Here is what you rarely see nowadays - a crying judge:
This is Passaic County Superior Court Judge Joseph A. Portelli, of New Jersey.
Judge Portelli is crying because the disciplinary counsel asked for his removal - reportedly, for "insulting and sexual remarks to attorneys and witnesses who regularly appeared in his courtroom".
Note the word "regularly".
Here is the formal complaint against Judge Portelli.
I can tell you that many judges I know made similar remarks in New York - and are still on the bench, and instead, complaints against them are tossed by the NYS Commission for Judicial Conduct and complainants are viciously persecuted.
In Judge Portelli's case, the word "regularly" denotes that what Judge Portelli was doing, was happening for a long time, and it requires courage to finally turn the judge in.
Before Judge Portelli started to cry, Judge Portelli fought to deny the allegations - even though such things happen with multiple witnesses.
Now he is crying.
He was not crying when he was insulting people.
He is crying because he is about to lose his power and his paycheck.
And that's all there is to his "honor" - and to the honor of many others who are not reached or reachable by judicial discipline.
They are just contemptible cowards, hurting those who are weaker then them in status, abusing their power to insult people - and crying crocodile tears at the prospect that such power is about to be removed from them.
No sympathy.
I was tried by that buffoon in a divorce, he scumbag ordered the return of my business equipment, and then wouldn't enforce it, he let me go to prison over and over again, found 3 words in a row on paperwork in my favor, but sought out one liners to make his point, which was tomscrew me. I wonder what motivates a judge to seek out reasons to screw someone, railroad them into prison, while admitting evidence that even he admitted was tampered from his bench. Someone should check his overseas finances, wouldn't be surprised.��