"If the judges interpret the laws themselves, and suffer none else to interpret, they may easily make, of the laws, [a shredded] shipman's hose!" - King James I of England, around 1616.

“No class of the community ought to be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. They have the best opportunities of observing and forming a correct judgment. They are in constant attendance on the courts. Hundreds of those who are called on to vote never enter a court-house, or if they do, it is only at intervals as jurors, witnesses or parties. To say that an attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present system,” Justice Sharwood in Ex Parte Steinman and Hensel, 95 Pa 220, 238-39 (1880).

“This case illustrates to me the serious consequences to the Bar itself of not affording the full protections of the First Amendment to its applicants for admission. For this record shows that [the rejected attorney candidate] has many of the qualities that are needed in the American Bar. It shows not only that [the rejected attorney candidate] has followed a high moral, ethical and patriotic course in all of the activities of his life, but also that he combines these more common virtues with the uncommon virtue of courage to stand by his principles at any cost.

It is such men as these who have most greatly honored the profession of the law. The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these. To force the Bar to become a group of thoroughly orthodox, time-serving, government-fearing individuals is to humiliate and degrade it.” In Re Anastaplo, 18 Ill. 2d 182, 163 N.E.2d 429 (1959), cert. granted, 362 U.S. 968 (1960), affirmed over strong dissent, 366 U.S. 82 (1961), Justice Black, Chief Justice Douglas and Justice Brennan, dissenting.

" I do not believe that the practice of law is a "privilege" which empowers Government to deny lawyers their constitutional rights. The mere fact that a lawyer has important responsibilities in society does not require or even permit the State to deprive him of those protections of freedom set out in the Bill of Rights for the precise purpose of insuring the independence of the individual against the Government and those acting for the Government”. Lathrop v Donohue, 367 US 820 (1961), Justice Black, dissenting.

"The legal profession must take great care not to emulate the many occupational groups that have managed to convert licensure from a sharp weapon of public defense into blunt instrument of self-enrichment". Walter Gellhorn, "The Abuse of Occupational Licensing", University of Chicago Law Review, Volume 44 Issue 1, September of 1976.

“Because the law requires that judges no matter how corrupt, who do not act in the clear absence of jurisdiction while performing a judicial act, are immune from suit, former Judge Ciavarella will escape liability for the vast majority of his conduct in this action. This is, to be sure, against the popular will, but it is the very oath which he is alleged to have so indecently, cavalierly, baselessly and willfully violated for personal gain that requires this Court to find him immune from suit”, District Judge A. Richard Caputo in H.T., et al, v. Ciavarella, Jr, et al, Case No. 3:09-cv-00286-ARC in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Document 336, page 18, November 20, 2009. This is about judges who were sentencing kids to juvenile detention for kickbacks.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Who is the "attorney Daniel Goldstein" who harassed Ivanka Trump and her children on the JetBlue plane?

It appears that the person who has reportedly harassed Ivanka Trump, her husband and their three children on a commercial plane claiming that her father "ruined the country" and questioning why she is even on that plane and is not flying on a private plane - was reportedly a New York lawyer, Dan Golstein, who engaged in his harassment routine while having his own toddler in tow.

And, reportedly, Dan Goldstein's husband tweeted that Dan Golstein was "chasing them down to harass them".

There are 6 lawyers by the name of Daniel Goldstein registered in New York:

Here is the picture of "our" Daniel Goldstein made from the video in the airport in San Francisco where the plane arrived:

The individual tried to cover his face, so this is as good a shot as it could be - just a profile.

But, however he covered his face, a news article appeared showing his face - and his name - clearly: Daniel Jennings Goldstein.

And his husband has been identified as Hunter College professor Matthew Lasner - the two husbands prudently kept different last names that obscures the connection.

Professor Matthew Lasner is, reportedly, a Harvard-educated professor of "urban studies and planning".

There is a clearer picture of Daniel Goldstein, and his husband Matthew Lasner, on Twitter,

as well as a lot of indignant comments about attorney Daniel Goldstein harassing women and children, and his husband  professor Matthew Lasner supporting and documenting the harassment:

One comment, clearly on point, called Dan Goldstein's behavior child abuse

- which it clearly is.  Many parents in New York have been adjudicated as having abused their children for engaging in angry confrontations in the children's presence.

Also, such confrontation in the presence of other people's children - like Ivanka Trump's in this situation - may qualify for a crime of endangering welfare of a minor, a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in jail, and fines.

The interesting part though is to identify where attorney Dan Goldstein toils.

It should not be difficult at all - because attorneys in New York must register and show their office address in their public registration information.

But, there is no attorney Daniel Jennings Goldstein registered in New York as of today - and there are only 5 attorneys by the name of Daniel Goldstein (the last one, the 6th on the list is a woman by the name of Danielle Goldstein):

I checked out three Daniel Goldsteins out of the 6 registered - it appears from the picture that "our" Daniel Goldstein is young.

There is another clear picture of "our" Daniel Goldstein and his husband posted here:

This is the registration and picture of one of attorneys by the name of Daniel Goldstein, one named Daniel Abraham Goldstein who works in a prestigious law firm Kaye Scholer, the law firm of the retired (and now deceased) New York Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals Judith Kaye:

The guy in the Kaye Scholer picture looks younger, but the outline of his face somehow resembles, if not matches "our guy" - even though he is listed with a middle name of "Abraham", not "Jennings".

The next Daniel Goldstein claims in his registration he works at the law firm Shulte Roth & Zabel LLP, at 919 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 10022-3902.

Yet, no attorney by the name of Daniel Goldstein is listed among lawyers working for that law firm.

The third Daniel Goldstein is definitely not our Goldstein:

"Our" Goldstein is, reportedly, "an employment lawyer in Brooklyn and graduated from Wesleyan University and from UCLA School of Law."

That information matches the Daniel Adam Goldstein who claims on his registration information that he is employed by Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP - but who disappeared from their attorney roster:

Yet, his picture that I obtained from the cached - but since removed - page on the webpage of Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP does not match the picture of "our" Daniel Goldstein, even though it matches his educational information - a California Law School:

So, "our" Daniel Goldstein does not clearly match registration information of the three attorneys by the name of Daniel Goldstein registered to practice in New York.

This "our" Daniel Goldstein:

And these are the three young attorneys by the name of Daniel Goldstein registered in New York:

The Daniel Goldstein (formerly) from Schulte, Roth & Zabel, who graduated from California's Berkeley School of Law in 2015

 the Daniel Goldstein of Kaye Scholer LLP who graduated from Columbia Law School in New York in 2011 (admitted in 2012), and

 the Daniel Goldstein from Shiboleth LLP who graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 2010 (admitted in 2011)

The remaining two attorneys do not fit the educational description or age:

there is a Yale-educated Daniel Goldstein, admitted in 1958 who must be at least 83 years of age:

and, there is a Harvard-educated Daniel Goldstein who was admitted in 1988, and thus is at least 53 years old - which does not appear to be "our" Daniel Goldstein's age, judging from the pictures:

So far from what I can see, from the official information, no attorney registered in New York matches the picture and education (UCLA Law School) that "our" Daniel Goldstein allegedly have graduated from.

The only Daniel Goldstein who graduated from UCLA Law School:

 is not "our" Daniel Goldstein.

Yet, maybe, "our" Daniel Goldstein's education, as well as middle name, was reported wrong - since "our" Daniel Goldstein resembles the facial features of this guy:

a Columbia graduate of 2012, employed at Kaye Scholl LLP.  Yet, he is an attorney specializing in "structured finance" and not employment, as "our" Daniel Goldstein is claimed to be.

So, "our" "lawyer" Daniel Goldstein continues to remain a mysterious figure - a Daniel Jennings Goldstein from Brooklyn specializing in employment without New York registration - or, somebody who simply claimed he is an attorney to put the press on a false track.

Anyway, WHEN THE Daniel Goldstein is identified, will he be disciplined as an attorney, charged criminally for stalking, harassment and endangering welfare of minors, and charged in Family Court for emotional child neglect and abuse?

Or, will the authorities shy away from applying the clearly applicable law because the guy is gay and Jewish and belong to academic elite and because he harassed Trump's daughter and grandchildren?

By the way, Trump's daughter and grandchildren are Jewish, too, so no claims of being against Jewish Daniel Goldstein be made as being anti-Semitic.

The stalking, harassment, endangering welfare and child neglect and abuse happened IN NEW YORK - on the plane while still in New York airport, as I understand, so New York has jurisdiction to charge.

So - do we have the rule of law here, or are some people, even the President-elect's daughter and grandchildren, below the law, while some other people, like "liberal-minded" Jewish gay couple, above the law?

To begin with, anybody else who would have caused a disturbance on the flight would have been not only booted off the flight, but also arrested and charged.

A tribute to corrupt public officials. #FormerNewYorkCourtofAppelasChiefJudgeSolWachtler - the liar, Part I.

Yesterday, I have started my series of blogs about the former New York Chief Judge Sol Wachtler - the extortionist, stalker, abuser of women, peeping Tom, forgerer, criminal impersonator, a criminal who has sent obscenities to a child and who claimed he will kidnap a child unless paid - first, $20,000 (that was delivered to the location of his choice), and later on, $200,000.   

The extremely interesting question that I will cover in a separate blog is that Sol Wachtler was never charged for any crimes under New York State law in New York state courts - even though federal charges made against him, and his conviction on one of them on a plea bargain, do not present a double jeopardy against state prosecution.

I also wrote in yesterday's blog that, after serving his prison term, the disbarred Sol Wachtler was somehow reinstated as an attorney (without disclosure of reasons for such a stark clemency to such a serious criminal), and that he is now fully embraced by the legal, academic and business establishment of New York.

Actually, even the New York State Court of Appeals judge Michael Garcia invited Sol Wachtler to his swearing-in ceremony in April of 2016 and proudly posed for public pictures of himself with Sol Wachtler.

From how enthusiastic Judge Garcia is in discussing something with Sol Wachtler in his picture, one may reasonably infer that Michael Garcia and Sol Wachtler have known each other for a long time, and that Judge Garcia enjoys Sol Wachtler's company.

I've started my blog series about Sol Wachtler because of the relentless campaign of his well-connected friends to white-wash him and portray him as an entirely good man, with a lifetime of entirely good deeds who, for the unfortunate reason of a mental illness, made one "slip" - for which he should be entirely forgiven.

Actually, when Wachtler was just charged and arraigned, the then-substitute Chief Judge of New York State Court of Appeals has reportedly told the press that not only he has forgiven Wachtler for all he did "to the court system", but that he cannot think of anybody who "wouldn't have forgiven" Wachtler:

"'He asked us to forgive him for what he had done to the court's reputation,' says [Judge Richard Simons, acting Chief Judge of New York State Court of Appeals at the time, yet another judicial "luminary" who thought nothing of the scheme of extortion, threats to kidnap a child, criminal impersonation, forgery, unlawful surveillance, false allegations of crimes pinned on other people that Wachtler did for more than a year - T.N.].

'I said of course I forgave him. I don't think there is a man alive who could've listened to him and not forgiven him.' For the woman who for months was a blackmailer's uneasy target, forgiveness may take longer".

Wachtler, of course, while obtaining a lenient prison sentence by claiming that he only blames himself and not anybody else for his "downfall", before the sentencing made public statements blaming his victim and the prosecutor for not stopping him until charges could actually stick - a claim that he repeated in his book he published after his release from prison.

That, in itself, gives an insight of just how untruthful Wachtler is - and that is not a "one slip", that is a character trait and flaw that had to have shown itself from early on and throughout his life and career.

I have read numerous accounts in the press describing Sol Wachtler's, his friends', his family member's and his attorneys' behavior - as well accounts of what was going on in his criminal case.

I have so far read several books about the "Sol Wachtler story".

In this blog, I will compare what I perceived as appearance of untruths in comparison of two books:

1) After the Madness - published under claimed Sol Wachtler's own authorship after his release from prison; and 

2) "Double Life: The Shattering Affair Between Chief Judge Sol Wachtler and Sociality Joy Silverman" by journalist Linda Wolfe - first published before Sol Wachtler's release from prison, moreover Sol Wachtler acknowledges in his book "After the Madness" that the "Double Life" book was sent to him to prison before his release, that he read it thoroughly, that Sol Wachtler and his wife sat for interviews with Linda Wolfe for purposes of writing that book, and Sol Wachtler does not state in his "After the Madness" book that the "Double Life" book made any false statements or claims or untruthfully described any facts or circumstances of the case.

"When I returned to my cell, I opened the envelope. It was not from Joe. It was from a book publisher and it was a book. The title: Double Life. On the jacket was a picture of me and Joy separated by a judge's gavel, and the subtitle: “The Shattering Affair Between Chief Judge Sol Wachtler and Socialite Joy Silverman.” The author: Linda Wolfe.

I read the book in one gulp. I had finished it by the nine p.m. count. I have not been able to sleep, and so I find myself writing this journal entry immediately after the three a.m., July 16, count (yes, counts continue through the night).

I knew the book was being written. Joan and I had met with the author and had been interviewed. But that seemed so long ago. So long ago that I had almost forgotten the details of my aberrational conduct. The book brought it all back."

Wachtler, Sol. After the Madness: A Judge's Own Prison Memoir (p. 324). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.

Thus, Wachtler acknowledges in his book "After the Madness" that facts and circumstances described by Linda Wolfe in "Double Life" are as they were, and no claims can be made at this time by anybody that my conclusions and inferences from comparison of these two books - both of which I have read with thorough attention - are made upon false premises.

Despite Wachtler's claims in his "After the Madness" book that his "one slip" was the result of mental illness - the story put together by paid experts, psychiatrists from the hospital where Wachtler sat on the board for 25 years - the story contradicted by prosecution's psychiatrists who also evaluated him before sentencing, comparison of Linda Wolfe's and Sol Wachtler's books shows a string of misdeeds, questionable and openly unethical and criminal behavior by Wachtler that happened throughout the years, from early on in his life, and which Wachtler prefers not to mention in his book.

Wachtler's book was already characterized by a professional book reviewer as a book with an agenda rather than a prison memoir, noting that Wachtler makes the prosecutor Michael Chertoff the main villain of his book.

Contrary to that book reviewer, I do not think that the way Michael Chertoff handled investigation, arrest, prosecution and publicity of the case is an "overkill". 

Wachtler had such powerful connections and wielded such power that, unless every step of his misconduct was meticulously documented, Wachtler would have escaped accountability and would have buried numerous innocent people in his stead - he already tried that, 

  • first, by claiming that he was arrested "too soon" (after claiming that Michael Chertoff pushed the investigation "too far"), that he did not pick up yet the extortion money, and thus he is not chargeable for extortion, and 
  • second, by entering the plea of "not guilty by insanity" and trying, before and after the sentencing (but not at the sentencing) to pull the mental illness and "just one slip in the otherwise lifetime of good deeds" card.  

Without close surveillance, proof that telephone calls came from him (he used a voice changing device, and was tied to the threatening phone call only by his fingerprint obtained from a pay phone on a dark street corner, right after the phone call was made), that money demands came from him, Wachtler could easily claim it was done by somebody else in his office - and could have pinned it on any of his staff (those people who allegedly pined for him after his downfall), as he already tried to do by sending false allegations that two other named people did what he was doing.

The proof that Michael Chertoff did everything right can be found also in the fact that:

  • Wachtler was prosecuted in a New Jersey federal court and not in New York, that
  • Wachtler was never charged for crimes committed in New York, despite the fact that double jeopardy did not apply, that
  • His victim Joy Silverman, a personal friend of George and Barbara Bushes, at the time George Bush was the President of the United Sates, with vast wealth and connections of her own, considered it futile to complain against Wachtler to available state authorities:
    • attorney grievance authorities;
    • judicial misconduct authorities;
    • New York State police - Linda Wolfe describes Wachtler's reaction when a mutual friend of his and Joy's and his therapist mentioned the threatening letters to him, and that Joy wondered whether that "somebody in his office" may be involved harassing and threatening her:
"Did he know that Joy had been receiving threatening and obscene communications? she asked him. Was it possible that someone in his office was involved?

Sol flew off the handle. How could anyone think a thing like that, he reproved her. Then he demanded that the letters and cards be turned over to him. He’d get to the bottom of what was

Wolfe, Linda. Double Life: The Shattering Affair between Chief Judge Sol Wachtler and Socialite Joy Silverman (Kindle Locations 2903-2905). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.

  • there was no opposition for his reinstatement as an attorney (the curt and mysterious order of reinstatement only mentions the "Committee's reports and exhibits" in support of his reinstatement, and no papers submitted in opposition).

I will add that, throughout the book, while Wachtler profusely expressed how sorry he was for his behavior that got him in prison to his own family and to the court system, only once, grudgingly, at the end of the book, does he say that he does not blame Joy Silverman and that he has only himself to blame - even though earlier in the same book, in many places, Wachtler does blame Joy Silverman for not stopping him before he was arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced. 

And even that, judging by Linda Wolfe's book, was a lie - Joy Silverman repeatedly tried, through her attorney, to stop Wachtler, but Wachtler denied his involvement, claimed Joy Silverman was crazy, and even sent fraudulent anonymous allegations to prosecutors putting the blame on two other people who did not participate in his scheme.

"In the hotel’s cool and comfortable lounge, they chatted about this and that for a while, and then Sheresky came to the point. “Those letters Joy’s been getting,” he said to Sol, “she knows they’re from you.” “She’s crazy,” Sol said, just as he’d said months ago when Sheresky had said Joy suspected him of making hang-up calls to her."

Wolfe, Linda. Double Life: The Shattering Affair between Chief Judge Sol Wachtler and Socialite Joy Silverman (Kindle Locations 2918-2921). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.

"Pretending to be this new character, he wrote first to the U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey, whose office was handling the Seale case. “Arthur and Irene Seale were in the process of a blackmail scheme effecting [sic] Mr. David Samson of 7 Robbins La., Short Hills, N.J.,” he wrote, “and Mrs. Joy Silverman of 983 Park Avenue, New York City.”

"When he was finished with that letter, he copied it and sent the same missive to the office of the prosecutor for Morris County, New Jersey."

Wolfe, Linda. Double Life: The Shattering Affair between Chief Judge Sol Wachtler and Socialite Joy Silverman (Kindle Locations 2881-2884; 2892-2893). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.

So, in the view of Sol Wachtler, a lawyer, a military veteran (he capitalizes on "serving in the military" a lot, even though he managed to escape being sent to combat during the Korean War) and the then-Chief Judge of New York State Court system, the person in charge of maintaining the law for the entire huge state of New York, it was entirely lawful and ethical to pin his own crimes upon two people, Arthur and Irene Seale, charged at that time for other crimes that they committed without any connection to him or his crimes.

That is not mental illness, that is untruthfulness of character.

That character flaw of Wachtler's though has been present and visible throughout his adult life - but carefully glossed over, and continues to be glossed over.

I will continue to provide information and references to evidence that Wachtler has been an untruthful and unethical person who was never worthy of public trust, in my following blogs.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

A tribute to corrupt public officials. #JudgeSolWachtler of New York - a luminary and "a shitkicker, but not a dumb shitkicker" (his own words). Part I.

Here is registration information of an attorney licensed to practice law in New York:

The attorney was disbarred - and then reinstated, and even

"with the advice and assistance of such good friends as R. Preston Tisch, Fred Wilpon, and John Rosenwald, I have started a business: Comprehensive Alternative Dispute Resolution Enterprise, Inc. (CADRE), which has a roster of distinguished mediators, arbitrators, and retired jurists available to settle disputes through mediation or binding arbitration. The mission of CADRE is to provide a quicker, less costly forum for the resolution of civil disputes outside our crowded courtrooms. I do not draw a salary, and all profits are donated to legal services for the poor."

Wachtler, Sol. After the Madness: A Judge's Own Prison Memoir (p. 361). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.

R. Preston Tisch (died in 2005), was a businessman and a 50% owner of New York Giants, a football company;

Fred Wilpon is Sol Wachtler friend, father-in-law of Sol Wachtler's son and co-grandfather of Sol Wachtler's granddaughter and, "coincidentally", the majority owner of New York Mets who established a multi-million trust for Sol Wachtler's son Phillip and for Sol Wachtler's granddaughter Kimberly Wachtler, a 2013 Yale Law School graduate.

John Rosenwald is a rich and powerful philanthropist who, whose influence in New York can be described by the title of New York Times' article about him in 2000: "When Rosie Asks, New York's Elite Can't Say No".

Sol Wachtler also currently:

  • works as a Distinguished Adjunct Constitutional Law Professor at Touro Law Center - without any mentioning to his unsuspecting female students of his criminal charges for stalking, intimidation, extortion from a woman, his repeated sending of extremely filthy, obscene material to a minor and his threat to kidnap a minor unless he is paid $20,000 - that what he was arrested, charged and spent 15 months in federal prison for;

  • makes public videotaped presentations (available on YouTube) about "the rule of law":
    • about "Open minds under siege" where Richard D. Heffner, a "Dowling Professor of Communications and Public Policy" of Rutgers University was shamelessly promoting Sol Wachtler and calling him "Judge" as head of a seminar in Germany (after his conviction and release from prison) about complicity of legal profession in Germany with the Hitler regime - after Wachtler, as New York Chief Judge, relied on complicity of the American legal profession in never arresting and charging him for crimes (which he described in his book "After the Madness"), and after the only thing that protected his victims was being friends with the then-presidential couple - George and Barbara Bushes;

    • and about "Freedom of Choice at the End of Life" - teaching about ethics and bioethics, of all things, after having being convicted of most unethical conduct;

  • was invited to speak to Siena College students about "Mental illness and incarceration";
  • and who shamelessly allows himself to be called "Honorable" and who calls himself "Honorable" in his addresses and law review articles;

Knowing how difficult it is to get reinstate in New York for a disbarred or even a suspended attorney, how unforgiving is the system - even against attorneys whose only fault is that they criticized judges, as part of their jobs and their duties to their clients - I started to explore this extraordinary resurrection of Solomon Wachtler from
  • a criminal conviction,
  • resignation as the Chief Judge of the State of New York and
  • disbarment back to
glory, sycophanting to Wachtler by the judicial, legal and academic elite, to the point of New York State Court System, in an official biographical article, is portraying Wachtler as a "luminary" of New York State judiciary, complete with the full-height framed portrait of the "luminary",

 thanking him for "saving" New York court system by not claiming the mental illness defense in his criminal prosecution (even though claiming he was mentally ill in his book and in his lectures after the conviction) - because, without such insanity defense, people whose cases Wachtler botched up because he was crazed at the time he was deciding them, did not have a basis to make a motion to vacate his decisions:

and lamenting that

I share this opinion on one point only - that Wachtler should not be remembered by the public for just ONE bad deed - portrayed as a "slight slip" at the background of a lifetime of glory - but that he should be remembered by all known bad deeds - and I am making it a point to provide an inventory of those bad deeds as described in the press, Wachtler's own book and books written about him based on documentary evidence and interviews with witnesses, including Wachtler himself and his wife.

And, I would like the public to know people who made it possible for Wachtler to return as a licensed attorney and a "distinguished law professor":

1) this is Sol Wachtler's resignation as an attorney - and resulting disbarment - because he pled guilty to a felony extortion in federal court in order to avoid up to 16 years in prison if fully prosecuted on all charges in the indictment;

1) this is the panel of 5 judges, including the then-future (now former) New York Chief Administrative Judge A. Gail Prudenti presiding who accepted Wachtler's motion for reinstatement and referred it to the Attorney Grievance Committee;

2) and this is the same panel of 5 judges reinstating Wachtler:

"Motion by the respondent, Sol Wachtler, for an order reinstating him as an attorney and counselor-at-law or, in the alternative, referring this matter to the Committee on Character and Fitness for a hearing and report. The respondent was admitted to the Bar at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department on April 4, 1956, under the name Solomon Wachtler. By opinion and order of this court dated August 2, 1993, the respondent was disbarred upon his submission of a resignation, dated July 20, 1993, which followed his plea of guilty in the United States District Court in Trenton, New Jersey, on March 31, 1993, to a violation of 18 USC § 875(c), a Federal felony. The respondent's first application for reinstatement was denied by decision and order on application of this court dated April 14, 2003. By decision and order on motion of this court dated February 6, 2007, the respondent's motion was granted to the extent that the matter was referred to the Committee on Character and Fitness to investigate and report on the respondent 's current fitness to be an attorney, including but not limited to an updated report from his treating physician, and the motion was otherwise held in abeyance in the interim.
Upon the report of the Committee on Character and Fitness and the exhibits annexed thereto, it is
ORDERED that the motion is granted; and it is further,
ORDERED that, effective immediately, the respondent, Sol Wachtler, admitted as Solomon Wachtler, is reinstated as an attorney and counselor-at-law and the Clerk of the Court is directed to restore the name of Sol Wachtler, admitted as Solomon Wachtler, to the roll of attorneys and counselors-at-law.
James Edward Pelzer
Clerk of the Court

So, Wachtler, a convicted felon, a stalker, a peeping Tom, extortioner, impersonator of other people, a forger of signatures of other people, and an attempted child kidnapper, was reinstated as an attorney "upon the report of the Committee for Character and fitness, and the exhibits attached thereto".

This is the woman, A. Gail Prudenti, who reinstated, without publicly stating the reasons, the convicted felon, stalker and abuser of women Sol Wachtler:

Within 4 years of her decision, A. Gail Prudenti was elevated to the position of the Chief Judge of the New York State Court system.

I wonder whether she reinstated Sol Wachtler upon the report of the Committee for Character and Fitness and "exhibits thereto", or upon a phone call from someone to whom "New York elite can't say no".

I wonder how Prudenti explained, in good faith and with a straight face, that she is reinstating a monster who systematically used his enormous power to emotionally torture a woman and claim to people around her that her guess that he is the perpetrator of threats, impersonations, stalking and extortion against her is New York Chief Judge Wachtler.

Had Wachtler had his way, he would have locked his girlfriend up as crazy instead of ending up convicted for a crime.

Only the Bush family friendship saved Joy Silverman from that fate.

Wachtler already made claims that Joy Silverman is crazy to her attorney.

For whatever corrupt reason New York elite could not say "no" to reinstatement of Sol Wachtler, evidence against him remains the same damning evidence, knowing which people should not give him a hand to shake - and should protect women and children from his presence.

Touro Law Center is really courting danger by not disclosing on its website the nature of Sol Wachtler's conviction - and thus exposing its students to an exceptionally smart, creative, knowledgeable and merciless stalker and harasser of women.

And, whenever students and members of the public are exposed to this refined and cultured "luminary" with melodical voice, a ready smile and smooth speech, it is good to remember that this is how he described himself to the woman he stalked, to whose child he has sent obscenities - and a condom - and whose child he threatened to kidnap:

"“You expected me to give you everything I’ve collected and learned for $ 20,000?” he wrote. “Are you stupid or do you think I’m stupid? I may be a shitkicker but I’m not a dumb shitkicker.”

"It took me a year and over 1,000 miles in a rented car going between the Big Apple and New Jersey. I spent days in flea bag motels, and a hundred hours parked in New York City watching your comings and goings. I made over 100 phone calls to track you and make a record of your habits. I got into Val’s house on Rosewood Lane, and spent over three days parked in front of the Sutter house waiting for the two of you to be there alone during the day because you didn’t leave on enough lights at night when you were screwing. And then I had to rig up a remote camera in the house because I couldn’t take pictures from the outside because you kept the fucking blinds drawn. And I had to wait until you came back without the kids."

"I had to buy expensive recording equipment. And climb through backyards to tape you at your house (When I was at Rosewood a jogger questioned me— when I was in your backyard one of your gardeners spoke to me— I had to con my way out of both situations). I spent over ten days on Long Island living like a hobo. I think that’s what got my diabetes kicked up (I was out of commission for most of June and July. I guess you thought I was out of business.) I had to buy expensive bug transmitters and bribe my way into your boyfriend’s apartment. I was there twice (once the cleaning lady Maria caught me coming out but I conned her too). I got great audio. Your boyfriend has a good sense of humor but he also has a lot of gas. (You saw me once when you were waiting in the lobby, but you were too busy looking in the mirror). I went to your hotel twice (I couldn’t get into your room but one of your doormans [sic] brought me into your lobby and was going to let me talk to your young lady— as he called her). I left notes for you on both my visits and tipped your doormans [sic] pretty good. I told Ramon that I was going to be walking Jessica home from school afternoons when she got back and when he noticed I had no teeth and a big gut (water from the diabetes), I promised I’d have false teeth and would lose the gut so as not to embarrass her. Do you think I went through all of this for a shitty $ 20,000? I saw how and where you shopped. $ 20,000 is loose change to you. When I need more, I’ll be back, if I don’t croak. At least your $ 20,000 bought you some quiet. If I hadn’t got it, everyone you know and everyone your husband knows and every member of every board you belong to would have received wonderful material like this. And I would be going back on some future date with $ 200,000 or Jessica. You were smart to pay the $ 20,000."

Wolfe, Linda. Double Life: The Shattering Affair between Chief Judge Sol Wachtler and Socialite Joy Silverman (Kindle Locations 3390-3415). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.

It is apparent that Sol Wachtler is a cunning, inventive and ruthless stalker - and that his return to power and glory is outright dangerous for possible new unsuspecting victims who might not have, as Sol Wachtler former girlfriend Joy Silverman, the protection of the Bush family that caused Wachtler's downfall - and prevented us from having Wachtler for New York Governor (he already planned to run) and, later as President of the United States (reportedly, he planned that, too).

Sol Wachtler, according to his own self-characterization, is a SHITKICKER, AND NOT A DUMB SHITKICKER.

And how exactly Sol Wachtler rose to power, ruthlessly, unethically and greedily using people as stepping stones, how he abused his power, what crimes and unethical deeds he has committed - and how he got to the point where the New York State police and attorneys who knew about his crimes were afraid to investigate and report him, even when he committed crimes against a personal friend of the President of the United States and his spouse - is what Sol Wachtler should be remembered for.

Sol Wachtler is lecturing about the "rule of law" and about "complicity" of the German judiciary and lawyers to Hitler's regime.

But, Sol Wachtler has ESTABLISHED a complicity regime in the State of New York which - had Hitler been in power - would have engaged in the same complicity.

As sycophanting of judiciary and the legal elite to Sol Watchler before and after his conviction clearly demonstrates.

I will continue publishing the inventory of Sol Wachtler The Smart Shitkicker's deeds that he needs to be remembered for.

Stay tuned.

A tribute to corrupt public officials. Pennsylvania Senator Chaka Fattah

I have been doing some extensive research on public corruption over the years, and what has struck me is how many people - usually, those connected to the corrupt public official - lamenting that the corrupt public official is not remembered by his or her "good deeds", but only for his "single" misdeed for which he or she is caught and disciplined or convicted.

And, the higher the public official was, the more possibilities for corruption that public official had, the more power he or she had to suppress evidence of such corruption - and the more those close to the public official would claim that he or she erred only slightly, only once, and should be remembered for the "good deeds" and not for this "slight slip".

Yet, the slips that the corrupt public official is caught for is usually very bad, and covered some systemic abuse of public trust - because even the federal law enforcement (who usually catches public officials for corruption) is afraid to make a case against a high-standing public official unless evidence of corruption is overwhelming.

I call a public official "corrupt" not only if he or she is involved in financial corruption, but also if he or she is engages in misconduct in total belief of his or her impunity, and uses his or her position to commit misconduct, threaten whistleblowers, and/or prevent prosecution. 

Of course, the U.S. Supreme Court has recently made it only harder to prosecute public corruption - by claiming I a recent precedent, "coincidentally" decided right at the time when both heads of New York State Legislature, Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos, were convicted and sentenced for public corruption, that the "quid pro quo" of favors that the public official provides in exchange for support in election campaigns is not enough for conviction for public corruption.

Yet, there was a conviction - and a 10-year sentence - imposed in federal court in Pennsylvania against U.S. Senator Chaka Fattah,

who has served so far 11 terms in the U.S. Congress, for dozens of counts of corruption under RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act) and was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison, and to pay a restitution of $614,000 to victims of his corruption.

What the esteemed Senator was convicted and sentenced for was:

Senator Fattah claimed at sentencing that he helped "tens of millions of people", that the prosecutor's investigation of himself was "disappointing", and refused to recognize that he was guilty of what he was found guilty of at trial.

While a U.S. Senator currently draws a salary of $174,000, and Senator Fattah's wife Renee Chenault-Fattah (who is also an attorney)

who has reportedly been an WCAU-TV anchor for 25 years (she has recently left that position) and had a salary of $500,00 per year, Senator Fattah considered it possible to help himself from charitable and federal governmental funds to cover his personal expenses, and expenses of his son - who has been convicted, sentenced and is already serving his own prison term.

Yet, at Fattah's sentencing there appeared many people who promoted the theory of "slight slip" vs "a lot of good deeds", asking for leniency to the Senator convicted of many counts of fraud and money laundering which, involving misuse of enormous amounts of public and charity money for personal needs that, considering Senators and his wife's income, the sentencing judge called "astonishing".

Pleas for leniency included accounts of "mentorship" and coming to weddings, participating in campaigns to fight AIDS in African and being a "good friend of Israel", as well as educating poor children.

When an average Joe Doe steals $5 worth of stuff from a supermarket, he will have a criminal conviction, and all his minor indiscretions will be piled up on him.

When a U.S. Senator committed atrocious public fraud, people are lined up claiming that his "slight slip" should not overcome, in the eye of the sentencing judge, his "good deeds".

Actually, the judge was influence by the "good deed" argument - by giving Senator Fattah 10 years in prison instead of 17 to 22 years, as requested by the prosecution under the sentencing guidelines.

I hope that the U.S. Prison Bureau will not consider the "good deed" argument though and will not sent Senator Fattah to a country-club prison camp in Florida, as it does for many corrupt public officials.

When Senator Fattah was intentionally committing his crimes against the public - crimes proven to a jury of his peers - he was supposed to think about his own reputation.

And, by the way, Senator Fattah, who, together with his wife drew a combined salary of $674,000 a year, and stole even more from public funds - forced his attorneys in criminal proceedings, through a court order - to represent him for free.

Which only confirms how good and honest Senator Fattah is, and what he needs to be remembered by.

When he ran for 11 congressional terms, he ran not to serve the people, but very obviously to serve himself.

What people got from him in terms of "good deeds" is collateral to self-enrichment.

And, when he voluntarily ruined his reputation by engaging in criminal conduct, there is no point trying to resurrect it.

There is a saying - "stained silk is forever ruined".

So is a public official's reputation.

Missouri makes fights on school grounds and in school buses a felony - to secure young and strong workforce for for-profit prisons for a longer time?

It has been reported that, starting January of 2017, fights on school grounds and on school buses in Missouri will be classified and prosecuted as felonies.

While concern about children's safety on school grounds and on school buses is important, making felons out of school children as a way to enforce discipline in school - and especially while making public education mandatory - is not such a good idea.


I am not going to claim that "boys will be boys" from the point of view that fighting is a good way to resolve conflicts.

But, I am going to claim that boys will be boys, that aggression is natural in the growing human being, that it may be caused by hormones, that it is natural to predict a certain amount of physical fighting among school kids - and that trying kids as adults and slapping kids with adult charges and adult felony sentences, including a felony record and a matching forfeiture of basic civil rights, such as a right to vote, a right to be employed and earn a living, and a right to education (try getting into a college with a felony record) is an admission that the school personnel is unable to maintain proper discipline in school - and then, that parents cannot be forced, and charged if they resist, to send children into schools, places where violence is so bad and so uncontrollable that only adult felony sentences can resolve the situation.

Moreover, statistics exists indicating that upping the stakes, from misdemeanor to a felony, does not actually deter violence.

What it does is it ups the stake for criminal defendants in litigation, makes defense - and minors are defended at taxpayers' expense - more expensive, because now it includes grand jury proceedings, and because risks and adverse consequences for a defendant in such proceedings is much higher than in misdemeanor proceedings.

All the players who introduced and enacted that bill know all of these facts very well, so why was the bill introduced?

Of course, it had to involve somebody who pounded his chest to electors in claims of being "tough on crime", and using shattered lives of school students as a stepping stone in their careers.  Happens all the time.

But, in addition, a sticky question arises - was upping the inevitable fights on school grounds and in school buses of hormone-driven youngsters from a misdemeanor to a felony done as a bargain with the for-profit prison complex - to supply young healthy strong slaves for the for-profit prisons?

There are two ways for the for-profit prison industry to profit from its prisons:

1) slave labor of prisoners who are paid times less than the minimal wage - if they are paid at all - and thus allow for-profit corporations to sink their competitors with low prices for their products;

2) being reimbursed by counties - as it happened in the Kids for Cash case in Pennsylvania - for every "head" of a juvenile sent to the juvenile "correctional facility".

In the Kids for Cash scandal judges were caught receiving kickbacks for sentencing kids, without counsel, to time in a for-profit prison.

Attorneys who definitely knew about the corrupt scheme - for years - were afraid to peep a word to authorities, because of fear of retaliation from the judiciary who can take attorneys' licenses and livelihood if they "step out of line".

Missouri was already sued for "barbaric conditions" in their for-profit juvenile facilities.

And, after the lawsuit, Missouri now claims that it has revamped the system of incarceration of juvenile offenders, allegedly focusing on their rehabilitation close to home.

Yet, sentencing kids for felonies now, whether they go to juvenile or adult prisons, serves for-profit industry both ways:

1) both as young and strong slaves for in-prison production;
2) by providing overpriced services to prison population who have no alternative to such overpriced services; and
3) as "heads" of cattle for whom for-profit prisons will get reimbursements from counties for a longer period of time for felony sentences than for misdemeanors;
4) providing employment for a vast number of prison personnel - from guards to "counselors" to cooks to cleaners - to executives.

Any parent who has ever asked a school for videotapes or access to witnesses of accidents or fights on school grounds, will always face stonewalling - videos will be claimed to have been lost or written over, and access to witnesses will be blocked by the school's insurance company.  Happened to me all the way when I was suing schools on behalf of students.  As a result, my child became a target in a school I sued on behalf of another child, and we had to remove the child not only from the school, but from the state entirely.

Yet, the school is acting "in loco parentis" (in the position of a parent) for the child - but, instead of acting in the best interest of the child, the school blocks the child's real parents from access to evidence of what really occurs, and usually exposes the child to police interrogation by waiving its right to counsel.

So, parents, under the threat of criminal prosecution or civil adjudication for "educational neglect", must place their children into the inherently unsafe situation - where schools admit that they cannot control violence on school grounds and school buses to the point of having school fights among kids qualified as felonies, and where schools likely have an interest and a connection with the for-profit prison industry in supplying the necessary number of "heads" to secure profits, and by waiving the child's right to counsel, acting on behalf of the child "in loco parentis" and waiving his right to an attorney.

At the same time, parents will be blocked from evidence of those alleged felonies by schools whose officials, most likely, will have a cut from the for-profit prison industry for filling for-profit prisons with "heads" for which counties will pay, for a longer period of time than for misdemeanors.

And, conditions in juvenile prisons, where children are supposed to "rehabilitate" and not be violent, are more violent than outside - so the only concern of the for-prison industry is for money per head of incarcerated youth, and not about that youth rehabilitation and safety.

And, when the drive is to maximize profit, no claims of "revamping" the juvenile prison system will help.

The for-profit prison system lost money on revamping its juvenile prison - now it will get that money back, in droves, by having secured "heads" of incarcerated kids, secured for longer periods of time.

What that legislation will do to

  • school safety;
  • kids sentenced as felons;
  • taxpayers who have to pay through their noses for criminal defense in felony cases, which is more expensive than in misdemeanor cases,
nobody really cares.

The eyes of the players are towards the bottom-line.

Is it only me who thinks that what is going on in Missouri smacks of disgusting corruption?