"If the judges interpret the laws themselves, and suffer none else to interpret, they may easily make, of the laws, [a shredded] shipman's hose!" - King James I of England, around 1616.
“No class of the community ought to be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. They have the best opportunities of observing and forming a correct judgment. They are in constant attendance on the courts. Hundreds of those who are called on to vote never enter a court-house, or if they do, it is only at intervals as jurors, witnesses or parties. To say that an attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present system,” Justice Sharwood in Ex Parte Steinman and Hensel, 95 Pa 220, 238-39 (1880).
“This case illustrates to me the serious consequences to the Bar itself of not affording the full protections of the First Amendment to its applicants for admission. For this record shows that [the rejected attorney candidate] has many of the qualities that are needed in the American Bar. It shows not only that [the rejected attorney candidate] has followed a high moral, ethical and patriotic course in all of the activities of his life, but also that he combines these more common virtues with the uncommon virtue of courage to stand by his principles at any cost.
It is such men as these who have most greatly honored the profession of the law. The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these. To force the Bar to become a group of thoroughly orthodox, time-serving, government-fearing individuals is to humiliate and degrade it.” In Re Anastaplo, 18 Ill. 2d 182, 163 N.E.2d 429 (1959), cert. granted, 362 U.S. 968 (1960), affirmed over strong dissent, 366 U.S. 82 (1961), Justice Black, Chief Justice Douglas and Justice Brennan, dissenting.
" I do not believe that the practice of law is a "privilege" which empowers Government to deny lawyers their constitutional rights. The mere fact that a lawyer has important responsibilities in society does not require or even permit the State to deprive him of those protections of freedom set out in the Bill of Rights for the precise purpose of insuring the independence of the individual against the Government and those acting for the Government”. Lathrop v Donohue, 367 US 820 (1961), Justice Black, dissenting.
"The legal profession must take great care not to emulate the many occupational groups that have managed to convert licensure from a sharp weapon of public defense into blunt instrument of self-enrichment". Walter Gellhorn, "The Abuse of Occupational Licensing", University of Chicago Law Review, Volume 44 Issue 1, September of 1976.
“Because the law requires that judges no matter how corrupt, who do not act in the clear absence of jurisdiction while performing a judicial act, are immune from suit, former Judge Ciavarella will escape liability for the vast majority of his conduct in this action. This is, to be sure, against the popular will, but it is the very oath which he is alleged to have so indecently, cavalierly, baselessly and willfully violated for personal gain that requires this Court to find him immune from suit”, District Judge A. Richard Caputo in H.T., et al, v. Ciavarella, Jr, et al, Case No. 3:09-cv-00286-ARC in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Document 336, page 18, November 20, 2009. This is about judges who were sentencing kids to juvenile detention for kickbacks.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Nothing like dismissing a lawsuit against yourself - who else has such power? Or rather who can abuse their power in such an extraordinary way?
(1) to verify membership of its judges who participated in any decisions which personally affected me, in a secret-membership organization the American Inns of Court,
(2) to verify what perks its judges received from attorneys in that secret-membership organization;
(3) who are the secret attorney members who sponsor judges in that secret-membership organization and
(4) to verify why the Northern District of New York conducted an ex parte investigation against me while handling my cases.
By the way, point (4) that I described earlier is the most often read post in this blog, the statistics about the readership is automatic, I don't participate in these calculations.
It must be frivolous if thousands of people read my blog.
I recently amended the complaint in the action in view of the statement of New York State Attorney General that my disciplinary case (filed in January of 2013) is related to my husband's post-disbarment so-far successful federal case Neroni v. Zayas (concluded in July of 2011).
My question posed by the lawsuit - who wined and dined my judges - is answered by Judge Suddaby, of Northern District of New York - I do not have a right to even ask that question, and it is frivolous for me to do so.
Judge Suddaby dismissed my federal lawsuit (after I have spent a month and over $2,000.00 on service of waivers alone) and before any defendants appeared in the action.
But think about it - isn't it awesome for a court to dismiss a lawsuit against itself and its own judges, sued in their individual capacities, for misconduct outside of any court proceedings? Before defendants even appeared in the action? While slapping against me the label of frivolousness?
Judges, you can wine and dine at attorneys' expense and enjoy your secret meetings with influential attorneys with your peace of mind undisturbed. You can accept perks from those attorneys undisturbed. The troublemaker's lawsuit was dismissed.
The mistakes judges sued for misconduct make become more and more bizarre...
But messages Judge Suddaby has sent by his sua sponte dismissal of the action against his own court and its judges, in response to my letter request to transfer the case to a court which will not be disqualified to hear the case, and before appearance of defendants are loud and clear:
(1) it is at presently a taboo in the American society to question a judge's integrity and to try to verify the judge's out-of-court potential conflicts of interest, even if evidence clearly points at potential violations of constitutional rights of litigants by such out-of court conduct;
(2) that judges will fight tooth and claw to protect their perks and privileges, legal or illegal; and
(3) that in protection of their perks and privileges, legal or illegal, judges will disregard every law in the book, including the U.S. Constitution they were sworn to protect - in order to protect their black-robed brethren.
P.S. I will appeal, of course.
Should federal courts be allowed a holiday on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day if they purposefully undermine Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy?
The new Albany County Family Court Judge Sue Kushner and her Facebook friends - judicial integrity, huh?
My client's case was heard in multiple counties before I stepped into it in 2009.
The proceedings went, as far as I know, from Sullivan County to Delaware County to Pennsylvania and Albany County, back to New York and Albany County, back to Pennsylvania, then to North Carolina and New York/ Delaware County.
In December of 2013 I appeared in front of Judge Duggan of Albany County Family Court and specifically asked for an evidentiary hearing on behalf of my client. Judge Duggan adjourned the case to January of 2014 indicating that another judge will be presiding over the issue.
Judge Duggan also gave me leave to amend a petition that I filed with the court earlier, for frustration of visitation by my client's opponent. Judge Duggan at that point us that a new judge will be assigned to the case in January of 2014, without providing details as to why. Judge Duggan did not recuse from the case, simply adjourned it to January 2014.
We learnt the reason why the case was reassigned to another judge in January of 2014. Judge Duggan was not re-elected to a new 10-year term, a new judge, judge Sue Kushner, took his place, and Sue Kushner was assigned to the case in January of 2014.
The attorney for the child in the Albany County Family Court was and still is Lisa Heide Gordon, from 2010 to 2014.
Lisa Heide Gordon is listed on Judge Sue Kushner's personal Facebook page as a friend.
Here is the complete list of Judge Kushner's Facebook friends personally obtained by me from her Facebook page before she removed them - for any reason, such as reading this blog.
Maybe, the readers of this blog will find some other interesting coincidence between this friend list and their court cases in front of this judge.
I found among Judge Kushner's other friends listed on her Facebook page a couple of attorneys working for law firms which engaged in vigorous - sometimes bitter - and not winning - litigation against my clients, including litigation involving political issues and issues of corruption of public officials.
I wonder where Judge Kushner borrowed her ideas that my rights under Americans with Disabilities Act, or my client's rights to an effective representation by the counsel of her choice should not be respected.
Also, prominent in Judge Kushner's friend list are friends from all levels of Albany City, County and New York State Government. Additionally, while Judge Kushner decides cases as a single fact-finder, as to domestic violence (possibly, with parallel cases in criminal court), and in child abuse proceedings (where the Albany County District Attorney is a necessary party), I wonder if she discloses that her son Steven Allinger is employed by the Albany County District Attorney's office...
Such "inextricable intertwinement" with executive and legislative branches of the government, as well as friendship with attorneys who appear in front of the judge or who have litigation involving as opponents attorneys (like me) to whom Judge Kushner took a sudden dislike without seeing them, as she did in my case, suggests possibilities of ex parte communications and that some influential hands may put their weight on Judge Kushner's balance of justice.
My client Ms. K., also commenced, pro se, a habeas corpus proceeding in the Albany County Supreme Court sometime in the fall of 2013. I did not participate in that proceeding and did not consult my client about that proceeding. Ms. K. was allowed to proceed as a poor person and was assigned a counsel who withdrew, and then was assigned an attorney Nancy E. Stroud.
Nancy E. Stroud is also listed as a Facebook friend of Judge Kushner on Judge Kushner's Facebook page.
I gave both attorneys whose names possibly coincided with names of Judge Kushner's friends on Facebook, Lisa H. Gordon and Nancy E. Stroud, benefit of the doubt and verified their identities, through Ms. K's review of their pictures, their personal Facebook pages with their pictures and names, and through the public Attorney Directory available on the website of the New York State Court Administration.
My benefit of the doubt was wasted, as to both attorneys.
They are the ones, the friends of Judge Kushner, as the pictures that I made out of their Facebook pages, the NYS Attorney Directory and the above pictures from Judge Kushner's Facebook friend list illustrate.
As the snippets above demonstrate, there is only on attorney Lisa H. Gordon of Delmar in the State of New York - and that is Judge Kushner's friend.
There is also only one attorney Nancy E. Stroud in the State of New York, and that is Judge Kushner's other Facebook friend.
To me and to Ms. K., such "friendship" explains now a lot of mysterious circumstances and gross irregularities about how Judge Kushner handled Ms. K.'s case.
In January of 2014 I got seriously ill and was given a 2-month medical leave, from mid-January, to mid-March.
All courts adjourned proceedings because of my illness based on the medical leave document that I provided. A two-months adjournment of any court case, including a Family Court case, is not an unheard of occurrence. In fact, the same Albany County Family Court adjourned the same proceedings numerous times at the request of my client's opponent, sometimes for longer periods of time, and without any proof of illness.
Among the courts which handled proceedings where I had to appear when I got ill, Judge Kushner was the only judge who most aggressively sent me letters requiring my appearances and whose clerk kept calling my office and leaving message on my answering machine requiring me to either appear myself or to "find cover".
I explained to Judge Kushner numerous times in correspondence that it was impossible for me to find a replacement counsel to appear instead of me in Albany, New York because
(1) I represented my client since 2009 and my knowledge cannot be easily transferred to another counsel, thus, my client will be prejudiced if I am abruptly taken off the case, and all I am asking for is a mere adjournment;
(2) because the case was a pro bono case for me, and has been since 2010, and it was impossible for me to find, especially on a short notice, a counsel to appear in a complex and acrimonious Family Court case pro bono,
(3) that I was given a medical leave for a reason and it is impossible for me to engage in searches for new counsel, so an adjournment was more in order.
Recently, in a civil case, a trial judge, Supreme Court Justice Kevin M. Dowd adjourned a jury trial twice, over my most vigorous objection, because of illness of a trial counsel (each time, within less than a month before the set trial date).
In November, 2013 Judge Dowd adjourned a jury trial for about six months.
In June of 2014, Judge Dowd adjourned the jury trial in the same case without a date.
Every time it was done over my most vigorous objections.
In Ms. K.'s case in the Albany County Family Court I received no objections from the attorney for the child Lisa H. Gordon or from the pro se father against my request for adjournment of proceedings.
There was no claim or appearance of prejudice by the opponent in the proceeding from any adjournments.
Because Judge Kushner made me face a "choice" - either to come out of my medical leave, which I could not do physically, or find another pro bono attorney for such a complex case, which I could not do either, or be sanctioned for non-appearance, my client graciously released me from the case on consent.
In other words, for Judge Kushner somehow, the protection of Americans with Disabilities Act requiring to provide me a reasonable accommodation and requiring to provide my client the right of her choice of counsel (myself) did not have any meaning.
To release me from having to make the untenable choice that Judge Kushner made me face, Ms. K. released me from her case in front of Judge Kushner on consent in February of 2014. I was wondering what made Judge Kushner to so aggressively push to take me off Ms. K's case in the first place...
As I learnt later, and as documentary evidence may lead a reasonable reader to believe, Judge Kushner could have been "instructed" to do so by her Facebook friends, but back to the story.
Ms. K's mother retained another attorney when I withdrew, because they could not find any other attorney to take the case, like I did, pro bono. Ms. K had no money, and having to retain a counsel hurt her mother who is disabled and is far from rich.
Ms. K. asked me to talk to her newly retained attorney and give him the benefit of my knowledge since the record of the case was so large and it was not easy to get prepared for a hearing without knowing the details of the case, which I handled for 5 years.
Ms. K's new attorney called me and I gave him as much time as he was asking for.
Ms. K's new attorney told me that by the time of our conversation he already read the record of the case and does not need debriefing, just my "feeling" about the case.
Then, according to Ms. K, her newly retained counsel appeared in front of Judge Kushner, failed to ask for an evidentiary hearing which was required under the circumstances, and failed to insist for an evidentiary hearing, which resulted in an adverse ruling against Ms. K.
Nevertheless, Ms. K. related to me that in the conference room before going into the courtroom, she was present at the exchange between her newly retained counsel and the attorney for the child Lisa H. Gordon who stated interesting things:
(1) that she did not read the 65-page decision of a Pennsylvania court because she allegedly "did not have time for that"; yet, the 65-page decision indicated that during the time when Lisa H. Gordon failed to talk to the child she was representing or make sure about the child's welfare, the child was grossly emotionally abused by the father and stepmother;
(2) that Ms. K's Amended Petition that was filed by me at the beginning of January 2014 following permission of Judge Duggan in December 2013 (which decision Lisa H. Gordon never opposed in court and never appealed) should have been tossed out - and the petition was about frustration of visitation by the father in the same manner as the finding of frustration of visitation by the father and stepmother by the Pennsylvania court, in a decision that Ms. Gordon had no time to read, even though it was part of the Petition alleging actions of the father contrary to the best interests of Ms. Gordon's minor client;
(3) that Ms. K's mother, my client and I "sue everybody", and went to elaborate and discuss my family member who is good as opposed to me and my husband who are, according to Ms. Gordon, bad people.
The interesting point is that Ms. Gordon talked to me once on the phone, once at a pre-appearance conference, and no acrimonious words were ever exchanged between us. So, it is beyond me as to what is the basis of Ms. Gordon's attitude against me, going to the point of attacking my family members in discussions of court proceedings where I long withdrew from the case and did nothing bad to her or her client.
My husband never appeared for Ms. K. in the Albany County Family Court and never represented her there.
Somehow, in Lisa H. Gordon's mind, the factors she listed during the conference outweighed her obligation to pursue the best interests of the child and allowed Lisa H. Gordon to not even look at the contents of Ms. K's petition claiming the same kind of frustration of visitation by the father that Lisa H. Gordon refused to see in 2010-2011 and that a Pennsylvania court found in 2012.
At the same time, Lisa H. Gordon was paid for her "services" by the Albany County taxpayers, including me and my husband whom she allowed herself to badmouth, and she was paid specifically for representing the best interests of the child and not to use the court proceedings to spread rumors against her competitors against attorneys who sue judges while her friend Sue Kushner is a judge.
Ms. Gordon did not care that I represented Ms. K. for 4 years pro bono and that I was squeezed out of the case by her friend the judge who used my temporary illness to deprive Ms. K. of effective legal representation. She badmouthed me anyway, in front of my client, and in front of my client's new attorney, on subjects that had nothing to do with my client's family court litigation, because if my federal lawsuits against judges did have a bearing on my client's case, all adverse findings against my client must be instantly vacated.
Child custody issues may not be decided based on political affiliation of a party, and especially based on civil rights litigation of the party's attorney.
The habeas proceedings where Ms. K. was represented by her assigned counsel, Judge Kushner's other Facebook friend, Nancy E. Stroud, were also mentioned in the Family Court, and Lisa Gordon blamed it on me for not reporting to the court that such proceedings exist.
Of course, how could Lisa Gordon, friend of Judge Kushner, blame it on Nancy Stroud, another friend of judge Kushner who actually represented Ms. K. in these proceedings.
Nancy E. Stroud, in her turn, acted in the Supreme Court habeas proceedings against the best interests of Ms. K., openly violating the rule that an attorney may not give legal consultations to the opponents and teach the opponents how to restrict the rights of her own clients.
That's what Nancy E. Stroud did when, in an e-mail that I have on file, she taught Ms. K's opponent how to file and serve a Notice of Entry of a court order adverse to Ms. K., thus cutting her own client's time to appeal that adverse order.
Nancy E. Stroud knew it was a disciplinary violation, but did it all the same. After all, who would dare to touch a judge's friend with attorney discipline?
According to Ms. K., neither Nancy E. Stroud, nor Lisa Gordon, nor Judge Kushner have ever disclosed their Facebook friendship in court proceedings.
And my legal opinion is that such a non-disclosure, coupled with actions of the judge and these two attorneys against my former client is a complete shame that should result in most severe discipline against the judge and the attorneys.
Even though - in accordance with unspoken New York "law of connections" - everybody knows that such discipline would never be imposed.
Due to actions of Judge Kushner and her Facebook friends attorneys Lisa H. Gordon and Nancy E. Stroud, Ms. K. lost the last remnants of her trust in the integrity of judicial proceedings which hands out custody of children to the children's confirmed abusers, refuses to review any proof of such abuse and punishes whistleblowers of such abuse, likely in reliance on recommendations of the judge's Facebook friends which have nothing to do with the law or facts of the case.
Who can blame her?
To ask the Moreland Commission to fight judicial corruption? What a joke...
The same sentiments were aired before the so-called New York State Moreland Commission on public ethics and corruption, according to news reports.
There was the testimony before the Moreland Commission in October of 2013.
Crowds of people wanted to testify before the Commission.
Only a handful of those who wanted to testify and petition the government/ the Moreland Commission to review their grievances against corruption in the court system, was allowed to testify.
Moreover, according to the reports as to an "coincidental" arrest of a would-be witness at the Commission, Seema Kalia, questions should be explored by the same Commission whether corruption of public officials was involved in preventing the testimony of at least one of the witnesses who wanted to testify.
Reportedly, representatives of the U.S. Attorney's Office reportedly testified before the Moreland Commission that corruption of public officials in New York is rampant.
Reportedly, witnesses before the Moreland Commission reportedly testified about corrupt court proceedings.
On December 3, 2013, based on all investigation and testimony the Moreland Commission issued a report.
It appears from the report that "the mountain gave birth to a mouse".
While acknowledging that corruption of public officials is rampant in New York, and there are practically no effective laws to fight such corruption, the Moreland Commission's report of December 3, 2013 was silent as to corruption in the court system.
And the question is - why? Why after the testimony about such corruption? What does New York State want? A revolution to change corrupt ways of courts? To make judges actually follow the law they are sworn to uphold?
The answer may be in the identity of the Co-Chair of the Moreland Commission William Fitzpatrick, who is also the Onondaga County District Attorney.
William Fitzpatrick is reportedly a law school buddy and roommate of a powerful judge James C. Tormey,the judge who was sued for retaliating against a court clerk for refusing to engage in political espionage against a judge.
The lawsuit cost New York State taxpayers $600,000.00 to hush down the judge's behavior, even though I do not understand why the taxpayers had to pay for outrageous misconduct of judges in office.
After that, Judge Tormey's co-defendant Judge Hedges was taken off the bench, after his resignation, on allegations of sexual misconduct dating 40 years back and while there was evidence that allegations were untrue.
Why? I think - because Judge Hedges was the one who disclosed to the plaintiff in the Morin v. Tormey litigation that Tormey's office is out to get her, an admission that could have brought Ms. Morin a victory in the event the case would be allowed to proceed to a jury trial, and it was at the door to that trial when it was settled.
Usually, unless there is a court finding of misconduct, the Commission does not strike a finger to do anything against the judge, no matter how bad his or her misconduct is.
Here, all statutes of limitations against Judge Hedges were long gone and he was simply not suable by the alleged victim, while there was evidence before the Commission for Judicial Conduct that Judge Hedges was not engaged in what he was accused of and the victim simply made up the story to get money from the judge for her children's college education (after, according to the victim's e-mail reportedly submitted as evidence to the Commission for Judicial Conduct, sharing portion of that bounty with the Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick).
It appears to be a mere act of retaliation by the judicial system and their loyal insiders against one of their own for "slipping up" and violating the unspoken rule of the "black wall of silence" to protect their own black-robed brothers and sisters.
Moreover, as I've written before, the public pleadings submitted to the Commission of Judicial Conduct in Bryan Hedges' case, show that William Fitzpatrick had an agreement with the alleged victim to share in the monetary settlement with the alleged victim that the alleged victim was trying to elicit from Judge Hedges.
When blackmail did not help, William Fitzpatrick turned Judge Hedges into the Commission for Judicial Conduct.
While the Commission is notoriously deaf, blind and otherwise unresponsive to any misconduct of any judges, in this case it took Judge Hedges off the bench despite evidence the charges were bogus, despite evidence Judge Hedges already resigned.
Thus, while the Commission for Judicial Conduct refuses to act to protect people from judicial misconduct, it is readily used as a tool of retaliation of corrupt public officials against enemies of embattled judges.
Therefore, one might affirmatively state that the Moreland Committee is another smokescreen attempting to show people that "something" is being done to address the issue of corruption in New York.
As to judicial corruption - this word combination remains a taboo.
My question is - will anybody, at any time, finally do something about at least judicial misconduct, in view of the fact that the Commission for Judicial Conduct would not do anything, the Moreland Commission would not hearings which would give all citizens who have grievances against corrupt public officials to speak, in an unrestricted public way, on record, before the Moreland Commission?
When will we see some action from the Moreland Commission addressing issues of judicial corruption it is charged to address?
My concern is also whether people who wrote to the Commission about judicial corruption will be retaliated against - and will have no effective legal remedy against such a retaliation under the existing law...
Is it too sticky a task to tackle?
Is it difficult for the Moreland Commission to tackle those tasks because Commissioners are themselves attorneys, at least some of them, and their licenses and livelihoods are in the hands of the very judiciary whose corruption they are charged to investigate - while they know from their own report and ivnestigation that in New York, no laws will protect them from judicial retaliation if they start actually doing their jobs and fighting corruption.
Which brings me right back to the main topic of this blog - to remove attorney licensing from the hands of the judiciary and to restore independence of court representation as one of the cornerstones of American democracy.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Judges indebted to others...
I would like to re-quote it in a separate post to highlight its importance.
In her Memorandum of Law, p. 9 (see Blanding post) Ms. Walsh said the following:
"If the public is to have confidence in the judiciary, it must make sure that judges are not indebted to others or on someone else's payroll".
To explore who my judges may be indebted to, I filed the Neroni v. Peebles case.
I believe, it is a matter of grave public concern when judges participate in secret membership organizations, where, behind closed doors, they attend receptions paid for by influential attorneys while the judges are allowed to participate for free.
It is improper when judges are allowed free international travel with their spouses as part of the same attorney-sponsored membership.
In the Blanding case, the judge was also doing something in secret - he secretly and self-servingly practiced law and drafted a will bequeathing himself a huge bounty, and then retired early, which the NYS AG's office characterized as a step motivated by the expectation of a bounty and the fear that the testator will die while the judge was still on the bench, so that the secret would be readily revealed.
The judge also, as NYS Assistant AG says in her pleadings, "chose his son, secretary and law clerk, presumably confidants, as witnesses to his misdeeds", Memo of Law of March 24, 2000, p. 4 in the Blanding case.
As Assistant Attorney General Mary A. Walsh said in her Memorandum of Law on March 24, 2000,
"Judges must not be bought, and the public should not think they can be. Judges must be answerable to the public they serve and not to any private benefactor, friend or client. Were it otherwise, the public would be led to perceive that judges would be inclined to act at the behest of their friends and patrons...."
I could not say it any better.
There are some flies in the ointment, though.
The first such "fly" is that, were Judge Harlem to be sued for corrupt behavior on the bench, Mary A. Walsh would have been representing him in court and claiming judicial immunity on his behalf.
The second such "fly" is that the NYS AG's office settled with Robert Harlem without requiring him to forfeit his salaried position as a trustee in the Blanding foundation where he continued to financially benefit for his wrongdoing until he died in 2012, and there were no criminal or disciplinary consequences for the former Robert Harlem for his obvious wrongdoing for which he remained adamantly unrepentant, and even accused the NYS AG's office of inappropriately targeting him for punishment in the wrong forum.
I wonder when NYS AG's office will start to actually prosecute judges and members of their families to the fullest extent of the law, the same way the NYS AG's office would do prosecuting a John Smith off the street who would steal a much smaller amount than what judges and members of their families did.
There is a clear deference in not prosecuting judges or their family members when New York prisons are full with people who are doing hard time for less.
If public trust in the integrity of the judiciary is to be maintained, the judiciary is to be cleansed of their bad apples, not protected from prosecution.
But - I admit that NYS Assistant AG wrote a most impressive Memorandum of Law as to the need to maintain public trust in the integrity of judges.
As she said, once again, "judges must not be bought, and the public should not think that they can be. Judges must be answerable to the public they serve and not to any private benefactor, friend, or client".
Yet, one can only "think" about something when one has information about something. Speculation leads you nowhere.
For that reason, and, of course, to establish whether any judges were disqualified by financial interests in presiding over my cases, I want to make my judges reveal, as discovery in a federal lawsuit, whether they are members of an organizations where they receive perks from attorneys and, if they are, who are attorney members of the organization who wined and dined them (or wines and dines them at present).
And I want to make the State of New York mandate its judges to make such information public.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
The Blanding saga - will these attorneys ever be disciplined? Or their "blue blood" will continue protecting them?
I also wrote in this blog about the situation where attorney discipline appears to apply in the state of New York only to civil rights attorneys and whistleblowers of official (and judicial) misconduct and does not apply to the most powerful attorneys who can hurt the public the most.
I also described the extraordinary lengths to which courts go in order to absolve attorneys who are judges, retired judges or their friends or members of their families of liability, even when they are clearly wrong. That desire to absolve "members of the pack" of liability for wrongdoing goes to direct misrepresentation of the record, misstatements of the law or simply ignoring the law or portions of the record, as it was done multiple times in my cases by multiple judges, so I can deem it as a pattern and policy of the New York State judiciary to do that.
Well, the class of blue blood attorneys protected by the State of New York from whistleblowing of their misconduct includes politically connected private counsel, especially retired judges and their family members.
While the Committee is spending its scarce budget on prosecuting whistleblowers, it allows the "big fish" attorneys to continue to hurt the public. And if misconduct is not deterred or punished, it will proceed further and will get worse, I do not have to be a legal expert to tell you that.
Below you can see public documents describing what kind of misconduct the 3rd Deparment's Committee for Judicial Conduct allowed to remain unpunished and undeterred.
The documents I publish in this blog will describe how the now late judge Robert Harlem of Oneonta, New York, practice law while on the bench, involved in that secret and unconstitutional practice of law his son, his confidential law secretary (later his wife) Irene Mann/Harlem and his confidential law clerk Denis Dineen.
None of attorneys involved in that scandal were disbarred or publicly disciplined.
Because when we turned these attorneys in, the law firm Hiscock & Barclays, where the disciplinary prosecutor John Casey, member of the Committee for Professional Standards was and is law partner, chose to (1) allow his law firm to accept attorneys turned in for his investigation and prosecution as paying clients; (2) caused the prosecution to be dropped, (3) resigned from the Committee when I raised this issue in a federal lawsuit Neroni v. Zayas, but (4) allowed his law firm to continue representation of Richard and Robert Harlem anyway, keeping the ill-gained legal fees, and instead (5) disbarred my husband and (6) commenced a disciplinary proceedings against me.
How corrupt is that is for your to judge.
I will simply publish the documents for your information. The records I am publishing here are in open access in Otsego County Surrogate's Court, New York and are also available on Freedom of Information requests from the New York State Attorney General's office.
Robert Harlem also gave a gift to the Beatrice W. Blanding foundation where, upon my research of public records of that non-profit, he was a salaried trustee until his death in 2012.
To conceal the fact that Robert Harlem, a sitting Supreme Court justice, was practicing law, he used two attorneys, his son Richard Harlem and his confidential law clerk Dennis Dineen, to sign codicils (additions) to the will.
Neither of these attorneys were publicly disciplined for helping a sitting Supreme Court judge to engage in unauthorized practice of law.
Richard Harlem still has a private practice.
Denis Dineen is employed by the state of New York, so the taxpayers continue to fund livelihood of this attorney who should have been disbarred for his role in allowing the judge her served as a law clerk to engage in the practice of law prohibited to the judge by the New York State Constitution.
- even though John Casey accepted as a law partner (and, no doubt, a shield of protection) M. Cornelia Cahill, the wife of the Chief Judge of the Court of Claims Richard Sise, rescuing her, as he did with Richard Harlem and Robert Harlem, from attorney discipline when she was turned in for her role in the school pension scandal;
- even though John Casey employs New York State Senator Neil Breslin;
- even though, according to the New York State Senate's response to my Freedom of Information request, Richard Harlem is the landlord of many years for New York Senator James Seward's Oneonta district office