Saturday, September 16, 2017

New York to parents: prepare for your children's education to be screwed. New York cancels a reading test for teachers and by dropping certification scores. A question from a taxpayer and a parent: why do we need teacher certification at all?

New York State continues to "excel".

It is the state
It is also the state from where people run to other states - run from rampant government corruption and run from those same stifling taxes, "voting with their feet".

And, with all the claims of innovation in New York, the state has reportedly fallen behind a number of other states in creation of new millionaires (people who contribute heavily to the state's economy through taxes, creating jobs and spending), meaning that there are not so many opportunities (other than corruption, which does not produce public wealth) to earn big money in the state.

This state that, this year, canceled a reading test for teachers - for real, this is not a joke!  Because subjecting teachers who are supposed not only to KNOW how to read, but to TEACH it to our children, is supposedly "discriminatory to minorities" who want to become teachers.

Now, New York went even further than that.

It is dramatically cutting passing standards on teacher certification exam, in order to be able to hire the 180,000 teachers to cover the current shortage in New York public schools.

That is happening also at the background that New York vigorously pursues, and even sues, to preserve its supposed "right" to not report illegal immigrants to authorities. 

As recently as yesterday, NYS Governor signed an executive order barring New York State police and state agencies from even asking about people's immigration status.

At the very same time, Cuomo created a special police force to fight "Central American gangs" in public schools in New York City where teachers are intimidated by such gangs.

Of course, there are a lot of comments on social media that Cuomo was not right to do that, that he should not be "policing our youth", but should instead be "speaking to the immigrant community" and trying to fight gangs in schools through pleas.

So, teachers who parents are going to be getting (and paying for as taxpayers), as a result:

  • will not be properly tested even in how they READ - not to offend their tender sensibilities;
  • will not be required to pass as rigorous a testing as those who taught the previous generations of New York children - in order to cover a teacher shortage (I guess, if there is a shortage, you hire whoever, in order to cover it, and the quality be damned);
  • and will not be allowed to report illegal aliens in their schools,
  • will continue to be intimidated by gangs that now require already a separate police force to be addressed - so tell me, who in their right mind will go teach in such schools.

So, parents in New York, rejoice, a large flock of low quality teachers are coming into the public school in your area - who may not be able to read, may not be able to pass the certification exam that the previous teachers were passing, and is so desperate to get any job that he/she does not mind teaching in a war zone where gangs run amok.

And a judge just ruled that you, the parents and taxpayers, and we, the federal taxpayers, are stuck with paying for it.

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