"If the judges interpret the laws themselves, and suffer none else to interpret, they may easily make, of the laws, [a shredded] shipman's hose!" - King James I of England, around 1616.

“No class of the community ought to be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. They have the best opportunities of observing and forming a correct judgment. They are in constant attendance on the courts. Hundreds of those who are called on to vote never enter a court-house, or if they do, it is only at intervals as jurors, witnesses or parties. To say that an attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present system,” Justice Sharwood in Ex Parte Steinman and Hensel, 95 Pa 220, 238-39 (1880).

“This case illustrates to me the serious consequences to the Bar itself of not affording the full protections of the First Amendment to its applicants for admission. For this record shows that [the rejected attorney candidate] has many of the qualities that are needed in the American Bar. It shows not only that [the rejected attorney candidate] has followed a high moral, ethical and patriotic course in all of the activities of his life, but also that he combines these more common virtues with the uncommon virtue of courage to stand by his principles at any cost.

It is such men as these who have most greatly honored the profession of the law. The legal profession will lose much of its nobility and its glory if it is not constantly replenished with lawyers like these. To force the Bar to become a group of thoroughly orthodox, time-serving, government-fearing individuals is to humiliate and degrade it.” In Re Anastaplo, 18 Ill. 2d 182, 163 N.E.2d 429 (1959), cert. granted, 362 U.S. 968 (1960), affirmed over strong dissent, 366 U.S. 82 (1961), Justice Black, Chief Justice Douglas and Justice Brennan, dissenting.

" I do not believe that the practice of law is a "privilege" which empowers Government to deny lawyers their constitutional rights. The mere fact that a lawyer has important responsibilities in society does not require or even permit the State to deprive him of those protections of freedom set out in the Bill of Rights for the precise purpose of insuring the independence of the individual against the Government and those acting for the Government”. Lathrop v Donohue, 367 US 820 (1961), Justice Black, dissenting.

"The legal profession must take great care not to emulate the many occupational groups that have managed to convert licensure from a sharp weapon of public defense into blunt instrument of self-enrichment". Walter Gellhorn, "The Abuse of Occupational Licensing", University of Chicago Law Review, Volume 44 Issue 1, September of 1976.

“Because the law requires that judges no matter how corrupt, who do not act in the clear absence of jurisdiction while performing a judicial act, are immune from suit, former Judge Ciavarella will escape liability for the vast majority of his conduct in this action. This is, to be sure, against the popular will, but it is the very oath which he is alleged to have so indecently, cavalierly, baselessly and willfully violated for personal gain that requires this Court to find him immune from suit”, District Judge A. Richard Caputo in H.T., et al, v. Ciavarella, Jr, et al, Case No. 3:09-cv-00286-ARC in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Document 336, page 18, November 20, 2009. This is about judges who were sentencing kids to juvenile detention for kickbacks.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Attorney's lawsuit challenges constitutionality of attorney disciplinary laws, rules and practices in New York

I amended the lawsuit I initially filed against 9 attorneys including my disciplinary prosecutor Mary Gasparini.

The lawsuit now includes other parties and also challenges constitutionality of statutes, regulations, rules, policies and practices employed in attorney disciplinary proceedings. Here is the Amended Summons with Notice:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

When incompetence of a prosecutor is a jeopardy to the public

Mary Gasparini, while advancing CRIMINAL charges against me, asked the court to drop the burden of proof in those criminal proceedings to "by reasonable certainty", a standard Ms. Gasparini borrowed from CIVIL contempt proceedings.

And, while advancing against me allegations of conduct qualifying as a Class A (by the fine) or unclassified (by the term of incarceration) misdemeanor, Ms. Gasparini wants a secret, summary criminal proceeding without a jury, obviously to the standard of proof of civil contempt proceedings.

I am turning Mary Gasparini into disciplinary authorities as well as criminal authorities for appropriate investigations and prosecutions.

As to disciplinary authorities, they are, coincidentally, Mary Gasparini's office itself, because there is no other governmental body to turn her into for attorney discipline.

It is interesting, will Mary Gasparini as a disciplinary prosecutor, prosecute Mary Gasparini for her own incompetence and abuse of power?

Stay tuned...

The elusive decision of Referee Sirkin

The game of smoke and mirrors continues.

As I wrote on this blog, Mary Gasparini attempted to bring a criminal proceeding within a civil case, by "making a motion for criminal contempt" against me, see my previous posts today, with documentary evidence in them.

I wrote earlier on this blog that Referee Sirkin announced to me on January 12, 2015 that he allegedly "granted a motion" to the prosecution, while

(1) the purposes of the appearance was to schedule a fact-finding hearing;
(2) Referee Sirkin was appointed for the only purpose of holding a fact-finding hearing and had no authority to review or grant any motions;


Referee Sirkin promised me to provide his written decision about "granting the motion" to the prosecution during that same January 12, 2015 telephone call, but never got around to send that decision to me.

Yet, in the transcript of the hearing that Mary Gasparini filed in support of her "criminal" charges against me, there appears a curious last page, "Exhibits".

And as an "Exhibit" there appears a "Decision (5 pages)".

Mary Gasparini, as an attorney with many years of experience, must know that admission of an "exhibit" at a "hearing" must be reflected in the record, and any exhibit should be first shown to all parties before being admitted.

You will search the transcript of the pre-trial conference in vain to try to find the place where the "exhibit" (Decision, 5 pages) was offered for my review in any way, and where it was described and admitted into the record.

Moreover, the exhibit "Decision (5 pages)" was not actually attached by Mary Gasparini to the transcript and was not provided to me, either directly, as Referee Sirkin promised during the conference of January 12, 2015 on record, nor by Mary Gasparini as part of the court rules requiring the prosecutor to serve the disciplined attorney with the copy of the transcript with all exhibits, nor as part of the "transcript" that was provided by Mary Gasparini to the court.

This "Decision, 5 pages" is consistently hidden from me, same as the alleged "open file" that Gasparini first welcomed me to and then refused to show me.

Yet, a supposedly court decision on liability against me must be at least shown to me, shouldn't it?

What is so bad in that Decision that Mary Gasparini and Referee Sirkin are continuously hiding it from the very person whom the Decision concerns?

The mysteries of Mary Gasparini and Stephen R. Sirkin continue.... Stay tuned.

Poor, poor Ms. Gasparini

Disciplinary prosecutor Mary Gasparini wants to have the court punish me for allegedly revealing what was in my disciplinary proceedings despite a prohibition from a court order (which was not true, of course, but she does not care anyway).

The problem that Mary Gasparini has is that now she has an interest to either:

(1) withdraw the entire disciplinary proceedings against me, or;
(2) drag those proceedings on so that the proceedings should never end, which is impossible even for her.


Because by Judiciary Law 90(10) as soon as attorney disciplinary proceeding ends and an attorney's license is suspended or revoked, ALL records of such proceedings become public as a matter of statutory law.

Of course, records of criminal proceedings are also open to the public, with only three exceptions:

(1)  identity of sex offense victim (and only after conviction);
(2) pre-sentencing report of the defendant;
(3) identity of a confidential informant who did not testify.

None of these exceptions apply in my case, so records of my civil-turned-criminal proceedings under the civil caption are now open to the public, thanks to Mary Gasparini.

This is the first time I see (and I represented people in disciplinary proceedings and researched a number of cases all over this country) when I see disciplinary prosecutors fighting so desperately against the attorney they are prosecuting trying to prevent the attorney from revealing to the public what exactly they are doing in the disciplinary proceedings.

Mary Gasparini's desperation got to the point that she forgot completely what she was doing and inadvertently opened proceedings to the public by attempting to make them criminal - filing a "notice of motion", in a civil action, for criminal contempt of court against me.

Poor, poor Mary Gasparini.

I understand that the whip that you are holding over the heads of attorneys in this state is so scary that you think you do not have to know the law or have any shred of integrity to be a disciplinary prosecutor.

But, sometimes you slip on your own incompetence, misconduct and desire for revenge.

Poor, poor Mary Gasparini.

What will you do now that you opened the very records that you wanted the public not to see?

The new rule of attorney disciplinary proceedings in New York

Attorneys in New York!

DO NOT SPEAK about YOUR OWN disciplinary proceedings!

Or else you will be charged with a criminal contempt of court by your disciplinary prosecutors, in your civil case!

And especially if such disciplinary proceedings involved judicial misconduct and prosecutorial misconduct.

And especially if you know that court transcripts are being COOKED and you have documentary proof of it.

The U.S. Constitution be damned.

Public interest be damned.

Due process be damned.

The rule of law be damned.

What can I say...

My book about attorney disciplinary proceedings in New York just gets richer and richer with materials, case studies, exhibits and characters.

Criminal contempt was brought because the government was caught?

Part of "criminal" charges brought by Mary Gasparini against me within a civil proceeding, which, I believe, are now a public record as a matter of law since those are criminal charges and there are no secret criminal proceedings in New York, is an exhibit that Mary Gasparini claimed is the transcript of the appearance in my attorney disciplinary proceedings on January 12, 2015.

I was notified by the court that the appearance on January 12, 2015 was to be a scheduling conference.

I received no notice that the conference of January 12, 2015 was at the same time planned to be a hearing.  

In the transcript provided by Mary Gasparini to the court in support of her "criminal" charges, the very first page, the appearances page, says nothing that the "proceeding" in question is actually a pre-trial conference:

 Somewhere in the depths of her Affirmation in support of her Notice of Motion for criminal contempt against me within a civil proceeding, Mary Gasparini utters the word "pre-trial", but cannot bring herself to say the word "conference". 

 On the same page, Mary Gasparini calls what was going on in front of Referee Sirkin (while noticed to me as a pre-trial scheduling conference) as a "hearing":

A pre-trial hearing, Ms. Gasparini?  Really?  From you, the CLE lecturer on attorney disciplinary rules and proceedings?  From you, a disciplinary prosecutor paid by the People of the State of New York - guess for what - to protect them from attorneys committing misconduct, not to save your own ass when you are caught in misconduct.

Don't you know, Ms. Gasparini that there is no such thing as pre-trial hearings in attorney disciplinary proceedings in New York? 

Don't you know that, according to court rules, the referee only has a right to "hear and report", not for any "pre-trial hearings"? 

I would have liked to have one, but none are allowed by the rules...

Moreover, Mary Gasparini provided to the court in support of criminal charges against me with the transcript of proceedings with the following cooked certification by Court reporter Debra Garrison:

Apparently, I was sworn by Debra Garrison, a female, without even my knowing it, and while later on in the proceeding I argued to the court that the stenographer that is taking the record is a male, I assumed it was the same male stenographer as was taking the record of the previous pre-trial conference, and I clearly stated that the previous male stenographer (who I assumed was taking the record of the conference on January 12, 2015) incorrectly put in that it was a hearing and that I made stipulations, which was not true, and that I am NOT making any stipulations or waivers. 

If Debra Garrison swore me in, I at least had to hear her voice, but Debra Garrison could not see my ID, so she could not swear me in.

I would love to call Debra Garrison to testify in my criminal proceedings, to see whether Debra Garrison's voice can be perceived by anyone as a man's voice.

Moreover, Mary Gasparini provided an audio recording of the same January 12, 2015 "proceeding" to the court at the same time and claimed it was a "correct copy" of the proceedings, as reflected by the transcript.

Why then there is no voice of Debra Garrison swearing me in heard on the recording?

Why then there is no stipulations heard on the recording?

Why then there is no indication on the recording that I was "called as a witness", was "sworn in" and "testified"?

As to Debra Garrison, what can you say about the certified court reporter who hears the following:

 and still files a transcript with the following:

Is Debra Garrison tough on hearing?  Then she should not be a court reporter.

Because what Debra Garrison did as shown below is false transcript and false certification for which I will seek to have Debra Garrison's credentials as court reporter revoked and to have Debra Garrison herself criminally charged for fraud.

But, returning to Mary Gasparini, this disciplinary prosecutor claimed to the court, through knowing submission AS TRUE of the COOKED transcript of Debra Garrison with COOKED certification, after Mary Gasparini engaged in an ex parte communication with Referee Sirkin which was captured by the recording that Mary Gasparini actually stipulated with me (that I allegedly agreed and Mary Gasparini allegedly agreed) that:

(1)  what I attended on January 12, 2015 was an Examination before trial;
(2) Civil Practice Law and Rules apply;
(3) Signing and filing of the transcript is waived;
(4) the witness (I did not know I was a witness or that I was called by anybody) is allowed to be sworn by Debra Garrison, Court Reporter and Notary Public.

On top of all of the above being not true, as is reflected in the recording, there are also the following "little discrepancies":

  • EBTs are not allowed in attorney disciplinary proceedings;
  • Mary Gasparini and her predescessors claimed that CPLR do not apply in attorney disciplinary proceedings; 
  • EBTs are not held in front of a judge or a referee in New York.
  •  an appearance cannot be at the same time an EBT and a hearing before a referee or judge -

but who really cares when the ultimate goal is to "get" the outspoken attorney who consistently breaks the taboo of criticizing judicial and prosecutorial misconduct, incompetency and, at times, sheer stupidity?

Mary Gasparini also attached to her motion for criminal contempt an alleged audio recording of the same pre-trial conference of January 12, 2015, and claimed that the audio recording was a "correct copy" of the transcript and, yet, the audio recording has NOTHING whatsoever about:

(1) Debra Garrison;
(2) calling me as a witness;
(3) swearing me as a witness;
(4) any discussion that what occurred on January 12, 2015 in front of Referee Sirkin was a "hearing";
(5) any discussion of any stipulations or waivers on my behalf for the purposes of that "hearing".

Mary Gasparini already filed the above fraudulent submissions with the court and already served it on me by means of interstate commerce, U.S. Mail.

What Mary Gasparini did is, in my legal opinion

  • fraud,
  • conspiracy to commit fraud,
  • mail fraud, 
  • conspiracy to deprive me of honest services of a prosecutor, a referee and the court;

 not to mention that it is also fraud upon the court, a misdemeanor in the state of New York punishable not only by a fine and 1 year imprisonment, but also with disbarment without a hearing.  As a legal expert, I have a right to express this legal opinion.
Mary Gasparini committed this fraud not to protect the public from me - because there is nothing to protect the public from.  What Mary Gasparini is trying to do through her desperate attempt to punish me criminally is

  • to protect herself, 
  • to protect Referee Sirkin, 
  • to protect the Appellate Division 4th Department from discipline for violating every constitutional protection I was supposed to have in attorney disciplinary proceeding.
Of course, to avoid the obvious problem that a hearing was not given to me despite court order, the ultimate way of "dealing" with the problem for the Gasparini-Sirkin-Garrison team, was to falsify the transcript and to present it as if

(1) it was a hearing, not a scheduling conference;
(2) I was sworn and testified at that hearing;
(3) I made waivers and stipulations in that hearing.

Actually, the recording Ms. Gasparini supplied to the court shows that Sirkin, Gasparini and other people present in Gasparini's office on January 12, 2015 continued to discuss me ex parte after Sirkin stated that the conference is over, but forgot to disconnect the phone call.  Their discussion somehow did not make it into the transcript though.

The only thing that prevented the transcript from being cooked to the point that I actually substantively testified in a fact-finding hearing that never happened,  was the audio recording made of that pre-scheduling conference and promptly published on the Internet.

Otherwise I could easily see in the transcript 150 pages of my testimony admitting to every accusation cast at me by Mary Gasparini.

But, the recording obviously prevented the crew from cooking the books in a way that would allow them to escape.

Not being able to cook the books any further, Gasparini simply charged me with contempt of court - instead of filing a complaint charging the Referee for disobeying the order of the court to hold a fact-finding hearing for me on or before February 6, 2015 and his unlawful refusal to hold the same.

God only knows what ELSE Gasparini, Sirkin and Garrison would have put into that certification and that transcript, what else I allegedly would have "testified" to,  had the proceedings not been audio-recorded.

That is why I am charged with criminal contempt of court?

Because the government cannot deny now that it is cooking court transcripts and because I have proof now for the New York State Legislature clearly showing that creating an audio or even better - video recording - of court proceedings is actually a must, a requirement of due process of law because otherwise the courts will COOK THE TRANSCRIPTS.

There were, by the way, no rules for subpoening witnesses in attorney disciplinary proceedings in New York on January 12, 2015, and I was not notified by the court of any changes in those rules before January 12, 2015. 

Lack of rules for subpoenas exists, as I understand, to short-change attorneys and deprive them of their right to defend themselves in such proceedings.

Yet, the lack of such rule backfired in my case against the prosecutor and the referee themselves.

And by the way, the court order that is now public because it is the basis of criminal charges against me, prohibited me to VIDEO tape, not AUDIO tape the proceedings.  I did not videotape the conference of January 12, 2015.  I was not there and I did not appear through Skype to make it even possible for me to do that.  I appeared by phone from Delhi, NY, and Mary Gasparini acknoweldged that under oath in her charges.

 People of the State of New York!  What are the conclusions, beyond my own case, that must be drawn from all of this mess?

Only prompt publishing on the Internet of the shenanigans of the "honorable" judges and prosecutors can save people's constitutional rights in court proceedings, can save your

  • liberty
  • property
  • custody of children
  • reputation
  • livelihood
Otherwise they will simply COOK THE TRANSCRIPTS as they attempted to do in my case and your rights will be lost.

SO - push your legislators to repeal New York Civil Rights Law 52 that currently prohibits "televising, broadcasting or taking motion pictures of certain proceedings".  That law is standing in the way of your access to true justice.

Criminal proceedings in New York are open to the public. Or are they in the 4th Department when such proceedings will necessarily involve exposure of its own misconduct that the court wants to hide?

This is what I received from my disciplinary prosecutor Mary Gasparini today - she commenced a criminal proceeding against me within the civil disciplinary proceeding for allegedly violating a court order that I am not even allowed to reveal (or am I - since proceedings are now criminal and thus open to the public?).  1st year law students and other readers, please note that the caption does not say "People of the State of New York v. Tatiana Neroni, Defendant", as it must say in criminal proceedings in the State of New York.

Criminal proceedings in New York, once again, are open to the public.  Therefore, I am publishing here Mary Gasparini's Notice of Motion and Affirmation as evidence of her misconduct, abuse of power and retaliation against me after I filed a lawsuit against her for fraud upon the court on December 10, 2014 and published the Summons with Notice on this blog, and I am doing it again now.

I will not, as yet, publish the "secret" order of December 17, 2014 that Mary Gasparini claims I violated, even though my legal opinion is that, by pressing criminal charges against me based on alleged violation of that order to which I will and do plead "not guilty", Mary Gasparini shot herself in the foot and made that same order and all other exhibits underlying the charges public, as well as all "contempt proceedings", and that is as a matter of New York State and federal constitutional law.

Apparently, Mary Gasparini seeks to have a summary criminal proceeding against me, and to resolve it in one day, having me locked up for a year.

Yet, there is no such thing as summary criminal proceedings in New York, under the State or U.S. Constitution.

If the State and U.S. Constitution are to be followed, I will have to be charged:

(1) in the jurisdiction where the crime was allegedly committed, and the blog was and is hosted in the State of California;
(2) by the elected criminal prosecutor of the jurisdiction where the alleged crime was allegedly committed, and Mary Gasparini is definitely not that person, I doubt that Mary Gasparini is even admitted to the bar of the State of California;
(3) with all procedural protections provided for criminal defendants under the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the state where the alleged crime is being prosecuted, such as:

  •    the right to remain silent throughout the criminal proceedings, which is what I am invoking now as to all elements and circumstances of the charged crimes;
  • the right to a jury trial, pre-trial discovery, bill of particulars, motions and pre-trial hearings.
 That is, among other things.

It is apparent that what Mary Gasparini seeks is:

  • a secret criminal proceeding (no public access or even knowledge to the public);
  •  a criminal proceeding where I have no right to remain silent - since the "proceeding" was brought on a "motion" requiring apparently my answer to that motion, while no answer other than plea "guilty" or "not guilty" ("not guilty" for me) is required in a criminal proceeding.
  • a summary proceeding (no jury trial, no pre-trial discovery)
I do not know what Mary Gasparini knows about criminal law, but here she stepped actually into my realm, since I am a criminal defense attorney with years of trial experience and Mary Gasparini is clearly out of her element judging by the alleged "charges" and the way they were brought.

Judiciary Law 750(a)(3) used by Mary Gasparini is an equivalent of a 2nd degree contempt of court, a Class A misdemeanor under Penal Law 215.50(3), punishable by up to a year in the county jail.

For such crimes, jury trials are required by the New York State Constitution unless the defendant waives that right in writing.

There is no way I will waive my right to a jury trial in a criminal proceedings against me, orally or in writing.

Sometimes a public official needs to just know where to stop, correct her errors and apologize to the victim of her misconduct.  

Mary Gasparini instead, continues to retaliates against the victim and only aggravates her behavior.

A public official does not have authority, as part of her public duties, and at public expense, and in secret from the public, to defend her own stupidity, fraud and incompetence and to retaliate against victims of her own stupidity, fraud and incompetence by bringing illegal criminal proceedings in a civil action.

Time will show who will win.

Stay tuned as to how this mess progresses.