in conversations and comments about the fire.

Because that fire, unlike other fires that Delhi FD extinguished, is not reported ANYWHERE.

And, when the victim asked for an official fire report today, in order to present it where she needed to present it, she was told today, 3 days after the fire, that Tim Buckley of Delaware County Sheriff's Department is still preparing the report.

She called the EMS to speak to the EMS guy who talked to her at the site of the fire, and the EMS told her that the report will not come until 2 to 3 weeks later.

They are comparing notes and trying to concoct a plausible story of an "accidental" fire.

While there are many witnesses stating that the fire department did not take the water hoses out, and did not even go up the long driveway until the house was "fully gone".

And, the house as not even "fully gone" when one of the victims saw it - already without a fire.

When she saw it the next time, there was less of a house, apparently, either somebody gutted it thoroughly, or somebody additionally burnt it, while both victims were kept away by FD.

And, up to today, there is no report in the local press, police blotter, FD blotter about the fire, nobody appears to know anything about anything - but Archer, of course.

He knows everything and shoots at me from the bushes, conveniently covering himself with anonymity.

FD did not take the water hose out.

FD did not even call the dog warden to take away the corpse of the dog that remained on site - which is what a person from the local Humane Society claimed FD are immediately doing in such cases.  She was outraged at this neglect.

Nobody talked to the victims.

Nobody took their written statements.

No efforts to save the house.

No efforts to report the fire.

No efforts to even issue an incident report.

No efforts to report the fire in the local news.

Had I not reported it, the local government would have pretended it did not happen at all.

The victim was promised to be called by Tim Buckley today, with the report.

Tim Buckley did not call.

So - if Tim Buckley issues a report dated today or earlier, know that it is backdated or otherwise forged.

It did not exist today.

What the victims received was this letter from Delhi EMS services:


It is obvious that EMS did not even get the name of Barbara's daughter - who was present on site when FD boys were still there.

And - as Barbara was told - the EMS "report" will come only in 2-3 weeks.  

The letter does not say much at all.  It says that the house was "completely destroyed by fire".  That much we already know.

It says nothing about anybody's efforts to extinguish the fire, whether anybody was hurt or if any efforts were undertaken to investigate causes of the fire.

FD boys actually told one of the victims that the fire as intense as melted two vehicles and instantly burned a house started because (1) an electrical problem or (2) the sewer got up in flames.

While one of the victims heard a distinctive sound of window breaking before she went into that room and saw a mattress on fire with something burning on top of it - something that nobody wants to investigate.

I will continue reporting on this case, especially that, according to some experts consulted about the case, there is an indication that it is an arson through explosion and that a certain explosive device was used against the victim's house, and especially that the local press and government  does not believe this fire, especially under the circumstances of the case, is newsworthy.

And, Archer is welcome to make comments - but I ask him to make them under his own name.  

I even invite him to a video conference call on Hangouts that can be streamed to my readers here.

I wonder if the brave Archer will agree to come out of the bushes and participate in a conference - with victims and with experts - sharing his knowledge about the case.

I am sure that his supervisors will tell him to shut up and not speak another word though. 

Or, maybe, Archer actually is a supervisor of the Fire Department.

Who got pissed that his brave men got caught.

I am not sure if these brave men will be brave enough to show their real faces on a video chat recorded by a journalist and streamed live to the public.

It does not require courage to deny protection to a woman, or to forge documents, or even to say nasty things anonymously.

It does require courage - the courage they do not have - to engage in public debate, in real time, on video, live.

The brave Coyote Wait didn't come out of the bushes either, but who knows?

Let's wait if Archer surfaces again and agrees to do a live-streamed video-chat.

Stay tuned.

The latest discriminatory ruling of the 2nd Circuit regarding the legal profession hurts consumers of legal services

I wrote several blogs today about the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit that reinstated the discriminatory New York "physical office" requirement for out-of-state attorneys only.

While the lawsuit was brought by an out of state attorney who was subjected to that discrimination, one BIG necessary party - New York consumers of legal services - was not included into the lawsuit and were not asked their opinion on it, so a challenge to constitutionality of the same Judiciary Law 470 can be made from a consumer standpoint.

Because the decision in Schoenefeld v Scheiderman by the U.S. Court of Appeals (see my blog about it here, with a link to the decision) will raise the costs of legal services for New Yorkers at the time when majority of New Yorkers already cannot afford such services.

It will happen, because of Schoenefeld v Schneiderman decision in the following way:

1) It will be more expensive for out of state attorneys (at lest 20,000 attorneys) to practice law in New York, so they can either stop practicing or raise their prices to justify office costs.  If out of state attorneys charge the same prices as in-state attorneys, they will themselves be getting less because of higher office costs, at least as compared with those resident attorneys who do not have physical offices.

2) Additional prices may force out of state attorneys to stop practicing law in New York, instead preferring jurisdictions with friendlier "virtual office" rules and their own home states.

For people litigating in New York courts (and that's predominantly New York residents) that will mean less attorneys.

When there are less service providers, the remaining service providers may raise prices, and that's exactly what New Yorkers may see soon after Schoenefeld v Schneiderman - the raise of in-state prices for legal services.

Let's recall that the declared purpose of attorney regulation in the first place is protection of the consumer.

Thus, all statutes pertaining to such regulation, must be related to that primary goal.

I did not notice any analysis in Schoenefeld v Schneiderman as to how New York "physical office" requirement to out-of-state attorneys will benefit the consumers.

Apparently, the Attorney General who represented the State of New York on the side of discrimination, did not care about protecting interests of consumers, New York taxpayers who elected him, either. 

But - because the ruling in Schoenefeld v Schneiderman was not made on behalf of consumers, it is arguably not enforceable against consumers, even though the State of New York was supposed to represent interests of consumers in that lawsuit.

Had the State of New York been interested in helping consumers, instead of creating and promoting competitive advantage for in-state attorneys, the State of New York would at least provide a coherent explanation of why the consumers would benefit from raised prices and reduced number of service providers which would be the inevitable result of the ruling that the State of New York sought.

Also, since New York State Attorney General is also a "market player" in regulating the legal services market, he cannot be deemed a proper representatives of consumer interests in such a lawsuit - according to North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners v FTC of February 25, 2015 and FTC Guidelines to Staff of October 13, 2015.

Therefore, in my opinion, constitutionality of Judiciary Law 470 continues to be open to a constitutionality/antitrust lawsuit from consumers of legal services in New York.

Schoenefeld v Schneiderman only highlights once again that the declaration that attorney regulation is done for the benefit of consumers of legal services is just a smoke-screen designed - designed badly, with the design crumbling - to hide the fact that the entire idea of attorney regulation is nothing than a plan of a powerful guild protecting its own turf that does not give a rat's ass about consumers of legal services.


2nd Circuit judges who discriminated against out-of-state attorneys licensed in New York either owed New York State a favor or had no litigation experience before coming to the bench

I posted a blog today about the case Schoenefeld v Schneiderman, where two 2nd Circuit judges reversed the decision of the district court and reinstated discrimination by the State of New York against out-of-state attorneys.

Appears that they did that because the State of New York is extremely lenient in allowing them to violate their own registration obligation in New York as attorneys, as a quid pro quo - an exchange of a favorable ruling for a lack of discipline against these judges who would not obey attorney registration rules in New York.

The majority opinion in Schoenefeld v Schneiderman of April 22, 2016 was written by two judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit:

Reena Raggi and Susan Carney.

Judge Susan L. Carney, according to the website of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, is not licensed in New York State and, according to other sources, has graduated from the Harvard School of Law.

Judge Carney is reportedly married to journalist Lincoln Caplan who, quite "coincidentally", joined the editorial board of New York Times right around the time of his wife's nomination.

At the time of nomination, Susan Carney reportedly had "mediocre" ABA ratings, reportedly because of her "remarkable dearth of litigation experience".

So, this judge with "remarkable dearth of litigation experience" - who nevertheless was put on one of the highest benches in the country - decided to discriminate against out-of-state attorneys licensed in New York while having, apparently, no clue as to what litigation experience is and what burden she is imposing by requiring of a busy out-of-state attorney to channel his or her litigation through a physical office in New York, practically forcing that attorney to move into New York in order to maintain a law practice there.

Judge Reena Raggi of the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals appointed in 2002 has the following attorney registration in New York:

The attorney registration rules in New York, which are to be enforceable against every attorney licensed in New York, dictate that whenever an attorney changes her employment, she must change her official registration information within 30 days.

Judge Reena Raggi assumed office in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals on October 4, 2002.

She had to re-register in New York, listing her changed place of employment, by November 3, 2002, within 30 days of "assuming office".

14 years later  Judge Raggi still has her registration listing her as a judge of the Eastern District of New York, a BAD violation of attorney registration rules.

THIS is the judge who decided that discrimination of out-of-state attorneys licensed in New York is proper?

Because New York State does not enforce, as it should have, rules of registration that are equal for all attorneys - against the Judge, because the judge will then rule FOR the State of New York?

So, Judge Carney's nomination is promoted by New York Times despite mediocre ratings and no litigation experience because her husband joined the newspaper's editorial board at the time of her supposed nomination.  And she got nominated.

Judge Raggi gets favors from New York in terms of non-enforcement of attorney discipline against her for failure to re-register for 14 years that is punishable for any other attorneys registered in New York - and Judge Raggi rules for the State of New York in return.


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit unlawfully pick their cases for full opinions, and boy do they pick...

I wrote a lot on this blog about courts, state and federal, exercising "discretion" (discrimination among cases) that they do not have by law.

That the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit routinely, as a matter of policy, discriminates against civil rights appellants by putting their cases on a "fast-and-sloppy" track for non-precedential "summary orders", for negligent non-review by old judges who rubber stamp the lower court's decisions - whatever they are - by rubber-stamped phrases:

  • "we assume parties' familiarity with procedural history of the case", and
  • "we affirm on substantially the same grounds as the well-reasoned and thoughtful decision of the district court".
That is happening in the 2nd Circuit despite the fact that there is no distinction in statutory law allowing the 2nd Circuit to "pick" cases for full opinions (that require much more work) as opposed to summary orders that require no work at all.

And, the 2nd Circuit charges litigants who are provided with an "opinion" the same fee as litigants slapped with "summary orders" - so the "summary order" litigants, most of them civil rights appellants, are forced by the 2nd Circuit to finance the "opinion" litigants.

That discrimination being bad enough, look at what cases the 2nd Circuit gets to "pick" for a full opinion while tossing civil rights cases:

the two judges who did that are themselves "resident" attorneys licensed in New York (I will run a separate blog about that, there are interesting issues regarding these judges' attorney registrations in New York), so the personal interest is apparent; and

in view of the fact that a federal judge, even though appointed for life, can CHOOSE at any time to leave the bench and go practice law - 

it is pointless to make a claim that federal judges are not prone to decisions based on self-interest when they make discriminatory and turf-protective rulings about the legal profession.

2) The case of Tom Brady - it was really important for the 2nd Circuit (as opposed to civil rights appeal) to restore a suspension of a NFL player, really really important for the court to throw extensive resources on reviewing and resolving that case, all civil rights appellants be damned with their rubber stamped one-two page "summary orders" issued by octogenarian judges who never read the record.

Not only the 2nd Circuit "picks" cases for their opinions - but it picks it in a blatant self-serving manner, and only to either serve the judges' own personal interest or to gain publicity in a scandalous sport-related case.

A lot of justice there.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit: New York may discriminate against out of state attorneys to protect business of in-state attorneys. Dissent: no, facial discrimination for protection of insiders' business against a fundamental right to practice law is unconstitutional

Since September 7, 2011 1/3 of attorneys practicing in New York State (out-of-state attorneys) enjoyed the benefits of the decision of Judge Lawrence Kahn - yes, Judge Kahn not only engages in corrupt behavior by ruling against enemies of his friends from American Inns of Court where he is an "officer", he also did something right, too - nearly 5 years ago.

In his decision filed on September 7, 2011, Judge Kahn declared unconstitutional New York "office requirement" for out of state attorney - which was clearly anachronistic in our day and age of the Internet, and violated Privileges and Immunities clause of out-of-state attorneys who were licensed to practice in New York.

Let's say it again - New York ISSUES licenses to out of state attorneys, without requiring them to have offices in New York.

New York CHARGES money for those licenses, CHARGES money for continued legal education, but when it comes to actually exercise their rights to practice, it BURDENS out-of-state attorneys with additional requirements - to have a physical office within the state of New York, something the so-called "resident" attorneys are not required to do.

On April 22, 2015, the 2nd Circuit overruled Judge Kahn and claimed that the requirement of a physical office of the out-of-staters, which is not required from the "resident" attorneys is not a violation of Privileges and Immunities Clause, but instead that by asking the court to strike the office requirement targeting ONLY out-of-staters, out-of-staters are trying to create a "privileged situation" for themselves.

Go figure the logic.

The dissenting opinion (that starts on page 32 of the 2nd Circuit's decision made by the majority of just TWO judges who decided to uphold discrimination against 1/3 of New York State attorneys) judge Peter Hall picked up on that warped logic right away:

That's exactly right - Judiciary Law 470's office requirement was meant ONLY for out-of-state attorneys, which meant that the statute was discriminatory - and thus unconstitutional under Privileges and Immunities clause - ON ITS FACE.

Judge Hall further states that the majority acknowledged that the statute had "protectionist aims" that did not survive the required scrutiny, or in other words, that New York State government MEANT to discriminate against the out-of-state attorneys in order to protect the business of in-state attorneys:

Judge Hall recognized that the practice of law is a fundamental right - which means that additional protections and scrutiny are needed before the government can burden such a right:

The majority does not mention that the practice of law is a fundamental right by the way - you can word-search the decision, the words "fundamental right" (according to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Supreme Court of N.H. v Piper, 470 U.S. 274 (1985) ) are only contained in the dissent and in majority's footnotes describing the dissent.

As to the so-called "resident attorneys", such attorneys do no have to have an office. 

The contrived reason for discrimination is the alleged amenability of in-state attorneys to service on their residential address.

That is simply not true.

Look up New York state attorneys with New York State P.O. Box addresses only - they do not have their residential addresses listed, so service upon their residential addresses is, naturally, not available.

I had an experience with Judiciary Law 470 while it was still deemed unconstitutional and while my license in New York was still not suspended.

I was NOT an "out of state attorney" because my residence remained in New York, even though I visited out of state, and even stayed for some time out of state.

Many New Yorkers have two residences - in Florida, for example, and in New York, and the "residency" requirements are not clearly defined, by the way, in Judiciary Law 470.

NYS AG Kenneth Gellhaus accused me, this past summer, of unauthorized practice of law because he claimed I had to, as a "non-resident attorney", and did not have the "required" physical office in New York to oppose a case he handled against my client.

In opposition, I, first, stated that Judiciary Law 470 at the time was unconstitutional because of Judge Kahn's decision. 

Second, that I was at that time a resident attorney in New York, and did not have to have a physical office.

Third, even if an attorney has a P.O. Box outside of the State of New York to receive mail, that may not be used as proof of out-of-state residency, because the U.S. post offices do not have residency requirements to provide those P.O. Boxes anywhere, and my South Carolina P.O. Box was the only "proof" of my "non-residential status" that Mr. Gellhaus had.

And fourth - I asked Mr. Gellhaus to disclose his own personal RESIDENTIAL address, because that is the whole difference that is claimed to justify discrimination of Judiciary Law 470 - that "resident" attorneys may be served at their residential addresses.

I never got that residential address from Mr. Gellhaus, which shows how much worth are the arguments about amenability of "resident" attorneys to personal service in New York - exactly "zero". 

Mr. Gellhaus was, by the way, the first person who notified me of suspension of my law license - I guess, he was very much interested in that event to occur and I wonder if he made sure that event would occur.

After all, both the disciplining court and the disciplining attorney grievance committee were both his clients.

So - now any discriminated "out of state" attorney who is licensed in New York can DEMAND to know 

RESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES of the so-called "resident" attorneys to be able to serve them at their home, and 

DEMAND that New York State must now REQUIRE "resident" attorneys to publish their residential addresses along with their office addresses or P.O. Boxes to make themselves "amenable" to personal service - as a matter of equal protection challenge, because the "resident" attorneys' status as living within the State of New York and amenable to personal service at their homes within the State of New York was the ONLY distinction made by the 2nd Circuit as to why discrimination against attorneys must exist.

So - did the 2nd Circuit's decision really protect the "resident" attorneys in New York?

Did it make them safer?

I don't think so.

The service issue is also a non-issue because by being licensed in New York, attorneys agree to service of process wherever they are.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Kentucky as the center of bizarre decisions - bigoted and racist decisions

First, it was the indomitable Kim Davis that railed the whole country by defying the U.S. Supreme Court order and going to jail for refusing to give marriage licenses to same-sex couple on her own personal religious grounds.

Then, it was the "voluntary" suspension and continued disciplinary proceedings of the African American Judge Olu Stevens for faithfully discharging his judicial duties, exercising his rights as a citizen outside of court proceedings after proceedings were over, criticizing racism in the Kentucky prosecutor's office, and fighting racism in Kentucky court system.

Now, it is the slap on the wrist for the white judge Sheila Collins who did something really wrong - wrongfully incarcerated for contempt a witness in a domestic violence case who recanted her testimony out of fear.

Sends a message as to what the Kentucky establishment is all about, right?

Bigoted as to gender and sex orientation and bigoted on racist, even as to their own judges.

And, I do not see in the press notifications of the public railing very much in support of African American Judge Stevens and in indignation against the "be a good girl now" make-believe discipline against white Judge Collins.

The year 2016.

Oh, well.

Confusion rules in Kansas Supreme Court

To issue three decisions and overrule them in the fourth decision - in one day?

Isn't it a little bit too much?