Friday, October 30, 2015

Crowd control in ghost towns

In my previous blog I wrote about the "crowd control" measure invented by the Delaware County police in order to:

1) provide a no-public-bidding "training" contract to the county undersheriff Craig DuMond and his wife Cathleen Dumond;

2) provide public relations/promotion/advanced pay opportunities to members of the families of police management - Craig Dumond and wife, daughter of former police chief Tellian and reported girlfriend of Delaware County jail chief Lt. Stanton.

The article about "resurrection" of "mount patrol" in Delaware County points out two necessities for such a new unit:

  1. public relations;
  2. crowd control

Public relations of the police is, first, not a necessity, and, second, should be done not by posing on horseback, but by doing their jobs properly.

As to crowd control - population of Delaware County is dwindling, so I wonder where the mounted patrol unit will find crowds in order to control them other than a one-time weeklong County Fair event.

When I first came to Delaware County in 1999, there were 4 kindergarten classes in Delaware Academy in Delhi and more kindergarten classes in Treadwell.

Now the Treadwell school is closed and building sold, for lack of children to fill it, and the Delaware Academy, reportedly has one or two kindergarten classes.

Delaware County clerk's office workers recently expressed surprise when I finalized a divorce for a client, saying they did not do such a thing for a long time, so cases are dwindling in court, too.

People are fleeing New York state because of high taxes, no jobs and high and all-permeating corruption.

People stopped coming to Delaware County from NYC for vacations and are selling their second residences.

Delhi, NY looks like a ghost town.

That downstaters and out-of-staters stop coming to the Delaware County's neck of woods must have an impact on the number of criminal cases, at least, on DWI cases.

You can only arrest the drinking locals so many times, they are all numbered, and their driver's licenses, once revoked, are revoked and they can no longer be charged for DWIs - unless they get behind the wheel despite a license revocation, which will happen not so often.

Moreover, when a person's driver's license is revoked in Delaware County, he or she tends to leave the are, because he or she cannot maintain employment where there is no public transportation, and there is no public transportation in Delaware County.

To boost fines Delaware County already tried to create a new prosecutor's position - not filled yet, specifically to deal with DWIs, in order to have that prosecutor drum up conviction fines, and with an incentive to do that, the prosecutor will be paid (unlawfully and unconstitutionally) out of those conviction fines, according to the County plan.

Not many violent crimes are reported in Delaware County either, and those violent crimes that are committed, are often committed by people close to the local government, and, if that happens, such crimes are swept under the rug and not prosecuted.  Drugs in Delaware County are also not prosecuted as vigorously as they should be, where certain well known locations of drug exchanges and sales are deliberately not patrolled, which begs the question whether the local police and prosecution has a cut in the drug sales.

So, with the dwindling population and the nearly-stopped traffic from out of state or downstate to Delaware County for vacation, tourism and 2nd home purposes, the number of all court cases, including criminal cases, has necessarily gone down, making a new judgeship unnecessary.

Yet, a second judgeship was created to handle the allegedly "increased caseload" which a single judge handled just fine when the caseload and population was larger.

To handle expanding caseload in Family and County/Criminal Court.

In the ghost town of Delhi, NY.

In the ghost Delaware County, New York where there are more bears than people.

At taxpayers' expense.

Clans associated with he local government need to get salary increases somehow, right?  And, when honest business opportunities go down, government grows - as well as corruption.

All the more reasons to leave Delaware County.

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